
Love is Dead

It's February 13, and I'm planning a romantic date with my partner. Although I don't know where should we go. There are lots of options that I can pick from. This fancy restaurant next to our apartment, a park next to a mall or a beach. Argh, I can't pick from these options. Think Richard where would she want to have a date?. I think she would like the fancy restaurant. But I guess we can go to the park after eating there. Well, I gotta plan this thoroughly. So I plan and get on the bed early so I can have a good night's rest.

Suddenly I heard a loud crashing noise. I woke up and hear people screaming and shouting. What's happening?. I immediately checked outside but I can't see. My surrounding is full of smoke, I-i don't know what happened. I immediately checked my phone and called my girlfriend.

The phone rang thank goodness,

''Hey are you alright there Sarah?''

''Uhh. what's happening Richard? u sound terrified''

''Are you safe?!''.

''Uh... yes I'm safe. Hun, what's happening there?''

''Something just crashed near my apartment. I don't know what happened though.''

''Oh my god you're not hurt, are you?.''

''Yes I'm not, I've gotta check what happened here. I'm gonna call you later okay?''

''Okay be safe out there always remember i love you.''

The smoke appeared to be gone. Now's my time to see what the hell happ-. I looked outside and see a plane just crashed next to my apartment. I-i saw blood all over the floor. I saw decapitated arms and legs, there's even a head. I stood outside in shock. I-i don't know what to do. I tried to move but my body won't let me. I want to help but I can't. I-i am scared as to what happened. The plane seemed to crash right into the restaurant where I will have a date. I am looking forward to this day, but now. i don't know if I will have an appetite.

All of a sudden I saw a man walking out of the plane. He's glowing?. What is happening am I seeing an angel?. Every step that he is taking he leaves a trail of white, despite the ground being covered by blood. Is he an angel?. He raised his hands and he glows much brighter. As if he's trying to make me blind. I covered my eyes and as I put down my hands, I saw him in front of me. saying ''Stop being in-denial.'' What?. what does that mean?.

As I look up to see his face, I appear to be walking in a field. It's raining and what's this?. I appear to be crying. I don't know why, but I kept crying and crying. I saw the man again and he walks with me. he told me to be not in denial again. What does that mean?.

''Richard. she's dea-.''

''What?. I didn't hear what you said?.''

''Get over he-''

''What? sorry, my hearing is b-bad today.''

''She is de-''

''No!. I can't hear you!!!''

''Richard, Sarah is dea-''


As we walk I saw a grave... as we got closer and closer I saw Sarah's name on it. I-i don't understand. she's at work right now. R-right?. SHE'S NOT DEAD!!. No no no I'm just dreaming, aren't I?. This is not real!!. Who did this!!!. SHE'S NOT DEAD!!.

Suddenly I hear a beeping noise. And I heard a voice ''Quickly get the doc he's going to be conscious.'' I saw a beam of light as I saw a nurse beside me. She said that I got into a plane accident. I-i am lucky enough to survive...

I-i remember now... I tried to save her. my body glows and I tried to save her.

''Nurse is there a survivor besides me?.''

''You're the only one that survived, and apparently, you seem to survive a crash that is fatal.''

Sarah... sh-she's dead?. Ho-how I remember I tried to save her. I am glowing and I know I can save her at that time... no no no no she's not dead. SHE'S NOT DEAD!!.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and I saw myself glowing again. And I saw blood all over the hospital. Even the moon has blood on it. M-my love is dead. wh-who did this?.

Suddenly a portal-looking thing appeared in front of me. And there a man walked through and I saw my face. He has a katana...

''Richard, why are you doing this? you could've killed everyone. Thankfully I put a barrier pretty quickly. you have been given the power of rage. so you're raging too much. why?''

''I-i have that power?.''

''Yes. that's why when you touch someone they explode. all of your rages are converted into energy. and when you touch someone they're simply going to be a human bomb. And it's a human blood bath.''

''You aren't meant to save people. have you forgotten who you are?.''

''In our world, you're called the God of Death.''

''So we need you former god of death.''

''NO! NO! NO!. I killed her?.''

''So what she's just an obstacle.''

''I am not going. with you.''

''Alright, I just gotta make you go with me then. But may I ask why are you doing this? you really don't remember huh. I'm you're opposite. I'm the God of Life.

''I DON'T CARE!.''

''Woah easy there pal. I can kill you if I want to. But we need you.''