

I was walking through a highway on a Monday night. It seems peaceful and quiet. No vehicle is passing through. It's as though I am the only person to exist in this world. I imagine things while I'm walking down the road. Like I'm walking down a river riding a fish. I know it's a goofy imagination.

But, all of a sudden I am walking down a hallway. A second ago I'm walking on a highway! what??. I stopped and think, what just happened?.

I checked my phone and it's out of battery already. I tried to call my friend but it's already late. My phone died while I'm about to call frank. Damn it!.

I continued to walk down the hallway hoping to find a convenience store to charge my phone. Awww jeez I hope I find something. As I walk down the hallway I saw a guy who have bloodstain on his right shoulder. Without hesitation, I questioned the stranger.

''Sir what happened to you??''.

The stranger didn't respond and proceeded to walk past me. I tried to talk to him again but he punched me in the face.

''Leave me alone!!''

''And you better be prepared cause a storm is coming'' said the stranger.

I just sat there while the stranger walks away from me. That was one hell of a punch. But what happened to him. I can't help but think of that stranger. More importantly a storm??. I've never received news that a storm is coming. I proceeded to walk down the hallway.

Suddenly I heard a gunshot. Woah what the hell is happening?. I completely ducked as the shooting is happening. I thought that I'm gonna die. As the shooting is happening I suddenly heard a sound that my mind can't even comprehend. It's like something is accelerating that is breaking even the speed of light.

As soon as the shooting is done. I felt dizzy. I squint my eye and suddenly I'm back at the highway. And the storm began to fall unto my head. I walked down the road confused and soak in the rain. It must be my imagination.

My phone rang and it's my Mom.

''Richard where are you it's almost 6 am I thought you're gonna go home at 9 pm??'' Said, mom.

''Yes mom I just had a weird encounter down the road''

''And there is a storm so im gonna be late''

I'm so cold.