

I started doing what the dagger wants me to do. And also I want to erase all of the evil in all of the realities that I'm in. Richards that invade. Richards that steals. Richard that kill innocent children. It was like I was doing justice for all of those sins. That they've committed.

That my variants are doing.

So far I've killed a couple of thousands of Richards. I couldn't count it, I barely remember when did I say to the dagger to lead me to those evil me.

Still, those pathetic looks in those Richards. When they're about to die, they look at me and begged me to spare their lives. They're hoping for me to spare them.

There's no way in hell that I'm going to spare them.

I will always kill those evil me.

Suddenly I wake up. In my room. The dagger says that it's detecting some Richards nearby.

It's confused, it doesn't know if they're evil or not.

I stay alert and tried to look outside my window.

I see them, there are 10 Richards outside. And it looks like they're heading into my apartment.

I quickly try to hide my face and wear a hoodie.

I don't know. Why all of a sudden I feel scared. It's been a while when I experience different emotions.

I got out of my apartment door and as I walk out. I see them... I tried to walk by them but. They used their relics. They have a similar weapon to mine. It glows yellow. red. purple and lastly grey. It's all the colors that I'm seeing.

I hurried to ready my relic only to see it transformed into a hunting sword. It emits black and red lights from it. I felt 10 times stronger. Something must've triggered this thing.

They proceeded to attack me all at once. I felt all of their attacks but none of them seems to make me bleed. Is the sword protecting me?. I guess it's my turn to attack. I tried to activate teleporting unto them, but it seems to be not working. Well shoot what power does this poses now.

''It has a beast prowess.''

Out of nowhere, I heard a voice and suddenly I felt a hundred times stronger. I accelerate as the naked eye can't see.

As soon as I gained speed. I knocked all those 10 Richards and tied them up. As I separate their relics from them. My relic fused to all of those 10 relics and it began to emit powerful blasts of power. And began transforming into an unusual long katana.

Woah what. why did this happen?. After that, my relic didn't talk anymore. I felt that it was gone. I can only hear nothing.

Soon I heard a loud noise outside. I hear people screaming for help. I looked out at the window and saw a 100 Richard's flying around. They seem to have no relics but how are they doing it?. I saw them cast a ball of lightning and fire on all the people in the city. I smell wood burning and people.

I immediately go outside and shouted. STOP!! ALL OF YOU!!. Soon the Richards began to stop and face me. WHY SHOULD WE?. said all of them. CAUSE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T. my voice changes into a beast. what? what happened to my voice?. They all laugh at me and proceeded to charge their powers on me.

Well, here I go I guess. I started to draw my katana and as soon as I draw it. It emits black and purple light unto it. Soon it emits the form of a dragon. I was surprised at first. It's the real form of my relic. A Dragon.

Let's show them what we got. DEMISE!.

The dragon roared and it startled all the foe. ATTACK! I hear them shouting. As I tried to attack all of them. I just stared at them and they're hit with something. As if i'm using a skill.

''That is true Richard, you're using Dimior's stare. It kills all the foe that you're looking at.''

So that's what it is huh. Thank you Demise. My sight went fuzzy but there are still more Richards left. Agh!. What am I going to do?

''Activate End Confrontation? Master?''.

Right. if you still got moves. Do it. ATTACK THEM DEMISE. My sight went blurry as i see demise fighting off all the Richards. Ah. I'm falling asleep.

''Can I use your body master?''

Sure do it dem-.

My master fell asleep and I took consciousness of his body. I used his body to fight against these fools. Not knowing that I can kill them. DEATH TO THOSE WHO WISH TO HURT OTHERS. FAREWELL RICHARDS. 100 Slash of death!!. In a blink of an eye. it is like raining blood and bodies. I sense that they're good but. they try to hurt my master and the city. I should rest now. I fall asleep on the roof of my master's apartment.

''Master I'm done. I'll give ur body back to you''

Ugh. what happened. Demise? are u there?.

''I'm here and oh ur approaching another Richard.''

Well. why am I on a highway?. It started raining and I saw a Richard. He doesn't seem to know that there are alternate universe versions of him yet.

And suddenly a flash of lightning strikes and as I blink, there is a Richard behind him. I immediately draw my katana and shout.
