
Stranger in the Distance part II

I woke up in a familiar warehouse next to the stranger that I met last night. He is completely asleep. While my memory was fuzzy and blurry as I try to remember what happened. I remember walking down a highway thinking of silly stuff like riding a broom in the air. But my memory seems to be contradicting each other. It's as though the other memory is from another person.

As I look around the warehouse. I remembered what happened last night. Isn't there a gunshot fired at us?. As I remember this guy picked me up and run as fast as the speed of light or whatever that is. But why are we still here?.

I remembered seeing his face. I can't believe what I saw last night. As this stranger approached me. I see myself. It's as though I'm looking at my own reflection. There are many similarities in our faces. body and our voice. There's one difference and it's him having a broken horn on his head.

As I try to peak again on this stranger's face. He woke up and pushes me away.

''Uhhh. Goodmorning?.'' Me trying to get along with this guy.

He never let a single word out of his mouth. Instead, he gave me a dagger. And as soon as I touch the dagger someone talked to me through my head.

''Hello.'' said a mysterious voice in my head.

I jumped and looked around the warehouse only to find no one. As I inspect the warehouse thoroughly, a voice again suddenly talked in my head.

''Come on stop inspecting this boring building''

''Who are you? and Where are you?''

''You're holding me right now'' said a mysterious voice

''You're the dagger??''

''Correct I'm the one that you're holding. Now Richard I have a task for you to make.''

''What?? a task???''.

''The task of eliminating all different evil versions of you.''

As the dagger explains everything to me. A version of me is causing global destructions throughout a million of my alternate realities. They couldn't stop the destruction of all mankind, because of a thousand versions of me. So they decided to talk to me personally cause who else would beat me in a fight. They tried every genius and every strong people but failed miserably. Only Richard can beat Richard. But for this to stop I need to kill that version of me.

As I hold the dagger it shows and explained every single power and ability that it possesses. Like traveling through different alternate realities. It also enhances my body, it makes me invisible. It makes me transform into anything that I like. It's amazing.

''Now for your first kill''.