
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 12: Tomioka Giyu and Goto.


At the top of the mountain.

At the entrance of the Kamado house,

"Knock, knock!"

A dull knocking sound came from outside the wooden door, followed by a man's voice with a flat tone:

"Please open the door."

"I am Tomioka Giyu from the Demon Slayer Corps."

"Please tell me the details of the demon attack."

The tone of the voice coming from outside had no ups and downs, and was full of an undeniable meaning.

Behind the door.

"Huff... huff..." Saburo, who had just dragged the Kamado father and son into the house, was panting heavily, sweating profusely, and couldn't say a word.

He looked in the direction where the voice came from the door, squatted at the entrance, and looked back at the unconscious father and son.

— What should I do.

Grandpa Saburo was very anxious in his heart, he had never heard of anything like the Demon Slayer Corps and Tomioka Giyu.

This place had just been attacked by a demon, wouldn't the person who came be some weirdo?

Thinking so, Saburo stared at the door, casually picked up the axe next to him, raised his arm, and held his breath.


Outside the door.


Did they pass out?

After waiting for a while and finding no response.

"Knock, knock."

Tomioka Giyu, who was standing outside the door, his eyes didn't change, he reached out again, knocked on the door twice, and repeated the words just now:

"Please open the door."

"I know there are people inside."

Tomioka Giyu stood in front of the door, his face expressionless, very serious:

"If you don't open the door again, for safety reasons, I will break in."

"Please open the door."

Finally, after this sentence.

As if speechless.


The old wooden door slowly opened a crack, the person inside showed half of his face, and carefully observed Tomioka Giyu through the crack.

"...Demon Slayer Corps?"

Grandpa Saburo carefully peeked out his eyes, his forehead was sweating, he looked up at Tomioka Giyu who was high above, blocking the sunlight.

His body hidden behind the door was trembling slightly, especially since he had just spent a lot of time climbing the mountain, his legs were particularly trembling.

— It's really a weirdo!

Saburo thought so, the other party actually said that if he didn't open the door, he would break in.

What kind of person would do such a thing!

This is someone else's house!

Saburo observed the other party tremblingly.

Black hair, tied together at the shoulders, wearing a two-color haori, and even a sword hanging around his waist!

Carrying a sword?

Grandpa Saburo looked at Tomioka Giyu, hesitated to swallow his saliva, a bit nervous, his voice hoarse:

"Excuse me... are you a police officer?"

Tomioka Giyu looked at the door crack that was only opened a little, and shook his head slightly:

"No, I am Tomioka Giyu from the Demon Slayer Corps."

Upon hearing this, Saburo opened his mouth slightly, his lips trembling, expressing his question:

"Oh... I see..."

"What is the Demon Slayer Corps?"

Tomioka Giyu frowned slightly, lowered his head and looked at Saburo, his eyes were hollow, and he was silent.

Saburo looked at Tomioka Giyu, waiting for his answer.

Tomioka Giyu looked at Saburo, no longer speaking.

Saburo was slightly stunned, looking at the silent Tomioka Giyu.


A question mark gradually rose above Grandpa Saburo's head, as if it turned into substantial doubt gathering in his heart.

—What's wrong with this guy?

—Such a strange person.

Just as the two were awkwardly looking at each other at the door.

"That... Tomioka-sama?"

A question came from behind Tomioka Giyu.

Saburo's gaze immediately turned to the direction where the sound came from.

—It's a man in black, he is carrying a wooden box on his back.

The front is covered by thick black cloth, and the face could not be seen clearly.

The position is too biased, so Saburo, who only observes the outside world from the door gap, didn't see the existence of the man in black at all.

At this moment, the man in black raised his head, his entire face only showed his eyes, and his eyes looking at Tomioka Giyu were full of helplessness:

"Tomioka-sama, or let me explain it."

He tried to suppress the veins that were faintly rising on his forehead.

Tomioka Giyu looked at the man in black next to him, he pondered for a moment, and nodded slightly at him:


Saburo's expression became more puzzled, his gaze moved back and forth between the man in black and Tomioka Giyu.

Seeing this, the man in black nodded, then leaned his face towards the side of the door gap, sighed slightly, looked at Saburo, and explained with a smile:


"My name is Goto, and I belong to the logistics organization of the Demon Slayer Corps."

Saburo frowned slightly, he didn't speak, just felt a little embarrassed.

Goto saw Saburo's expression, did not stop explaining, but continued to say:

"The Demon Slayer Corps, simply put, is an organization that has existed since ancient times to specifically hunt 'demons'."

"As for 'demons', you should have seen them just now."

Goto said, maintaining his smile, trying to make his voice as gentle as possible, and raised his chin to indicate inside the house:

"I am member of Kakushi, mainly responsible for dealing with the injuries of the wounded and the aftermath."

"Just now it seems that there are two wounded people, can I go in and deal with it urgently first, if it drags on, it may cause a big problem."

Saburo stared at Goto and Tomioka Giyu blankly, he was a little stunned, and the only thing that echoed in his mind was Goto's sentence "an organization that specifically hunts demons."


He suddenly stretched out his hand from behind the door and grabbed Goto's arm. He looked at Goto with a straight gaze, and his tone was somewhat shocked:

"You, you guys, can kill demons??!"

"No, is there such an organization?!"

Goto looked at Saburo who was holding him tightly, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he also held Saburo's arm.


"Old man!"

Goto put his hand on Saburo's shoulder, the door was now open enough for one person to pass, and he slightly shook Saburo:

"The wounded, the wounded are still inside!"

"Let us go in first, okay?"

Saburo was a bit dazed, it seemed that he was old and his brain couldn't turn around.

"Old man!" Goto exerted a little force.

Saburo was shaken by Goto and was a bit dazed. He looked at Goto blankly, then subconsciously nodded his head and stepped aside:

"Ah... oh... oh oh! Please come in."

"Thank you." Goto sighed, then nodded at Saburo and walked into the house: "Excuse us."

Tomioka Giyu remained silent, following closely behind.

Saburo, watching the two men enter the house, seemed to remember something and quickly said:

"This is their home, I'm just here to help, be careful not to touch anything."

"Understood." Goto's voice came leisurely.


Inside the house.

Tomioka Giyu and Saburo observing Goto .

"Tanjiro is fine, just some frostbite on his hands and feet, he'll be okay after a sleep."

Goto's box had already been placed on the ground, and a row of drawers had been pulled out horizontally, all opened.

He knelt on the ground, bending over next to Kamado Tanjuro.

Various items were placed inside the box, at this moment Goto was holding a stethoscope, listening to Kamado Tanjuro's chest.

After all, Tanjuro was holding a sword, in Goto's view, he should have been in a fight, the possibility of injury was high.

So the examination was particularly careful.

Goto then pulled out a small wooden stick from the box, quickly pried open Tanjuro's mouth, and skillfully manipulated it inside for observation.

Then he pried open Tanjuro's eyelids for a look.

"Pupils are not dilated, gums are fine... internal organs are not injured, pulse is stable..."

Goto slowly straightened up.

He had already checked Tanjiro and Tanjuro's bodies.

The worry in his eyes slowly dissipated, and he slowly breathed a sigh of relief:

"These two guys."

"They're not hurt at all."

At this time.

"...cough cough cough! That... cough cough..."

Tanjiro opened his eyes in a daze.