
Demon Slayer: The Pillar of life

The Life Pillar, known to be the nicest pillar in the demon slayer corps. In truth, he was from earth and reincarnated in Demon Slayer through the work of a god, in this world he strives to change the death of others and make a happy ending worthy of the life pillar. Note: This is Au when concerning some character timelines because of vague information. {Note Wish fulfillment, I will do my best to get the original characters personalty}

Kagethewriter · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ochi's training part 1/2


Sorry I've been sick these past days along with two projects so things have been ruff around here.

Urokodaki Pov!


When we got to the hill, I left them alone and Sabito along with Makomo immediately understood and started running while Ochi stood there


Have you got a girlfriend yet?!

Seriously, you're getting old after you retire and you still don't have a girlfriend. So get a girlfriend or a wife like me!. There is not even another Water Pillar so make some babies and make one! but anyways I'm sending my son to you so he has a place to stay before the final selection but you will have some questions when you first meet him and let me say this, his body has been refined to abnormality.

Even in our family his senses are in another world along with his talent but either way his body would make him on par with lower moons once he's older, but he did something over the five years which shocked me, he trained only his technique while only eating nutrient balls made by Juniki the ninja sent to our clan. So his stomach is extremely small making space for his abnormally large lungs, he's probably always hungry and could only eat something near the size of a steak due to his size.

Now why his body is so skinny is because it has no fat nor muscle, this was because he only trained in technique and he will train his muscle later but his current bones, muscles, and senses are trained to the max for his current body, he tore his current muscles so many times that they became strong enough to endure his relentless training, his senses have been refined to his small body, his speed is great but he is very easily defeated when hit, he says it helps him the best way for his young age which is true for his current age. He spends time on his best aspects in the early age and then will hone his body when he starts growing which might even up his original destination growth.

I even taught him the form which I have made from parts of all the previous forms, but it was a unperfected method, a form called {Sight of the Void}

{AN: Name changes later since it ain't having anything to do with life}

This form allows you to use all your senses and make a new sense, this method requires you to control you organs, muscles, blood veins, lungs, and the air going to your brain with absolute calmness and perfection, so he has learned to do some of it from what I taught him but I can't teach him any more than that because I never learned it fully so he needs to be taught rough so help him understand the senses and his body better while he's there.

Also I heard you got a new student close to his age which is a girl, if she's pretty try to hook them up! I believe in you!

YOUR BEST FRIEND: The best of the best. Churi.


I crumpled the paper in my hand.

'That damn Churi! I'm surprised you haven't rubbed your awful personality on your son, but his body is also very acceptable to colds with him having nothing but skin and refined flesh on those bones, I reckon after he starts perfecting the final technique of all of the styles he start growing muscle since he spent four years honing the techniques along with his senses making them perfect with his current body so he have to adapt the way.'

I believed in his power but was worried because one fatal move would kill him, even with his abnormal body, that relies on his strength and since he has no muscles capable of blocking blows that abnormal strength means nothing when facing a vital blow, but he does have some interesting weapons.

'The backsmith at their house is one of the best since he folds a weapon over years making it unbreakable, some say he even made some of the hashira weapons but that was only a rumor from a random demon slayer, I could check if it's true but it's time consuming.'

While thinking I threw even more rocks at greater force towards Ochi's arm but he dodged it with little momentum.

'Hmm, I see so that's how he dodges. Alright I got the perfect training course for him. These traps and hills won't faze him at his level so I take this training part of his course.'

I could tell Ochi dodged by relying on the vibrations in the air along with his eye coordination, his ears are so sensitive that when he sees something and looks away, his ears are focused on those things he put his mind to allowing him to sense if a thing comes from behind him or not but this has a fatal flaw, although he refined his sense if one is cut off then their synchronization is messed up running his whole performance.

So I decided to help him in that regard along with relying on a few senses at a time.

'Well time to start'

By the time I made up my mind, the three were up at the top of the hill.

Ochi Pov.


'This damned devil!'

I yelled in my mind as Urokodaki punched my stomach, I'm currently blindfolded and I have also cut off my sense of smell and hearing because I was ordered too! Tanjrio didn't have to go through this. Why do I!?

Taste and touch were the only senses I have left, I only been in here for three days and on the first day the first thing he said to me was.

"You rely too much on your senses, your senses have made your power on another level, your senses allow synchronization between your weapons, techniques and your body. But if one is even a little behind the whole thing falls down so we are going to train each thing on its own without synchronization! Of course I need to go harder on you since you are more powerful than your peers."

After that we tried and trained, and right now I'm getting absolutely destroyed by him.

A hour passed as I breathed out as I fell down on the ground, meaning my body had finally reached its limit.

I turned on my sense of smell and hearing back while Urokodaki took off my blindfold.

"Hmm you're doing better, now you can be in sync without two of your senses and each of your singular skills without the other have improved to an adequate level, so we stop here. Sense of taste is almost useless when facing demons and I don't reckon demons can take away more than your hearing or eyesight. So practice on your own from now on."

Hearing those words I was happy but was also frustrated that my weaknesses were huge.

'But it was true I relied on syncing my body along with my amazing senses, add this to my weapons they were in harmony but without the synchronization by power decreased by a bit and I can't do some techniques properly but due to this training over the past three days I can do things without syncing, it was like when i cut the boulder everything was in sync but now I reckon I could cut it without being in sync. This sync is also part of the twelfth form I'm trying to learn.'

I thought for a little bit before someone picked me up from being on the ground, the old man just left since he knew someone would pick me up.

"Young Master Ochi, I have prepared your bed and clothes, you've been training for over ten hours so it's time for rest."

I looked up and realized it was night, my sight has been gone for five hours so I never knew that is was night, I train for around ten hours everyday or until my body gives up, this is how I learned how to sync perfectly and how I learned the forms without talent in learning them but I also relied on my senses a lot but now I don't have to as hard.

'Sight of the void, I think I understand it.'

I thought of something and decided to do something risky.

"Hey Juniki, I will be going inside the forest to a quiet spot for the rest of the time since I'm finally free of training, could you follow me there and come back by the time before the final selection?"

I asked, I was going into meditation to mess with my body for a while, that requires a certain palace where I can fully focus.

"If I know what you're thinking then I will scout the place and get rid of any animals that could disturb you. Don't worry, I shall help you in this endeavor of reaching a new level, that's what I was born to do."

Juniki was really nice, unlike Urokodaki, that devil.

We both then went back to the hut which could hold six people.

I went to bed in the corner while curled up as Juniki watched me with slit eyes, he was sleeping with his eyes open, it was annoying.


Tomorrow I headed off with Juniki after telling Makomo, Sabito and Urokodaki what I'm going to do and Urokodaki thought it was a good idea so he sent us off.

Me and Juniki traveled for a bit before finding a cave with a waterfall in front of it keeping it closed from outsiders, he left the clothes bag and food bag with me and then left.

I was alone in a cave with no sounds except for the calm waterfall.

I shut off my senses and then started thinking inside my mind.

It was a very dark reality with nothing but blackness, it was quite.

It seems I'm going to have a bad week.