
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Its once endearing gaze turned a little soft, "For, I don't know what youre talking about.. "Its dragon head turned to Summer, the girl who just stood there watching all of it unfolding to her.

"I shall grant you a wish, you have saved my life.."its voice softened from speaking to Summer, as it slowly moved its dragon feets, the dragon itself had acknowledged Summer's care.

I guess the hours of bandaging some metal trash helped in the long run, though I'm sure Summer wouldn't understand even if I explained it to her.

Summer was a bit taken aback by the approach, but knew what she had to do, "Then.. could you get us out of here?.."her eyes glinted as she stared back at the dragon.

"Is that all?.."The dragon asked as if it was surprised as well, "Not riches?. Power? Beauty?... but an escape way out of here?.."

I myself was a bit shocked by her decision, right now she could ask for something, anything she wanted.

Heck, we wouldn't even need to continue the quest if she asks for what she wanted in the first place now.

But she chose to get out of here, "You heard her, get us out of here." The dragon sneered at my comment but did what he promised, a dash of blue crystals surrounded us until it was what we could see, teleporting us to an unfamiliar and grand place.

A large hollow castle with a modern aesthetic, a trophy was before us, beside the trophy lies a

Sleeping boy, once it noticed our presence it awoke, its translucent body stood out to me.

Yawning softly, "Did mr.dragon let you in?.." it asked with a soft but careless tone, "I guess you passed his test right?.."

It put his feet down getting off of the throne that especially made him look smaller, "Yes.. then who might you be?.."I asked as I stared at its childlike nature and features, could it be?

"I am the guardian of Fiona.."Its voice once again softened, Fiona? I looked over at what he was pointing at, "that's the trophy.."Summer responded as we both stared at the trophy.

"Indeed, Fiona, known as the trophy of power."

Power? Is that what Summer wanted? Power?

"No- That's not what I want!-.." A hesitation in Summer emptied her, all she could do was stand still.

A portion of the boy's eyes slit down as if it wasn't entertained, "Blah.. Blah blah, that's what all of you humans say, no matter the reason, many other humans have said the same thing, just to end up doing it for authority over others."

Well, now I can't talk, who wouldn't love a bit of authority once in a while? Besides, we are all at least part human, even the Gods are imperfect to the core.

Then a silent pause came before us, a slight rumbling caught the attention of the ghost, "Quickly, make a wish, before they come here."A hint of fear could be heard in his voice.

"Summer make your wish, we need to leave-"I said immediately, turning to Summer, who was taking all of the intensity of the situation.

The female took a deep breath, and eventually picked a choice, "I wish.."She stopped.

It was too late, the team of Gods and demigods were behind us, and a certain source of magic shut Summer from saying practically anything.

"What perfect timing shall i say?"The tone familiar to me, I could guess right away who he was, a male who I both respect and despise, a boy similar in age, his brooding blonde locks of hair swooned slowly as he stood out from the already obvious group.

I opened my mouth to not even find a slither of soundwaves escape, the red haired demigod smirked at my attempt, as I noticed before that she had made a couple of hand motions.

I raised my arm quickly as if it was writing out some ancient technique, small flashes of red light appeared and disappeared, then my voice came back.

My mouth opened as I spoke louder than I ever did before, to assure myself, "I wish for a unique power!.."I exclaimed.

Sure, it might've not been the best decision but for that moment my power could not hold up to 8-9 Gods and Goddesses, then 15 demigods and Aero.

"Is that so?.. Do as you will.. I, guardian of Fiona, will grant your wish."He closed his eyes as i could notice a small smile growing on the corner of his mouth and soon disappeared.

A soft feeling of regeneration filled me, but I didn't feel particularly special. I looked over to Summer who looked a bit taken aback from my reaction but I could see she was upset.

A sudden energy boost went through me, as I looked slightly down and held out my hand, "Well, I guess I have no choice but to fight in this situation right Aero?.."I smiled out of the pure essence of being bothered.

A seething black sword was shafted from my hand, purely made out of shadow and darkness, a gift from an uncle you could say.

"That's right."Aero had shown a smirk on his face, as he pulled out his own weapon and dashed right in, "Just like the good old times."