
Demolished Heart

“CALIMESA! ZEKE! MCKENNA!” Staring at their dead bodies, as I fight the hold of a guard; twists and turns as I continue to struggle, to break free, halting. Just behind their dead bodies is Lexa smirking, staring at her as the smirk never slips off. Her eyes challenging me to say something; feeling my anger grow as I snarl at her, thrashing around in the guard's arm once again, trying to get the conniving bitch.

MidnightWolf_stori · Fantasy
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24 Chs

More Research & Target

Stopping reading as I sense something wasn't right, closing the book, then rushing towards the door, hoping to hear a familiar voice.

"Are you sure that she'll be in there?"

"That's what Lexa said."

Eyes widen before rushing to block the door, hopefully giving me time; rushing to put all the books into my bag. As I finish, I hear the door breaking, rushing towards the window and jumping out. Turning invisible as I see Harriet and Liam looking at the window. Flying towards Cody's room, as I keep an eye out for anything out of ordinary.

["You're fast."]

["Who are you?", I ask.]

["Your dragon.", they answer.]


Sensing something coming, I feel pain in my left wing. Glancing over at it, I see an arrow in it. Cursing mentally, as I crash land in Cody's room.

["Do you know why we're being targeted?", I ask my dragon."]

["I do but I can't tell you.", they say.]

Not saying anything after that, closing the window before checking the room for anything that could record- once I was sure there wasn't, did I relax.

"Definitely going to need to find a new place to study.", I mumble.

"The forest might be a good start.", I state.

"If I pick the forest, where would it be the best place to be out of sight but also be able to see everyone?", I ask before answering the question, "The middle could work."