
False Savior.

I am standing in a line for a city bus. Where I can get a free ride. It is full of people and is noisy. I can't get over the other versions of me. The one who jumped into the crater of a volcano for me to fully possess the power of imagination. Ever since that happened. I didn't use my power. I was still grieving for that man.

As I approach the bus. an officer approached me and asked for my information for me to ride the bus. I tell him and rode the bus.

Everything was so grey for me. It seems nothing matters anymore. I was given a task to save. But I couldn't save myself from sinking in my emotions. Even though I and that version of me just met just days ago. I felt a strong connection between me and him.

I got out of the bus with the other guy. With him walking in the same way as I am. And all of a sudden I had a glimpse of myself. Chasing the other guy. Was it me?. I should check right?.

All of a sudden the guy in front of me chases the guy with the dagger. As I used my imagination to instantly appear in front of the guy who's being chased the other guy throws his phone unto the version of me who has a dagger in hand. I imagined stopping the time and punching the evil version of me. But the dagger reacted and defended its wielder. I choose to boost up the phone's speed unto the version of me and I got out carrying the guy who's being chased.

I felt alive once again. saving another life. It should atone my sin for killing right?. This should make me free from the emotions that have been strangling me. I hate myself. I hate my name. I should change it. Maybe I should call myself Mark. Yeah, that's it...

All of a sudden the guy I saved was killed. I crushed his brains out of his head without me noticing. WHAT HAPPENED?!!. WHAT THE HELL?!!. NO. NO. NO, I DIDN'T DO THAT. NO!!.

I was trying to save that guy but instead, I killed him without me noticing. When and how did I crush this man?. I TRIED TO SAVE HIM. I TRIED TO GET HIM AWAY FROM THAT GUY!. I. I. I DIDN'T DO THAT.

I was shocked and shouting without any noise coming out of it. I tried to cry but nothing came out. Ah. this was terrible.

All of a sudden a hundred Richard appear in my eyes. saying you killed him. We should kill you.


Suddenly they charged in my direction. I don't want to die. They activate their powers. Super speed. Arrows. Super regeneration. Light. Telekinesis. Mind Control. Portal. All of them have great power.

It's a shame that I'm going to kill them here.

I imagine stopping all their powers at once. And imagine crushing all of them into a pulp. I killed them. I didn't save him.

I'm so cold.