
Demon Slayer: The Pillar of life

The Life Pillar, known to be the nicest pillar in the demon slayer corps. In truth, he was from earth and reincarnated in Demon Slayer through the work of a god, in this world he strives to change the death of others and make a happy ending worthy of the life pillar. Note: This is Au when concerning some character timelines because of vague information. {Note Wish fulfillment, I will do my best to get the original characters personalty}

Kagethewriter · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The mark of the strongest Pillar's journey.

I am now five years old. I had my birthday last week although I guess in this world birthdays are not celebrated much, because it was not like earth but I didn't mind.Over the five years, things have been peaceful until today. Today my father told me I will finally train for the Breath of life, or Life Breathing, they're both the same thing.

I have figured out a few things in the meantime, my family does not go outside much at all, why? We only have one successor per a generation, our life breathing also takes generations to improve so my family usually don't take risks like Pillars or Demon Slayers who go out regularly, we take special missions, of course I have to become a pillar even though my family won't like it, I got no choice, a deity asked me.

Right now I'm in the training yard which contains a small pond full of fish and nothing else besides all kinds of wooden swords and weapons laying on the ground. It was pretty big though.

My dad was holding a wooden stick in front of me intending on showing me some of the forms.

"Listen, Ochi the form we practice needs a large capacity, so we do only breath and lung training for now, I will show you some of the moves everyday."

"But first, I will talk about the Breathing Styles and their origin, so hundreds of years ago, a man appeared, his talent was monstrous and he made the breathing styles people use today, except for our Breathing Style. Our ancestor was a close friend of that man, but he wanted to create something of equal level to that man's original breathing style and he could not do that with his skills so he created a breathing style that evolves through generations with each generation improving their own abilities and the Breathing Style limits, and each generation adds one more form within their lifetime."

'That is smart but slow, the ancestor created a style that could one day equal the Sun Breathing Style and over power it through evolution, fits the name.'

I thought while listening, it was a unique and powerful style but it takes centuries for it to show it's full potential.

"The Breath of life is a breathing style to fit every situation, unlike the Water breathing style which changes to adapt to the environment, our style is fit for anything at anytime, so each form will fit the time and place but some may not work as well as others, this is because each generation improved their own form through decades of work and then the next generation inherits that work and make a new form, that's why each form can be used anywhere no matter what!"

{Please note: I did not take this style of passing the forms and improving them from the original generation to the next from Hitman Reborn, only saw that after someone commented on it, so ya I did not know about that. Just made this breathing on the spot when writing this.}

'That is powerful, So I can use any form for any situation instead of changing styles to fit the situation if I'm in the middle of using a form, but still forms have their own flaws even if they can be used anywhere.'

"But this can be said only in theory, in reality some forms will not fit every environment but they were made to, meaning just improve your own judgements skills for using the right form to increase your odds the best, I will now show you the first form, {Flowing Life}"

He then bent down while holding his sword below his waist like an upward slash, he then dashed forward towards me but it was weird, his toes kept moving individually and his joints kept changing pace but he kept gaining speed.

He flew past me leaving an image of a calming view of the earth, calm rivers and wind, huge mountains flushed with grass and crops, it was perfect.

'So this is what demons and humans see when some demon slayers use some of their moves, it's amazing!'

Soon the imagery turned back to the normal view and I looked behind me to see some of the wooden stands destroyed, they were cut in half and my dad stood there with his wooden sword hanging from his hand.

"Haha, like what you saw, this is a thing to achieve the most speed and attack, but it's straightforward and cannot be used against extremely tough demons. You use the oxygen and spread it to your whole body while focusing on your legs, and all at once move in sync perfecting every single movement between your joins and toes, the toes move in accordance with the joints to gain flexibility, this allows you to continuously move while attacking and to keep attacking while gaining power and speed, it also helps with moving in different directions instead of going straight,"

It was a form made for speed and attack speed, so you continuously gain speed either way from attack to running and it improves momentum power while standing still or blocking.

"That is cool."

I said, though my face was still calm which made his face twitch.

" *Sigh* Now let's start the breathing exercise, but first I need to get Okikame, our medical helper."

Suddenly a calm voice came out from the house with very thin sliding doors.

"I'm already here."

It was a girl with full white clothes and she was wearing a black and white mask.

I could not see her fully but she was skinny from her clothes and she had pink eyes, a rare color I assume and she was around 5'9, all in all her only notable feature was her eyes and the clothes.

"Nice to see you Okikame, check his lungs and veins, make sure they're in good shape."

The girl nodded and went towards me, she bowed before kneeling.

"Young Master Ochitsuite, I apologize but I have to lift up your shirt and check your veins and lungs by the order of Master Churi. So allow me to check."

