

I woke up in a dark place. I can't see anything. Am I dead?. I can't even remember how did I end up in here. I only remember that I have comrades that are with me. Are they okay?. I hope they are.

The place echoes every time I take a step. I felt water dripping to the ground. Am I in a cave?. With no lights to guide me in a path. I hold out my hands on the ground so I can feel the path that I am in. The ground is rough and solid. As I guide myself through the darkness, the ground felt muddier and muddier. And as I know it. I felt something behind me. Something's following me, or am I imagining things.

As I guide myself further I felt a stair. It must be a way out of this place. And as I step to the stairs a light lit up almost throughout the whole stairway. This is the time to look behind me.

As I look behind me. I see a pack of wolves. But they're not a usual wolf. They look very dark and their eyes are colored like a ruby. As I see them I panicked and quickly run the stairs. As they run before me I see a pack of wolves up in the distance. Am I going to die?.

I gave up on running and tried to fight all of them. As I was about to be killed by the wolves. My memories appeared in my mind.

Adrian, Romeo. Nathan. Anthony these are the people who made the chambers to seal away all of the gods. They're called the god killers.

One day they met gods up in the sky. At first, they thought the gods are holy entities. Whose goal is to lead people to the right path. Now that they see that they treat humans as pawns. pawns to a game. They see the unholiness of these deities. They laugh and smile while seeing all of the people die. In war and such.

And thus Adrian, Romeo, Nathan, Richard. Create tools and weapons to kill a god. They used dangerous spells to create chambers for the gods to be imprisoned. They manifested power's through nature. And the power is enough to seal them away.

They served the god while knowing their weaknesses. And slowly absorbing their power. And as time goes by. They absorb almost half of their power.

The god killers got stronger and stronger. Richard, Richard, Richard, Richard defy the gods and they immediately got them to their knees. Those smiles of the gods turn into despair. They killed 1 of the gods. And for the 3 gods. They got sealed away in the chamber that is built by the god killers. Sealed by their own creations.

Soon they celebrate killing a god and sealing 3 of them away. Without the deity, there is no leader in the world. There is no peace. Nor there is no sunlight. The sky disappeared and the world turns into chaos. With all of the people greedy for power over everyone. Day by day there are millions of people being killed by conflicts.

And thus we the god killers stand up to lead nations. East, North, South, West is each ruled by the god killers. I am Adrian Brenth one of the god killers. I lead the north part of the world. I am the leader of all of the god killers. And I am the strongest of them all. Wars broke out through nations and nations. And my nation never losses even a single one.

Not until one day. All of the 3 parts of the world decided to Attack my nations. And as my anger grows I joined my men in war. I don't know what are they plotting but I will fight.

As we march through the land. we see nothing. And as I look back all of my men got killed. What happened?!. All of a sudden all of the god killers are in front of me with the weapon that I created. They all point it at me. ''It's time for you to say goodbye to the world, Adrian.''. I don't know what they want. Suddenly they knocked me out. Some of my powers got absorbed by them. ''Stuck with your own creation. pretty ironic don't you think Adrian.''

The wolves tried to kill me but they can't. I reached my hands out and they got absorbed by it. Magical beasts can't kill me after all. As I look upstairs I know I can't escape this chamber. I am stuck. The Darkness Always WIn. huh

I seek your power father...