
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 94 My Cute Little Fox.

Ubuyashiki Mansion.

"This time, I suddenly summoned you all here, not only to inform you about the training of the 'Transparent World'."

Ubuyashiki Kagaya said softly:

"But also to announce the news about the Upper Rank."

"I believe you have heard before, Kyojuro encountered Upper Rank One while on a mission."

"After the fight, Upper Rank One was defeated by Kamado Tanjuro."

Upon hearing this.


Shinazugawa Sanemi, who had just been immersed in self-reflection after his defeat, suddenly raised his head and incredulously turned to look at Tanjuro.

So that's it...

Encountered Upper Rank One.

Shinazugawa stared at Tanjuro, who was looking sideways, and he felt a vague discomfort in his heart.

He knew the approximate strength of the Upper Rank.

At least...

In his mind, the image of a person who often smiled flashed by.

Sanemi's face was gloomy.

A Hashira cannot defeat an Upper Rank.

From the information obtained from that sacrifice, it is feared that it would take at least three Hashira to barely contend with the Upper Rank.

Sanemi's gaze rested on Tanjuro, and his breathing became slightly rapid.

This time, he did not speak.

After being silent for a while, he withdrew his gaze, lowered his head again, and clenched the soil on the ground.

The other Hashira had already heard this rumor, and their reactions were not as exaggerated as Shinazugawa's.

But after getting the Oyakata-sama confirmation in person, their hearts were still quite shocked.

Ubuyashiki Kagaya continued to speak:

"And, not long ago."

"The Swordsmith Village was attacked by Upper Rank Three and Four."

Upon hearing this clearly.

Almost all Hashira, except for Stone and Flame, slightly raised their heads.

Since the incident happened just a few days ago, the Hashira were not fully aware of the whole situation.

"Under the restraint and efforts of Kamado-san, Himejima, and Shinjuro, two Upper Rank demons were successfully killed."

"There were no casualties in the Swordsmith Village."

Ubuyashiki Kagaya raised his head, his somewhat blurred vision looked at the approximate position of the three, and nodded:

"Well done, the three of you."


This time, even Iguro Obanai, Uzui Tengen, and a few others, were all surprised to look at Tanjuro, who were sitting together.

Nothing else, both Himejima and Tanjuro were relatively silent characters.

Shinjuro, from beginning to end, no swordsman had ever found his trace.

If it weren't for the crow's notification, the Hashira would not know that the Swordsmith Village had been attacked.

Uzui Tengen stared at Tanjuro.

He recalled the first time they met, what he said about "meeting the Demon King Kibutsuji Muzan at the doorstep of his house."

In his heart, a surprising thought arose.

Defeated Upper Rank One, killed Three and Four.

Although Himejima-san was there.


Uzui Tengen's gaze moved slightly.

—Could it be... this guy who survived from the Demon King, it's not just luck...?

After the surprise.

—It was a strong joy, and the long-suppressed boiling emotions.

Shinazugawa turned his head again and looked at Tanjuro.

He frowned hard, and the scars on his face were slightly deformed because of this.

At this moment, he finally understood what Oyakata-sama meant by 'don't be discouraged' just now.


—Why can this guy always encounter Upper Rank?


"There are six Upper Ranks, and two are now vacant."

Kagaya clenched the clothes on his knee when he sat cross-legged, suppressing his emotions:

"Now, for the first time in hundreds of years."

"The Demon King is at its weakest."

He raised his head, his pale eyes revealed a firm will:


"The key moment to break the situation is now."




On the other side.

The final selection location.

Fujikasane Mountain.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Kaigaku, dressed in black, crawled out of the wisteria flower group, he casually picked a few wisteria flowers and stuffed them into his arms when others were not paying attention.

Looking at the rest of the people who entered Fuji Attack Mountain with determined expressions.

—Idiots, huh?

Kaigaku thought.

The few wisteria flowers stuffed in his arms, before they withered, were enough for him to safely spend the first two days.

And the remaining five days.

All the demons in the mountain have only eaten one or two people. With his strength, he doesn't need to say that he is struggling to survive.

—Facing the demon head-on, there is nothing to fear.

The fox mask around his waist swayed with his advancing steps, making the sound of wood collision.




In Fujikasane Mountain.

Creak, creak.


Kaigaku was walking, suddenly stopped, looked at the fox mask around his waist, and frowned slightly.

This thing makes a noise when walking, and wearing it on the head will block part of the field of vision.

"...It's really troublesome."

He muttered, casually untied the mask hanging around his waist, held it in his hand: "Why do I have to wear such a thing?"

"Boring stuff."

He stared blankly, lifting it up and looking at it under the moonlight. Kaigaku casually threw it away without interest.


The white fox mask fell to the ground behind Kaigaku.

"I'll tell the master... I lost it during the fight."

Muttering to himself like this, Kaigaku was about to take a step and continue walking forward.

Just then.



"What?" Kaigaku spread his legs, he stood still, looking at the ground under his feet in disbelief, and then glanced at the dark forest in front of him.

Just now, the ground seemed to have vibrated!


"Hmm hmm~"

A voice with a strange tone, seemingly containing a faint smile, came from above and behind Kaigaku:

"Here you are again, my cute little fox."


At the moment he heard this voice.

Kaigaku's heart tightened suddenly, his pupils contracted sharply, his whole body stiffened on the spot, and cold sweat broke out instantly.

A demon?

The voice came from above and behind.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, paying close attention to his rear.

Is it on the tree?

He didn't notice just now...

After forcing himself to calm down, Kaigaku's face was gloomy, he gripped the Nichirin Sword at his waist, and his stiff head slowly turned to look behind him.

Where his gaze fell.

In an instant.

Whoosh! Whoosh!


A huge shadow squeezed through the trees, swaying the rustling tree crowns, slowly and leisurely walked out of the forest, and stopped behind Kaigaku.


The skin turned green, and the blue veins bulged all over the skin. The huge body, which seemed to be embraced by countless fat arms, slowly wriggled.

Every time it moved forward, the ground seemed to vibrate for it.

The intersection of countless arms crisscrossing.

Kaigaku's face turned pale instantly, he slowly raised his head to look up, and his heart rate kept accelerating.

- That was a head hidden in the embrace of several arms.

The clear yellow eyes contained a mocking smile, and the bloodshot eyes were looking this way.

The gaze of the Hand Demon fell on the ground - on the fox mask discarded by Kaigaku.

"Hey, little fox."

His voice came from the neck where the skull was submerged by the arms:

"What year is it now in the Meiji era?"

Kaigaku raised his head, he opened his mouth slightly, and the white mist exhaled from his mouth, looking terrified at the huge Hand Demon.

- This.

- What is this?!



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