
City Bus

I was in a line full of people who wants to ride the bus for free. The police ask for our information before getting a free ride. Well, I wait patiently as the police officer walks towards me.

''Sir what's your name and age?.'' said the officer.

''Oh it's Nathan Brent and I'm 18 years old.''

The police officer walks past me and I proceeded to board the bus. It was so cold inside this bus I forgot to bring my jacket, jeez. Soon the bus starts to move and there I was seating at the end of the bus staring at the window. As I close my eyes to take a little nap my phone rang, someone is calling me.

''Uh hello, Esther I'm close to the mall now how about you?.''

''Yeh, I am close to the mall now too. well, see you later Nate. I'm gonna call the others'' Said Esther

''Oki then see you.''

I turned off the call and just stared at the window. Suddenly, I didn't realize that I skipped my stop and I immediately got off the next station to it. What the heck self, now I gotta walk. 5 minutes later I saw a man chasing a guy with a dagger. I couldn't see his face but I immediately run towards the guy who has a dagger.

''Hey! drop the dagger.''

The man didn't stop and continued chasing the guy. I can't think of a possible solution to stop this man from chasing the guy. The Sooner I thought about throwing my phone towards the guy, I threw my phone towards him without hesitation. It hits him in the head and it knocks the life out of him. As I approach the guy I picked up the dagger. It was glowing and it looks like it can burn. But as soon as I touch the dagger it didn't hurt to pick it up. It talked to me. THE THING TALKED TO ME!.

''I have your soul. If you don't obey me I'll kill you.'' said the dagger

I was scared as the thing talked to me. The dagger soon becomes a gun. And the thing said to kill all the Richards. I...I'm scared.


I don't want to kill anyone.

The gun takes control of my right hand and aimed the gun at the guy who have the dagger a second ago.

It's controlling me....

It starts raining as I'm aiming at the guy. I'm trying my best to stop my fingers but it can't. I can't seem to put away my fingers towards the trigger. As I close my eyes I heard a loud noise and as I open my eyes I see myself at a warehouse. I shot the guy. I...killed him. I shot him multiple times.

I am shocked. And I can't even bother to know where am i. I slept through the night with this rotting corpse.

The weapon is in control of me now. If I let go of it. This thing will kill me.

I want to go home.

I'm so cold.