

I woke up in my bed with many things on my head. I don't know if this is bad. I'm losing money. I have a large debt and all. This is the thing that is making me want to just kick my bucket. My family hates me because of this.

My business is failing and later on. I need to close this restaurant. I don't know what to do. Argh!! Richard do something.

I want to earn money whatever the job is.

Later on, I thought about robbing and kidnapping people for money. And for me, that's the only answer to my problem. I'll do anything to pay my debt off.

A month has passed and I'm earning a good amount of money. I have paid my debts but for some reason. I can't stop doing this. Every night I do these heinous things. Not just to earn money, but it became an addiction to me. Those screams and yearning for help are a kind of satisfaction to me. I don't know what happened but I like this.

And then one day, a guy appeared in front of me. Holding a book. It seems antic. I can't see his face. He spoke to me and said.

''You are a disgrace on our name. don't fret cause I don't come to end your pathetic life. But to only give you a second chance. A new purpose of your puny life.'' said the guy

''Uh, what are you saying?.''

The guy removes his hood and as I see his face. It was unbelievable I see myself. And he opens his book and reads something on it.

''A sinner shall repent for his sins eternally. Though give this sinner another purpose and another body for him to possess, A scileR that guides the wielder to his own wishes. He shall repent eternally as he sees everything with his own visions.'' said the guy.

As he was finishing I felt sleepy. And all of a sudden I see myself collapsing. I see myself and I see a weapon. The weapon is becoming one with me. It felt miserable as i tried to scream and call for help. I can't hear my voice. I can't move my body. I can see but I can't move. As everything becomes bigger from my perspective. I began to think about what did the guy do to me. I felt cold. The memories of myself began to vanish. One by one like a bubble popping. I want to cry but I can't. Sooner I forgot anything about myself. My name. My age.

The guy picks me up and said.

''Your endless task is to kill versions of you.'' said the man.

Out of the blue, I felt complete. I know my task and I need to obey it until I paid all my sins.

The man explained my powers when I'm being wielded. I can transform into multiple weapons although it depends on the soul of the wielder. I can see the colors of the souls. And I can read if there is a weapon that is possessed too.

I closed my eyes as the guy ordered me to rest. Ah, I felt complete. But i am still cold