

I am walking down a sidewalk when I saw a man sitting down and begging for money from the people who comes past him. I gave him some change that's left in my wallet.

''Here you go sorry this is all I got in my wallet''

''Thank you and don't worry this is a big help.'' said the man.

I walked past him and all of a sudden the crowd that is walking down with the same pavement as I am, disappeared. I looked back at the man but he isn't there. The lights have gone off too. I tried to be calm but the sound of quietness is creeping me out. I continue walking until I see the hallway that my home is close to. At this time I don't know if I'm dreaming or is this true?.

Finally, I got to my home. But all of a sudden I hear a gunshot. I heard a gushing sound and all of a sudden I realized that I was shot.

For a moment I panicked that I can't move my body. Am I going to die?. Please no. Later on, I get up and tried to walk out of this hallway to a hospital nearby. I've encountered someone who tried to ask me. But I didn't tell him. Instead, he's being a nuisance to me cause he's blocking the hallway. So I punched him and immediately walked to the nearest hospital.

Finally, I walked out of the hallway and as I go to the hospital. My wound suddenly disappeared. The bullet hole was nowhere to be seen. The crowd of people is finally back on this pavement... I wonder if it's just my imagination. The man that I gave my money to is back sitting in the exact position that I see him.

Everything is back to normal except the sky. It's as though it's cracking... Although no one seems to see it but myself. I gave it a thought and somehow my gut is telling me to go to the hospital... No, it's as though someone is talking to me through my mind... Someone told me to go to the rooftop.

I got inside the hospital although they asked my name first.

''Uhh, sir what's your name. And do you have a business in here?.''

''My name is Richard Ellie. And I was wondering if I could go to the rooftop?.''

''Ohh, he's waiting for you up there.''

Who?. Who is waiting for me on the rooftop? Seems weird. I walked upstairs only to see a man in a wheelchair.

''Uh. hello?''

As I walked closer I felt a gust of wind. and as I see, The sky is back to normal. The man with the wheelchair faced me and all of a sudden he said.

''Protect me.''

I'm confused but as soon as he said those words I saw a man with a dagger. It's as though he is gonna stab the man. I got close to him and block his attack.

''Your power is imagination!!'' said the man.


''Just think of anything and it will come true.'' said the man.

I tried to imagine killing him but it didn't work. I kept dodging his attacks and tried to imagine as many things as possible. Suddenly I imagined that I am on a cliff. All of a sudden. I see myself and the attacker on a cliff. I pushed him into the cliff and suddenly. He transformed into a bird and got back. On top. I imagined exceeding the speed of light and attacked him. It felt amazing. I got the dagger but it hurts me. It won't let me handle the thing. Suddenly the dagger flies over to the hand of the attacker.

''Are you an evil version of me?'' Said the man.

''What do you mean?.''

The man removes his mask and I saw myself. Am I tripping?. Or this is true?.

''The power of imagination is pretty handy huh Richard?.''

''Uh. you are me?. how?.''

'' Oh, I didn't mean to ruin the secret for you, Richard. I've come here to kill that man. That man is an evil version of us. Now if you interfere I will kill you.'' said the other Richard.

''I won't let you!.''

Richard went invisible and suddenly appears in my back holding his dagger through my neck. He slit my neck and the next thing I know. I was lying on the floor. But I remember the power. I imagined having a super regeneration making me immortal. I stand up and imagine teleporting on his front and punching him with a ton of weight. He didn't have time to react as I did it milliseconds. I made him unconscious and leave him in a box that is unbreakable and the dagger can't penetrate despite its power.

Having an amazing power is like having a double-edged sword. I was so exhausted that I slept through the hospital's rooftop for more than 3 days I was unconscious.

I woke up with the man in a wheelchair and I saw myself. 5 years older but I still see myself in him.

''I would like to talk to you with your power.'' said the man.

He explained that he passed it unto me. And it's passed by many Richards to another Richard. Powers or even sacred tools have been passed around throughout Richards. And to completely manifest the full potential of that power. The successor needs to kill the Richard that passed it to them. It's as though my fate was to be killed by myself.

He explained that there are divisions of all Richard. One is trying to kill or exterminate our versions. Some Richards is protecting other Richards. And the last is killing all Evil Versions of us, even though it's just a mindset of some Richard that have a bloodlust.

''Now. I need to die for you to harvest my powers.''

''Don't worry I just need to. Teleport me in a volcano. I've never seen one before.''

''That's my dying wish Richard.'' said the man.

I just nod and teleport him to an active volcano. He tossed himself in the crater. And waved goodbye. Tears tried to escape my eyes at that very moment. It's like I've known him for a long time. I imagine going on the same pavement as before. I imagine going back in time. But it won't let me.

The pavement catches my tears and it began to rain as I mourn myself.

Walking down this pavement is very strange.

I'll find other versions of me and save them.

I'm so cold.