
Demolished Heart

“CALIMESA! ZEKE! MCKENNA!” Staring at their dead bodies, as I fight the hold of a guard; twists and turns as I continue to struggle, to break free, halting. Just behind their dead bodies is Lexa smirking, staring at her as the smirk never slips off. Her eyes challenging me to say something; feeling my anger grow as I snarl at her, thrashing around in the guard's arm once again, trying to get the conniving bitch.

MidnightWolf_stori · Fantasy
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24 Chs


Sensing someone coming, I hurry to finish eating while giving myself enough time to turn invisible. Slipping past Celia and the other maids; continuing to walk until I heard a sound, heading towards it.

"I need to drop off those books in Ruth's room, but I can't let anyone see me."

"What books?", I ask, coming visibly.

Wyatt jumps as he spins around, glaring at me; making me smirk while raising an eyebrow. He picks the books that drops from his hands, rushing to help him. Once we had all the books- sensing someone coming, making Wyatt freak, pushing the books he has into me just as Lexa comes.

"Watch where you're going.", Wyatt hisses.

Nodding my head before pulling the books closer to my chest as I rush past him, side-eyeing, his body relaxes, which makes me nod before facing the front. Passing the rest of the staff, finally making it to my room as I lean against the door as my body relaxes.

Jumping into action, moving to the desk and spading the books out: History of a Dragon's love, The Wolfire Family History, Dragons Unspoken History, iDragon, Magic Users and How to Control It, and Elvish Magic- those books can definitely help. Putting the books into a pile before grabbing a notebook from the drawer, then grabbing a pen, and whatever book is on top- iDragon; flipping the to the first page to see a Western Ice dragon, scanning the page until I get to writing.

'It's commonly known that Westren Ice dragons live in the mountains or in a cold area; Westren Ice dragons don't get along with fire dragons as they are the opposite of them- to tell if someone is a Westren Ice dragon, they'll have ice shards like tattoos.'

Flipping the pages until I got the fire types; now I got to slight problem.

"Ugh, the one time I have the help, I know nothing about myself.", I growl.

"Guess I'm just going to go through all the types."

After twenty minutes of scanning the fire dragons to a dragon called Heatblast Fury.

'Heatblast Fury is known for their high temperatures of heat coming from the fire they breathe to their body temperature. Heatblast's body temperature is 3002℉ which is past the boiling point. Because of their body heat, they end up leaving scorch marks. Their fire can reach up to 1,000 feet; they live in volcanos. Heatblast Fury is also mistaken for an Ivorywing Golden Fury; understandable that they are both Furys, there's an absolute difference between the two. A Heatblast Fury has reddish orange with an underbelly of yellow scales with small wings, while Ivorywing Golden Fury has wings three times the size of Heatblast Furys.

IGF is compatible with magic if part dragon, see more information under Part Dragon; can overpower fire breath up to the degree of their body temperature, can sense danger up to 50 feet. IGF has six different markings. These markings are moon, sun, skull, snake, horn, and death wraith; most of these markings are common except the death wraith, for more information, read History of a Dragon's love.

The first three markings: moon, sun, and skull, represent Moon (Night) elves, Sun (Sunrise) elves, and Drow (Dark) elves; the other three markings don't represent elves. Markings can be over one but never over two- most people have only one marking (you'll be able to see the marks in dragon form). The snake marking deals with more of the abilities that come with it, along with the horn marking- before getting into that, let's go deeper into the moon, sun, and skull markings.

Moon marking represents Moon/Night elves: these dragons have a darker color fire than the others; they're able to fully transform into a dragon on nights of the full, blood, and blue moons.

Sun marking represents Sun/Sunrise elves: these dragons have a brighter color of fire than others; they're able to absorb the sunlight to make their fires much hotter but also able to heal any wounds on their body.

Skull marking represents Drow/Dark elves: these dragons can see farther in the dark than others; when they use their fire in the dark, it becomes more powerful; they can also use echolocation as bats.

Snake marking gives the dragon the ability to use their tongue to find or follow a scent trail while also being able to use heat-sensing.

Horn marking gives the dragon extra horns then the ones already on their body, those extra horns can also be for extra protection on a dragon's body.'

Closing the book, I hasten to see what the marking I have and see it's an odd-looking symbol. Not seeing anything in the book that deals with the marking, opening the book back up, flipping to the page where it says 'Part Dragon' and begin reading.

'Being part dragons, you're able to use magic, but it also has its downfalls; one of those downfalls depends on how well you know your dragon's body. When using magic, you must always have 'fire dragon' before saying what you want; if you don't, it will backlash on yourself.

"Ruth, are you in there?", Mrs. Elfling asks while knocking.

Heading to the door, and opens it to see Mrs. Elfling holding a plate of food.

"What time is it?", I ask as I grab the plate.

"Two.", she states before leaving.

Heading back to the desk, making room for the plate; placing the plate on the left then pick up History of a Dragon's Love, reading while eating.

'Welcome to History of a Dragon's Love. If you can read the following sentences, then you may continue, but if you're unable to, you'll only be able to read some of this book; this book gives details for the marking called death wraith.

Death wraith is the unique marking that hasn't shown its self over sixteen thousand years; this mark also has unique abilities depending on where the mark is. If the mark is on either shoulders or on either wrists, they'll have the same abilities.'