
Evil Me?.

This knife is telling me to kill the person who saved me yesterday. He is.... a version of me?. An ''Evil Version'' of myself?. Didn't he save me from the other day?.

''Uh.... dagger I think you have the wrong guy.''

The dagger didn't respond and I don't know what to do. I can't kill a person even if it's my own version of myself. I squint my eye and suddenly, I saw myself stabbing him at his neck. In a matter of seconds, I can't control myself. It's like the dagger is taking control of me. Only I can do is watch as I see myself stabbing him multiple times until he takes his last breath,

I was shocked that I did that. Stabbing him 22 times all over his body. He didn't fight back or defend himself. I just saw him smiling at me. His smile was just like he accomplished something... That he fulfilled his purpose in life.

''Now that you have blood in your hands are you ready??.'' said the dagger.

''Dagger... May I ask a question?''.

''Sure thing.''

''What is Evil?.''

''There are no specific answer for that... But if you may ask me. Evil is someone who tries to control everything by doing a heinous act.'' said the dagger.

Well let me just take a rest and try to get over what happened. I used the dagger's ability to go to another alternate universe. Where there is no one around me in the warehouse. I took some rest and finally accepted what I need to do. What I need to do is to kill all Evil Version's of me.

''Dagger tell me where my evil version is in this reality.''

''Where is my Evil Me?.