
Demon Slayer: The Pillar of life

The Life Pillar, known to be the nicest pillar in the demon slayer corps. In truth, he was from earth and reincarnated in Demon Slayer through the work of a god, in this world he strives to change the death of others and make a happy ending worthy of the life pillar. Note: This is Au when concerning some character timelines because of vague information. {Note Wish fulfillment, I will do my best to get the original characters personalty}

Kagethewriter · Anime & Comics
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The birth of the Life Pillar.

'Death feels so cold'

Go I thought as I felt darkness consume me, I was quite sad since I was hoping to watch the second season of demon slayer before I died but it did not work out well. I read the manga in full so I'm happy even though I wanted to see the animation.

Do the gods hate me or something?. I just wanted to see the animation!

I was just skydiving above some land but my parachute messed up, but I felt calm throughout the whole thing. I was always calm for some reason and that made a lot of people tell me I'm weird. I felt emotions but being calm for me was the best, anger leads to problems, being happy leads to different variables and being calm just made it easier to think most of the time. I tried my best to be nice even though I never showed much emotion to helping people, but I could laugh naturally, it was the only thing I truly enjoyed expressing.

My parents named me John Trix, my family wasn't rich but they tried their best even though my parents were always busy so I never got much love but I did not mind, I understood their troubles and didn't bother them much. I just stayed in my room and watched and read anime, novels, webnovels, fanfics and all that shenanigans so I never really knew them since they died when I was around ten, I was an orphan who got adopted by my uncle Roger.

What caused me to die was that I turned twenty last month. Ever since I was fifteen I earned some money from part time jobs and since I passed college exams I used some money and decided to do skydiving which ended up with me dying in a painful way, but the debt from college would have killed me later so I think of this as an early debt collection.

I do not know what happens after death, no one does, because well the people are dead, it ain't like they can speak up and say "I saw a naked girl waving at me, I think it was my dead wife." so this was all new but it was too dark and boring. I would even be happy with a dog person waving but not even that is here.

'Can you keep thinking in death? I have been thinking about my life for like twenty seconds so Probably? '

Suddenly a voice answered my thought.

"Normally no, but in this case yes, after all it was my fault you got killed."

A voice that sounded hoarse, it was deep but bored, it sounded weird.

"Wait your fault?"

I asked, hearing him say it's his fault I was intrigued.

"Yes my fault, I messed with the strings of fate, because I wanted to speed up something in the human world, but your death was a consequence of that, mostly because you were in the air at that time, humanity has been destroying the world too fast, so we gods mess with the chemicals in the air to evolve the earth faster to withstand those changes, this causes most parachutes to fail or planes to crash but hey your sacrifice is in the greater good for humanity hehe."

'Well that's a stupid end, wish it was something better but I can't do anything about a deity so I just accept it'

He continued speaking.

"Now I'm gonna make this clear, I'm not gonna be like those novels and such and say due to my mistake you get this and this, and please forgive me bullshit, why would me a god with godly powers bend down to a mortals level haha and no one cares about a little mishap like you who is surprisingly too calm, only reason your existence has not been obliterated from the void is because I wanted you to go to another universe and fucking fix a sad and happy ending!"

I was surprised at his sudden outburst but other than that, what ending would even make a deity curse?

"What do you mean about this universe and it's ending?"

A universe made by a deity and he's personally asking me, who wouldn't be a little surprised.

"You see, I made a copy of a manga or anime whichever you prefer to call it, called Demon Slayer, I reincarnate you and you be two years older than Giyu when he is born, making it when he joins the final selection around the age of 13 you be 15, this is the perfect age for yo7 t9 save some dead characters but you will not be able to go outside and explore the world during that time, you will spend 10 years inside a little domain on the side of a mountain near the finals selection place which wards off demons, there you would train under with a breath of your choice you request with a few buffs or cheats, it can be any breath imaginable, and you also have to become a pillar before the main character joins that and just changing the ending is all you have to do."

Hearing his words, I was surprised, but also excited. Who wouldn't be? And I would happily agree since I also hated that ending even though it was wonderful, it was just so sad.

So I thought for a couple of seconds, I could just wish for overpowered stuff but it's the demon slayer world so I assume it has to be within human rights so I go with what I have in mind.

"Alright, I want the Breath of Life or Life Breathing as my breathing style, this style needs a human body with great recovery and stamina with the addition of having great eye coordination and extreme senses, also make it on par with the Sun breathing style. I want green hair and eyes, that's all, and if you could, can you provide a body with more strength than normal."

This was pretty much what I wanted, I need a lot of little cheats to fight demons especially Muzan and six eye dude.

"Alright done, I add a little aura of calmness to you as well to affect those around you, it will make people trust you easier, now with your strength after 10 years you should be able to become a pillar very easily. I add a little backstory as well and within at least one year you can become a pillar, just don't disappoint me! Bye"

After he said that I disappeared from the void.

"Good luck, I wonder how you save some of the characters, your age is perfect for three early ones, but be careful of one of them, he's dangerous."

The deity said out to no one before disappearing as well.


