

A collision or fusing of two planets is possible. Thus it is possible for a million more to collide. This thought has been on my mind for a while now. Well if it is possible. can it be possible in an Alternate Universe to collide with another Alternate Universe?. I mean dealing with a bunch of versions of me is enough but. I need to protect them. As the leader of this team. I need to protect Richards no matter what. Against those who kill.

I have the power of control. Whom whatever I touch I can control and make them to whatever shape I want. Just like a puppeteer but advanced. And I can absorb or copy the power of whomever I touch and see. Well, it's a good buff and power. But it has a big price on it.

Every time I use this power I cant see. No light is visible when I'm fighting. Only my other sense is helping me. Although recently I gained the power of echolocation. Im literally batman at this point.

Well, my team is called ''Hope''. We are the guys that protect all kinds of Richard against the team called ''Lunaris''. We are fighting for decades. Richards and Richards throughout this universe. Some of the members of Lunaris have Scythes, Sword, Dagger, All of those are just melee weapons but. It has powered on the weapon that they're holding. Some of them are dressed like scientists. With those long white coats.

And now. Currently, I have been informed that there is a Richard who killed a hundred of my men in a single second. And he seemed he don't want to kill those people. Well, I can revive them if they're still intact, but no. This guy crushed them all.

Well, we're currently looking for the guy. But in the meantime. Im researching on how to collide all of those Alternate Universes into one.

Our time isn't unlimited bud. Every day there is an alternate universe that's being destroyed. Sadly it's because of us. We have counted all of these realities and as of now we only have counts of all those realities.

Well. i gotta go now. I need to figure out something.

Project Collision should begin.