
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 95 Death of Kaigaku (1/3)

Fujikasane Mountain.

In the forest.

Boom! Boom!

A huge dark green figure was slowly moving between the trees.

In front, there was a black figure that was constantly fleeing.

Not far away.

Behind a tree.

"...What is... that?" The girl opened her eyes wide, her pupils trembling violently, and the huge figure of the Hand Demon was reflected in her eyes:

"A demon... is it a demon?"

She swallowed, breathing rapidly:

"Are the demons in the assessment... all so powerful?"

She shakily held the Nichirin Sword at her waist.

Her gaze was on the black figure that was fleeing rapidly.

Her short twin ponytails swayed slightly, and a trace of fear appeared on her resolute face.


Her blue eyes showed a look of fear.

- I can't save him!

In her heart.

The scene of her family being slaughtered by demons reappeared, the girl stared straight at everything not far in front of her, gradually becoming dull on the spot.

Her hand holding the hilt of the sword was trembling, but she didn't have the courage to pull it out of the scabbard.

Her legs were as if they were filled with lead.

Unable to take a step forward.

Tears silently slid down her cheeks, falling on the short grass leaves next to her.

Everything I... did to become a swordsman...

...Was it all, in vain...?


"...I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

The girl named Kanzaki Aoi covered her ears, scared to squat behind the tree, constantly shaking her head, whispering.

She bit her teeth, and tears kept pouring out of her eyes.

"...Isn't this... the same as accomplishing nothing..."



Thump thump thump!!

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Kaigaku's face was filled with terror, he kept an eye on the direction behind him, constantly sprinting forward, panting heavily.

I've never heard of it, I've never heard of it!

Why would there be such a big demon in Fujikasane Mountain?!

His pupils shrank to a point, the huge dark green shadow was slowly wriggling behind him.

Boom! Boom!

"...Little demon, don't just think about running away."

The thick palm replaced the foot to support the body, moving forward step by step:

"I've been here... for a full 45 years..."

The cold tone was unhurried, as if he was not afraid of Kaigaku escaping from his hand at all:

"Ever since that damned Urokodaki caught me..."

"I've already... eaten more than 50 people."



—50 people?!

Kaigaku's face turned pale, he clenched his teeth, constantly adjusting his breathing rhythm, the speed of his alternating legs kept increasing.

Are the other members of the Demon Slayer Corps idiots?!

How could they allow a demon who has eaten so many people to be in the selection exam for the corps?!

While speaking.

"I know what you're thinking..."

Numerous arms entwined, tightly holding the Hand Demon's neck, he spoke proficiently:

"Every year during the selection, I only eat one or two people."

"Completely undetected..."


Hand Demon laughed grimly, stretched out several arms, like a swelling tumor, they melted and fused together, gathering strength and swelling, aiming at Kaigaku's fleeing back:

"Among them... there are thirteen."

His eyes curved at a strange angle, decades of imprisonment had long twisted the hatred in his heart, becoming more oppressive:

"They are just like you, Urokodaki's disciples...!"

"Everyone... is in my stomach."

"You will be the fourteenth."

After saying this, Hand Demon laughed triumphantly, stood in place, quietly watching Kaigaku's fleeing back, no longer advancing.

Hehe, get angry, resist.

A hint of excitement appeared in Hand Demon's eyes.

But, after waiting for a while.

He found out.

Kaigaku actually didn't look back, he continued to run straight, even running farther and farther.


Under his thin skin, the blue muscles were clearly visible, and the blood vessels crawled grotesquely.

A look of confusion rarely appeared on his face.

—What's wrong with this little fox?

According to the past, when he said these words.

Those little fox would show a very angry expression.

Then one by one they lost their sanity, desperately counterattacking without any tactics.

In the end—due to the mistakes caused by anger, they were caught by him, the expression on their faces gradually turned into delicious despair...

Swallowed by him.

Urokodaki's disciple died once again.

Even those two from a few years ago, who made him gain a lot of strength at once, also died like this.

After recalling the usual practice of previous years, Hand Demon looked at Kaigaku's increasingly distant back, and his heart became annoyed.

—You should do this! Little demon!



Hand Demon's eyebrows furrowed, angry veins spread along his forehead, his palm slapped the ground hard.


The dark green cyst that had been accumulated swelled up and burst out, like a launched rope, it went straight to Kaigaku!

The large palm joint opened in front of the cyst!


Kaigaku's ears twitched slightly, he twisted his head abruptly, looked horrified at his back, and quickly discerned in his mind.

He almost instinctively shouted:

"Wait a minute!!"

Before he finished speaking.


The giant palm that was launched grabbed his left arm fiercely!


Like being hit by a huge rock, his muscles and bones twisted instantly, intense pain came from his left arm, cold sweat broke out instantly, and Kaigaku's face turned pale.

In just an instant, his left arm had been crushed!

An irresistible force came from his side, Kaigaku felt his center of gravity being pulled off, he gritted his teeth and inhaled sharply:


His brain was thinking quickly, Kaigaku recalled what the Hand Demon had just said, he distinguished and shouted desperately:

"I am not Urokodaki's disciple!"


The giant hand holding his left arm retracted sharply, everything in front of him retreated quickly!

No way!

Kaigaku's forehead was full of sweat, intense pain kept coming, his eyes quickly scanned around.

He would definitely die if this continued!


The only remaining right arm held the Nichirin Sword at his waist!

He glanced at his left arm that had been gripped, and his breathing became extremely rapid.

- I!

- I will not die!


The sword slid under his left armpit, the sharp sword easily cut off his left arm that had been crushed!


Kaigaku, who lost his restraining force, fell heavily to the ground, he coughed up a mouthful of blood violently, and had no time to feel the pain.

He quickly got up from the ground.

As long as he didn't die, he would definitely win in the end.

Kaigaku staggered to his feet, his face pale, taking advantage of the moment of surprise from the Hand Demon, he casually tore off a strip of cloth and simply tied the broken part of his left arm with his mouth.

His brain was spinning quickly, suddenly recalling the mask his master gave him, and the demon's call to him just now.

He shouted hoarsely:

"That mask is not mine!"

"It is..." Halfway through the sentence, a suffocating feeling came from the bottom of his heart, almost instinctively for survival.

Kaigaku's eyes brightened:

"It was before I went up the mountain, I killed the guy wearing the mask and took it from him!"

After Kaigaku finished speaking, he forced himself to calm down, breathing rapidly to recover his strength, observing the expression of the Hand Demon.

Through what the Hand Demon just said.

Kaigaku judged -he absolutely cannot have any relationship with Urokodaki.



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