I was surprised at her attitude because she's like those pillars before the leader of the Demon Corps.

'Hmm, it seems all the people here are under our family, and they're very loyal, none of them talk to me so I never knew their names, this is the first one to actually talk to me.'

Seeing I was silent my dad laughed misunderstanding my silence.

"Come on Ochi, no need to be afraid, she's the doctor at our little place and she's one of the hotties here, mayb-"

Before he could continue a pan came out of a sliding door hitting my dad in the face.

"Be quiet!"

My mother yelled from behind the sliding door, she then closed it with a humph.

I looked at him as the pan was stuck onto his face before sliding off.

His face was red and I could tell it hurt a lot.

He looked very serious as he then looked towards me and Okikame who were chuckling.

"Son, your mother may have created the most dangerous Breathing Style ever created so don't get on her bad side, look at what happened to me."

He whispered to me as he pointed to his face and Okikame bursted out laughing as I chuckled even more.

It took a minute for all of us to calm down and after that Okikame checked out my lungs and veins which are essential for breathing styles.

"Hmm, Master Churi, his body is in top shape thanks to the medical bath along with the generation improvement, he is three times stronger for his age and his lung and vein capacity are two times better than his age. His senses are amazing, his senses seem to be three better than his age, especially his eyesight coordination. He should be able to learn the techniques and be strong enough by the age of ten to go out if he has talent."

Hearing this, he was shocked.

"That ain't fair, my senses were only two times improved by the time I was that age, and his is three times better!?"

He screamed and then looked at me.

"Brat you better surpass me! Or I make dinner everyday!"

Hearing him say make and dinner in the same sentence made me almost puke because of the last time he made food so I nodded eargerly

"Is my cooking that bad?"

Seeing me shake my head up and down he asked Okikame but she just looked away.

Dad, seeing the both of us just sighed.

"Alright starting from today, I get better at cooking and Ochi, you start our breathing exercise, I will show you how."

And I had to sit with my dad for hours learning the exercise which is very weird because I was used to letting my body do it naturally but I kinda got the hang of it.

I then practiced it everyday until a year later where I started learning the forms of the breathing style.

The style had a lot of movements especially around the joints so I trained everyday until I fell down tired.

Until it was the day before my birthday.

I went out to the training yard like normal, I had long green hair and had a skinny body showing my ribs and I looked extremely thin but my muscles being three times more powerful made my body even in power with other people of my age, this body was mainly for speed since my body is not at the right age to gain a bunch of muscles.

My height right now is around 5'2, I still think it's pretty tall for my age so I think I was pretty tall for my age which is only ten.

It was morning time, so I walked into the courtyard like normal with nothing but some baggy white pants and I sensed some other people, usually only my dad or mom comes here with me but everyone is here today.

I saw my dad next to a huge boulder and he saw me coming in and smiled.

"Alright Ochi, today is your test day, cut through this boulder with one slash and one try and if you can I will allow you to leave for the final selection happening within one or two weeks."

My dad pointed his fingers to the huge boulder two times taller than me and at least a little bit bigger than Tanjiro's bouder.

'I knew there was gonna be a test but ain't this too hard, I will have to be in perfect sync to cut it so I guess I get it done right now.'

I thought and nodded to dad who backed off leaving only the boulder in front of me. I walked forward until I was within slicing distance and I got ready for the one perfect slash.

I closed my eyes and held my katana up high, I breathed in deep and let all the oxygen flow through my body, through every crack, muscle, cell and I strengthened the main parts of my body, mainly my muscles.

I let my body and mind become one as I cut off all unnecessary thoughts and relied on focus, pure focus.

The world disappeared from my senses as I saw only the boulder within my senses, I stepped forward feeling the cold ground below me and the calm wind blowing around me, the warm sun gazing upon me, I was truly in a realm of calmness.

"Fifth Form! Unstoppable Force!"

I said silently and the world appeared clearer than before as I opened my eyes which seemed to glow and my green katana cut through the air, the air seemed to move out of the way before my katana as it came down like an unstoppable force moving everything out of the way.

My body bones, muscles, and joints strengthened as my sword came in contact with the boulder and I continued in perfect synchronization.

My arm veins grew as my legs cracked under the abnormal air pressure I was spreading throughout my body.

My katana left a glowing wave of green like nature itself as it slashed through the boulder with a clean cut right down the middle.

Everyone went wide-eyed as my sword cut through the boulder and smoke came from the glowing green blade.

I went out of my calm trance and saw everything clear as day, my senses were even better as I felt more powerful for some reason.

As I was wondering, a scale-like black mark appeared on the back of my neck in the form of a three leaf clover.

I smiled because my efforts finally made progress. This was the mark of my journey to the top of this world and the death of Muzan.