I still saw darkness as I heard him say bye, but I felt warmth and a hand, it seems I'm now a baby which is fine with me, gives me more time to train.

Remembering what just happened I realized that I acted way out of this world from dying to meeting a deity then appearing in another world.

' I think I might be adapting too well, I just went with the flow, a minute ago I died and now I'm in another world, maybe because of the calmness? Maybe…Well enough about that I wonder what weapon I would want, I don't want any old Katana, maybe a scythe or a katana with a chain like that one guy but scythe is kinda overrated except in this world which only has little scythes. I should get a big one.'

I thought for a moment but decided to wait until I learned my breathing style. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't open them so I stopped trying.

'Hmm, it seems they are not like others and make babies cry in the case the baby doesn't cry when they're born, I wonder who my dad or mom is.'

These questions were answered after a month of being reincarnated.

My name in this world was Ochitsuite Higuri. My Father is Churi Higuri and my mom is Jen Higuri. Our family only produces one baby each generation, the wife or husband comes from the outside, but it's generally who you love which is good for me, I don't like forced marriages.

{PS: Just think of it like Ochi for now}

My father had short green hair with scars all over his arms and legs. He was about 6'2 and extremely handsome. He was eccentric and fun to see when he talks with my mom.

My mother was petite standing at 5'6 and was mostly pale with skinny arms, but she had her own calming charm. She had dark green eyes and long brown hair while my father only had green in his hair and eyes. She was calmer than my dad but had a temper.

I mostly inherited my dad's side because of how our family works so I had pure green hair and eyes.

My house was embedded in the side of a step hill filled with the flowers which wards off demons and the air here was very thin, like so thin I had trouble breathing from the moment I realized how thin it was but I got used to it, it also had a training ground, waterfall, and even its own little farm. It looked like a Japanese place for royals like that guy who commands the pillars and demon slayers, I forgot his name. Everyone's names in Demon Slayer were far too long for me, I like simple names.

Currently I'm watching my dad practice the breath style and I was watching very closely.

My father wielded a pure green Katana or Nichrin Sword, and he did some pretty awesome moves, it was like I could actually see the green waves when he swung it, like when Rengoku swung his sword, it could be seen as fire.

'Hmm, but I can tell it's only effects, and others are not saying anything about it, so am I the only one to see the effects?'

I wanted to get a better look as he swung his sword so I wiggled a little to the side and saw four Kakushi were sitting down watching my dad while I looked to the side was an old man, since his white hair popped out of his head, he wore the mask that all blacksmith wore and he seemed to be staring at me very intently.

'He's so creepy! Why does he always stare at me when I'm out here?'

Maybe he was a pedo? That sounds plausible.

Well besides the creepy guy, the other four were the only people here besides me and my parents. The person who makes the weapons is the pedo, one gets resources from outside like clothes, herbs and the such, one farms to keep our food in check, one repairs the stuff around the house and anything else need repairing, and I'm pretty sure the other one is like a scout because he acts like a ninja around me and is always in the shadows.

I was glad I could see, it seems my eyes and ears are much better than my past life, and I was only a baby. I wonder what my senses will be like when I'm older.

They also bathe me in this herb water every day, I don't know the use but it feels like it's attacking my skin. But each day I feel more refreshed so I don't mind it.

Now about my family history, it's a little weird but it makes sense for what I asked for from the deity.

My family inherits the breath of life which was created from my ancestor and not Yoriichi who wielded the Breath of the sun and made most breathing techniques. Our breathing technique is not inferior but requires a very strong body.

So since our ancestor's generation, each generation strengthened the only successor and made them strong through generations and now here I am, it explains my increased abilities that I wished for, but I wonder if my ancestor was as powerful as Yoriichi.

'Probably not'

It was a known fact that no one can come close to him, even me with these medium cheats probably can only fight him a bit evenly, he's just that powerful.

Well what I'm worried about is the timeline and future events.

'I am going to kill the hand demon before he kills Makomo or Sabito. I think Makomo takes the test when she's 13 and Sabito should be around 12 when that happens. They look around the same age but I think Makomo dies before Sabito.'{I'm just basing off of what I seen, this part of the story wasn't really explained, especially Makomo}

I kept wondering about the ages since I needed to do some things in order to help out some pillars and demon slayers, mainly the Shinobu sisters and Sabito, along with Makomo.

'So I'm going to take it at 10 or 11 making Sabito around 8 or 9 basically, so when Makomo completes it I be around 15 since she be 14 I think, her age was never really declared but she died before Sabito, So I'm probably gonna be around 23 by the time the main story starts, I wonder if Sabito and Makomo will become Pillars.'

I had so many things to do but my age is quite perfect for the time events, I feel sad about Gyomei and Shinobu's parents but there is not much I can do to help them at my future age when those events happen, and finding them is hard enough.

'I wanted to be older anyways and 23 is the perfect time, basically I will be in my prime at 23 and I will have fully perfected my techniques.'

After thinking that, I was determined to change the futures and save all the important characters, and just like that five years passed in a blink of an eye.