

The time has come. I'm capturing this Richard who killed thousands of us. I will avenge our brethren.

"Now everyone!. I'll cast my powers for you to teleport unto this Richard. Burn down the city!!. Kill all Civilians until he shows up."

"Alright, Sir!."

"Now avenge our brethren!!. And I'll be watching from the other side."

All of my armies seem to be happy and taking it all easy. Well, what could they expect if we're just killing one Richard right? It should be easy.

As I draw my Heaven's Sword I had a flashback. Back when I was killing one of the strongest Richards. Why am I getting some flashbacks on that Leviathan, it's one of the most powerful Richard that I could ever encounter. He possesses a powerful grimoire. He could cast all the elements all at once. He could copy all of the power that he's seen. And lastly, he has auto-shield skills. Even his opponent is at the speed of light or stopping time. He could detect and block it. He is named The Leviathan.

Well, I am more powerful than him now. That I Richard no. 101987 is the most powerful Richard as of now.

Well then. Enough about the past. I should get ready for my troops to be on the battlefield.

''Brother's Are You Ready?!''.

''Yes, sir we are ready on killing this Richard.''.

''Very well. Now. Be ready to be teleported.''

Heaven's Gate activate!. As I activate my skill it teleported all of my 100 troops down where the target is. Well, now I should watch this ''All-Knowing Eye!''.

I see my men arriving at the destination but at a second I see collision is on the scene but he disappeared. Argh, I shouldn't be distracted I'll talk to him later.

As my men burn down most of the city. I saw a man climbing up a roof. And without a doubt, it was our Target. He was shouting at them to stop. And my men face him, charging their powers on him. But as soon as he draws his Katana. It's an unusual long katana honestly. As soon as he draws it. A dark light rises above it. It's taking a form of a Dragon. Black and Purple light shining through everywhere.

Th-this power is... par with Leviathan. H-how?. Even if I'm in another dimension I can feel its energy. I need to face him immediately. I tried to teleport into the scene but I can't. It's as though it has a barrier to my power.

Did he detect me?. No, it's impossible to detect me. As I continue to watch. I saw my men getting sliced open and killed. It's hard to watch. As I see their blood and parts fall out of the sky.

Suddenly our target collapsed but he's moving. He teleported to me but he seems unconscious. I block the target and proceeded to teleport myself to another dimension. Where I see myself on a highway. And I see my target lying down.

He immediately wakes up and as I rushed towards him there is another Richard. but he doesn't seem to know what's happening so I rushed forward and as he draws his katana an air blast hits me. sending me flying past the other Richard.

Stop he says. but I won't listen. He killed all of my men. ''YOU WILL PAY!''. I draw my heavenly sword and summons my Archangel. As my Archangel summons. The Dark Dragon showed up too.

''Your power is on par with me huh. What are your last words before I put you to rest Black Knight.''.

He says nothing and I continue to rush towards him. But this time the air blast doesn't affect me. I got closer and closer and faster. He vanished. He teleports on my back but as soon as I noticed I turn quickly and we strike each other's sword. As our sword begins to shine a light. Black and Purple. White and blue as to mine.

We have an exchange of strikes over and over as his hits are getting heavier and heavier. Jeez, I might be out of stamina. I immediately cast a spell. ''Angel's Grace!!''. but as soon as I cast it. I heard him say ''Dimior's Stare!!''. Unknowingly, my angel stands in front of me and blocks the attack. Woah it is something the naked eye can't see huh.

As my stamina is replenished thanks to my spell. I rushed over and cast all of the elements that I can throw with him. ''Elemental Push!''. He doesn't seem to be scared but he just sliced it all in half. As I teleport behind him he turned around and jumped. Evading my attack.

He cast some skill as to 100 slashes but I quickly evaded it using Heavenly Block. We exchange more and more strikes but in the conclusion, we both ran out of our stamina. I can't believe that I can't defeat this guy. I can barely move and as I stand up he was gone. I-i need to get Leviathan's grimoire in my safe. It should be enough to erase this Richard.

It's been ages since someone matches my power. Right Leviathan?. Another Rival for me...