
Demon Slayer: The Pillar of life

The Life Pillar, known to be the nicest pillar in the demon slayer corps. In truth, he was from earth and reincarnated in Demon Slayer through the work of a god, in this world he strives to change the death of others and make a happy ending worthy of the life pillar. Note: This is Au when concerning some character timelines because of vague information. {Note Wish fulfillment, I will do my best to get the original characters personalty}

Kagethewriter · Anime & Comics
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The end of a goodbye and the start of a new Journey

Daily Information!

Life Breathing From 8: Calm Before the storm: Using the moment when a person blinks and attacks you, you use all your power to go into their blindspot along with synchronization in the environment allowing you to cut off their heads from behind with full force.

AUTHOR NOTE: Yall are scaring me with these collections, but thanks a lot, ask any questions if you want to, I hope I don't disappoint yall!


It was finally my birthday, so I was excited. I also need to make a stop on my way and good thing my family has almost any information any of the demon slayer has.

I got up and stretched for a bit before my door slid open revealing the ninja Kakushi who kneeled and bowed when he saw me.

"Greetings master Ochi, I have prepared some breakfast and clothes for the journey. In this bag are many nutrient balls hand crafted by me, and the clothes were made by Shigu so they're tear resistant and resistant to fire, cold, and the environment.

He presented a bag full of rice looking balls and another bag of neat clothes, I could tell he took time in this so I was happy.

"Thank you Juniki, has Rishin made the weapons I requested?"

"The unique weapon you requested gave Rishin a hard time since he never made anything like that before, but he has finished the Scythe with a long blade and curve, and the Chained Tachi has also been made and as you requested it has a thin chain which can go around your arm and lengthen giving you range and control."

He bowed again after answering, all of the servants or people under my family have different personalities but Juniki has the most loyal personality that makes talking awkward.

Now about the weapons, I wanted these two weapons because I wanted something similar to Gyomei's weapon but I only need one weapon instead of two which are connected to chains, because I want to always attack while having a powerful weapon being the scythe and a long controllable ranged weapon being the chain Tachi and a small controllable chain gives me that, I also want to throw the tachi into a demon and yell "Get over here!".{This does not apply to real life lmao, its demon slayer, you see why he wants a chain later that is curved.}

"Thanks Juniki. Alright let's go."

I tried to grab the two bags but Juniki stopped me.

"Let me, after all I will be following you until the final selection so it's the least I could do."

I wanted to say no but I knew it was futile so I gave in and just said ok.

We then went towards the entrance where everyone was waiting.

My dad walked towards me.

"Hey Ochi, today is your final day here sadly, and I asked someone to give you a place to camp for a while until you head out for the final selection and in addition Juniki is going to go with you in case you meet any demons that you can't handle, after all his power is just below a Hashira and he wields a derived version of Life Breathing called Breath of Nature, I personally taught him since he was young but his body couldn't handle Life breathing, only our bloodline can so he made that. He will be with you until final selection."

I looked at Juniki in surprise because I never heard that, I just thought he was a ninja.

He cupped his fist and bowed.

"Don't worry Master Ochi, I will protect you at all cost!"

My eyes twitched at his loyalty, like why can't you have a little bit of oneself inside you and not just myself? Does that make sense? Oh I don't know, I've been going crazy in this place because of these guys' special personalities.

"Alright let's show you the weapons you requested, Rishin!"

My dad yelled out. An old man came forward with a big cushion carrying my 5ft scythe with a 4ft blade and a long blade with chains attached at the bottom of the handle.

They were marvelous so I thanked him.

"Thanks for making these Rishin, I know they must have been hard to make but thank you."

Steam came out of his head as he looked away.

"B-Brat just pick these up and get out of here, I just did what I was ordered to!."

I rolled my eyes, yep he's a tsundere, I learned that when I met him when I had to request the weapons, it was difficult to say.

I picked up the scythe with one hand although it was a little heavy but due to my strong body it was possible with one hand and I was surprising light for its size.. Slowly the blade turned pure green, it was beautiful but where was I supposed to put it on my body?{Scythe here but the red parts are pure green and its a little bit longer with a longer curved blade.}

As if he was reading my mind Rishin spoke up.

"Oh also I made this little thing on the back of the scythe, it hooks onto your clothes and won't come off unless you pull it up, so just don't break it, it took me months just to get the wielding down so you better be thankful and your color is always a unique one, even your dad didn't have this pure green on his weapons, I think your the first one with this shade."

Listening to him I hooked it on the back of my green kimono and it worked wonderfully, it was neat but I don't think logic works that way. Well logic was thrown out the window the moment I saw waving green energy. I didn't listen to the end of his sentence since that was just him rambling.

I then picked up the Tachi and whipped it around again making the chains rise up and wrap around my arm.{Tachi here but its pure green and a longer blade.}

Rishin, seeing me, turned around and got something out from behind him and gave it to me.

"Here's the sheathe, the chains will either have to be tied around your arm or waist, so it's your choice where you want the chains to be when the Tachi is sheathed."

I took the sheathe and hooked it around my waist before I put the tachi into it and I kept the chains on my arms.

