
Stranger in the distance.

I am walking down a hallway when I saw a stranger in the distance. A tall man wearing a black hoodie covering his hair. While wearing a mask and a sunglass covering his whole face. I walked past this man. And all of a sudden, the stranger disappeared as I look back. Leaving just a stain of blood where the stranger stands a second ago.

It didn't startle me, more or less it seems normal. I proceeded to walk down the hallway until I reach a warehouse. It seems abandoned and untouched. So I decided to stay and get some rest. My eyes slowly fall as the storm falls on the ground.

An hour ago a stranger suddenly approaches me while I am asleep.

''Wake up''. a stranger said while I'm asleep.

I woke up and saw a familiar face. It's as though I am looking at something unbelievable. He is the man who is just standing in the hallway a while ago. Although I don't know what to say or what to do.

I squint my eye to confirm that what I'm seeing is true. and questioned the stranger.

''Who are you??''

''I came to protect you'' said the stranger.

I felt uneasy and nervous about what's going to happen. Protect??. What is this man saying?. Am I in danger?.

''Protect from what??'' I questioned the stranger.

''You don't need to kno-'' The stranger said.

I heard gunfire close from where we are. The stranger picks me up and runs. As the stranger picked me up we gain speed. It's as though this guy is superhuman. I felt like I'm gonna die on the amount of speed that we're going. It's stretching my body. It hurts as I saw nothing but beams of lights. It's as though we're going through another dimension as I heard all of the noise in a second. I saw different kinds of things unimaginable. Until I passed out........