
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Chapter 11: Scared to Death.

Chapter 11: Scared to Death.


As the wind blew up his clothes.

Kamado Tanjuro raised his glowing red sword high.

Muzan stared straight at him until his movements and the fear buried deep in his soul and body became one.

[Sun Breathing·First Form· Dance (Enbu) ]

It's him!

It's him!!

Not some descendant!

Muzan slightly opened his mouth, but his eyes were dull, staring at Kamado Tanjuro's direction, his body was enveloped by instinctive fear, stiff on the spot!

Rustle... rustle...

Black noise appeared in Muzan's vision.

Kamado Tanjuro's figure completely overlapped with Tsugikuni Yoriichi!

There's nothing wrong at all!

Despair surged up in Muzan's heart.

Muzan's throat was dry, his face panicked, his eyes trembled violently, and his eyes were full of fear and regret.

"Answer me, Kibutsuji Muzan."

"You were laughing just now."


Tanjuro swung the sword of his sword behind him, drawing a red sword light in mid-air, then rested it on his shoulder:

"What's so funny?"

Kamado Tanjuro adjusted his body to the best position, his face darkened, and his upper body slightly sank:

"What's so funny?"

Without Kamado Tanjuro saying the last sentence.

In Muzan's memory, that person instantly emerged at the top of everything, replacing Tanjuro to give Muzan the final blow:

"You...put your life on the line."

"What do you think it is?"

Muzan's pupils had shrunk to a needle, he only felt his eyes were white, and his forehead was sweating profusely.

It's him!

Tsugikuni Yoriichi!

He crawled out of the grave!


After a brief shutdown of the brain due to fear.


"Heh ahhhh!!"

Muzan suddenly clenched his teeth, hurriedly exerted all his strength, the survival instinct of his whole body made him start to scream desperately from his throat:


His neck veins bulged, his face turned red with fear, his eyes twisted under the strong desire to survive, full of bloodshot.

There was no thinking in the brain, Muzan was screaming and bursting with power all by instinct.

— Run! Run!!

Veins bulged all over his body, regardless of anything, the roar filled with endless anger and hatred instantly spread from the top of the mountain to the bottom.

Kamado Tanjuro frowned, he quickly covered his ears.


The ground under Muzan's feet couldn't bear the strong pressure and began to crack!


With a harsh sound, Muzan's teeth shattered.

At this moment, Muzan decided to follow his instinct.

— Split me!!

Gurgle... gurgle...


Muzan's body tissues began to swell instantly, swelling at various disgusting angles, and instantly burst through his suit!



The bulging Muzan was like a balloon that had been punctured, and the whole person exploded in an instant.

The violent explosion sound accompanied by the stench of blood rain, countless pieces of flesh and blood instantly flew around with Muzan as the center.

Whizz whizz whizz!

The high-speed flying flesh and blood flashed past in an instant.

The sound of breaking through the air kept coming from both ears.

"...He split!" Kamado Tanjuro was slightly taken aback, he gripped the hilt tightly, understanding that his plan this time had come to an end.

Muzan wanted to run.

Whoosh! Another piece of flesh flew out, grazing Tanjuro's body.

With Kamado Tanjuro's dynamic vision, he still couldn't catch this high-speed flying flesh.

Only a few pieces, like they were too rushed to control their direction, hit the crimson sword themselves and were split in two.

Tanjuro shielded himself in front of Tanjiro, he raised the crimson sword, facing the irrational and splitting Muzan, he tried to cut down as much flesh as possible.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The bright red sword light appeared in the dark night.

Under the blessing of the pattern and the transparent world, Tanjuro barely cut down dozens of flying pieces of flesh.

A few breaths later.

In front, except for a puddle of blood mixed with snow and frozen together, there was nothing else.

Tanjuro stood with the bright red sword, carefully identified, and opened all five senses.

After a while.

After confirming that Muzan had disappeared nearby, Kamado Tanjuro was relieved.


Tanjiro is safe.

The pressure on the spirit disappeared instantly, allowing the fatigue that had been suppressed just now to rush up, layer upon layer, to drown him.

So sleepy, so tired.


Tanjuro slowly lowered the red sword in his hand, he slowly sorted out his breath, and his weak body had reached its limit.

At this moment, the pattern on the left forehead also slowly faded, revealing the shallow scar underneath.


His legs were powerless and soft, and he knelt directly on the ground.

Then, supporting the upper body with the sword, he just closed his eyes, knelt in the snow, and fell asleep deeply.

He unconsciously murmured in his mouth:


Behind him.

Lying on the ground, unable to move because of freezing, but Tanjiro, who had witnessed the whole process, widened his eyes.

He tried to stretch out his stiff hand to reach his father.

But after a while, Tanjiro also turned white and fainted.

After a while.

Far away, on the horizon.

Like a golden sword cutting through the sky, splitting the thick darkness, it plunged straight into the ground from the dome.

The wind and snow drifted, and a touch of extreme shining light appeared in the direction of the horizon.

The warm sunlight spilled on the top of the mountain.

It's dawn.

At this time.

"Hoo...! Hoo...!" Saburo, carrying an axe, ran up panting from the direction of the foot of the mountain:

"Tanjiro...! Tanjiro...!"

His face was pale, obviously not good, and he also sweated a lot in this deep snow environment, and the whole person was shaky:

"Too fast! Wait...!"

Grandpa Saburo was panting heavily while supporting the tree, and finally arrived at the Kamado house on the top of the mountain.

When he wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked up.

Saburo was shocked, and he was speechless for a while:


What caught his eye was a large area of pitted and messy snow.

Cracked ground, open snow, and stacked snow waves in a radiation wave shape.

And, the crimson blood.

"Tanjiro!" Saburo first saw Tanjiro who had fainted on the ground, he quickly threw down the axe in his hand, and quickly came to Tanjiro's side.

"Damn it, he's already fainted!" He touched Tanjiro's forehead, and his face turned ugly.

He carried him on his back.

Just two steps forward, Saburo exclaimed again:


Kamado Tanjuro, who hadn't been seen for several years, was now half-kneeling in the snow, and his upper body was supported by a samurai sword.

"He's fainted too!"

"What should I do!"

Seeing this, Saburo hurriedly dragged the two in the snow, and forcibly dragged the father and son into the house.


On a nearby tree.


A handsome swordsman with black hair, calm eyes, but a rigid expression, appeared and stood on a tree branch.

— He was late.

The swordsman observed the surrounding environment, thinking so in his heart.


He lowered his blue eyes and looked at Kamado Tanjuro.

He looked at the katana in the latter's hand, which he never let go of even when he passed out.

As if in deep thought.