Suddenly someone started speaking inside my head.

{Deity here, seems you have some unique weapons, so I help a litte, the chains will always be wrapped around your arm when it is unsheathed or not, unless you want to put it up and not have it on you. This way you won't have to always bother putting it around your arm when it's sheathed. I make it look normal to outsiders}

After that appeared within my mind the chains and my arm seemed to move in synchronization like they were born together, it was awesome because it's even better than training years with it.

'Is that deity gay? Does he like me and keeps giving me these cheats so he can have my body!?"

I thought worriedly, like what else is there to explain it, he wants me to train my body in this world and enjoy it!


A loud voice yelled in my mind, so it seems he is not gay.

Well ingoring the gay deity the tachi was very neat and it felt very comfortable so i was quite happy.

'Now I have a powerful close range weapon and a long range weapon.'

I was prepared, I honed my mind, my skills, and even my body to the most in the past five years, but I'm not nearly powerful enough to fight the upper demons so I need to get more powerful until the start of the main story.

It was time for goodbyes so I hugged my parents.

"Ochi, come back for me and your father, we both tried to make you strong, strong enough to protect yourself, so come back please."

My mom said sniffling and my dad hugged me tighter.

"Listen, get a beautiful girl and marry her, I can tell you all the ways of how to make a girl fall in love with you so -"

My mom whacked his back making him hug me tighter.

The people around us laughed and I heard some crying but it was truly peaceful.

"Alright, it's time to let you go, Juniki, remember what I taught you, if you ever see a beautiful woman that might be interested in him, then make the perfect moment alright?"

Dad asked after he let go of me and Juniki nodded before cupping his fist.

So it was the final day here, of course I can come back but it feels like a goodbye, but I can't cry….It was a truly lonely feeling that I couldn't fit in anywhere, I was…..cursed but I didn't care I need to become stronger for the people around me and the people of this world so I can't worry about this worthless curse.

With Juniki following me I left while waving to the people and soon the doors closed behind us leaving me to see a beautiful landscape with a brown path in front of us going down a mountain.

I ran down the past ready to get started on my journey.

Juniki followed close behind me with his sheathed katana and stayed beside me as we ran down the path.

"Master Ochi, everyone knows you tried your best to get stronger and show emotions so don't think that we don't know you're sad, even if tears don't come out we know you are sad to leave the house. Just don't blame yourself, this calmness is not a curse or sadness, it's a part of you so if you want to change it do it gradually so you don't break yourself. Alright?"

He asked as I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

'Are you guys mind readers!?'

I wanted to ask that but I just nodded with a tint of warmness in my heart but this situation feels a little cringe, I feel like a mc of a novel or something that has a warm moments but that's fine, besides them being mind readers it's nice to have people who care about you so I will do my best to make it where the people who don't have caring people should, and I forgot to ask who's going to take me to a resting place.

We ran for about five minutes before I saw three people, an man wearing a red mask and two kids around my age, one with black hair and one with orange hair.

I was surprised to see them because they were the people I was gonna stop on the way to the final selection. I wanted to meet them for future events but it seems my dad has lots of connections.

'Sabito and Makomo, I forgot the old man's name but I like his personality.'

Juniki and I both stopped before the three.

The old man stared at my clothes as the kids were standing there. Mokomo just had an unfocused expression and Sabito had a curious expression.

" Hey Urokodaki! Is this the people we're waiting for? That's a weird weapon? What is it!?"

Sabito kept asking and Urokodaki hit his head.

"Be quiet in front of the guest, that big weapon is a Scythe, a long ranged weapon normally used for gardening, no one has ever made it into a weapon because it uses up a lot of stamina."

Sabito rubbed his head as Makomo chuckled a little.

After their interaction, I went forward and bowed along with Juniki.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ochi Higuri, thank you for coming."

I decided to say my name is Ochi because my original name was too long, I don't really like long names, it's hard to remember.

Juniki remained silent, now that I think about it, I never saw him without his ninja outfit but I say he's around twenty, never would have thought he was a demon slayer.

"Nice to meet you Ochi, I'm Sakonji Urokodaki, this girl here is Makomo and this orange haired boy is Sabito. I owed a favor to your father and he asked me to help you gain fighting experience and to give you a place to stay. I will also teach you some things about demons and help you practice your new weapons."

He said as he looked around and then he started sniffing, I could hear him smelling, I could hear the breaths of the people within a five meter range, this was unlocked yesterday I could pick up things that are very hard to pick up with just my senses.

"Alright let's go, I will be stern with you so don't whine or back talk, my hut is a day away if we walk so let's run."

He then started jogging although it was as fast as running and Sabito along with Makomo already were following him.

I started running leaving Juniki alone but he soon came beside me.

The air was fresh and beautiful. I felt quite happy meeting these two characters after all most people in demon slayer besides a few have nice personalities and I like those types of people.

I looked at Makomo and Sabito closely, my eyes seemed to glow for a second.

'Don't worry, I shall make it where you guys live, then I need to rise up in ranks and become a hashira where I can get information easily, after all there are a lot of people I need to help.'

It was a long journey but I'm prepared....I guess.