
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Metal Junk.

I pulled down my arm, as the reddish force field in front of me disappeared, the gray smoke started to wither away, but still with the inability to see.

Even with the smoke cleared away, there was no sight of Summer, why now? Why couldn't it just self-destruct a few seconds later? Maybe then she'd still be okay.


The familiar voice ringed in my ears, it had a sound so eerie, so taunting. The image of her was in it, her pink fluffy hair stringed down to her waist, but a displeasure showed clearly on her face.

"Kylar.. You've disappointed me.."She spoke, an alarming rate of extreme sources of mana exceeded from her silhouette.

Taking a step back, I stared at her, my mouth agape, before I stood still looking down, "I'm sorry mother.." I couldn't control my body, all I could do was see the situation happening before me.

The memories.. I remember. A ripe looking slap mark grazed the cheek of the boy, wait.. They look oddly familiar..

The room filled silent, hollow, concerning, and lastly suffocating.

I remembered this, I remembered her disgruntled expression when she slapped me.

How could I forget something as significant as this?..

"You know how much I sacrificed for you? The brutal pain i went through raising you?! And then you decided to visit her out of all people!"The female screamed, gripping a piece of paper in her hand.

No. I did.

But the boy stood silent, keeping his head down and freezed from what his mother just did to him.

Then, the woman fell onto her knees, tears streamed down her cheeks, her hair was stringed down from her tangled hair.

"Im so sorry.. You know I love you right?..."Her tears easily persuaded the boy to forgive his mother, as he knelt down sympathetically and put a comforting hand onto her shoulder.


It had seem fake, crocodile tears.

But, my heart was pushing me to believe her words.

I couldn't help it.

Right then and there, my mind came back to its senses.

Summer was right in front of me, her blonde ponytail hair had this kind of velvety tint to it, she wore a look which wasn't because of pain, but it was because of her concern.

"Are.. you okay?.."She asked, only being a few inches away from me, a cold slip of water stringed down from my eyes.

Quickly wiping it away with just the palm of my hand, "Yeah- im good.. Are you?.."I replied, staring at her unscathed silhouette.

"Im okay…''She continued to stare at me, a bit awkwardly at this point, not believing my words.

"What are you looking at?.."I responded pretty bluntly, before Summer just shrugged, "I just wanted to make sure you're okay… i've never imagined you'd cry… wait were you worried for me?"A hopeful idea popped into her mind.

I quickly shook my head much to Summer's disappointment, "Woah- you didn't have to shake your head that hard- i'm not that bad okay-.."

Says the one who dragged us a day behind. I noticed a quick change in her demeanor, the vulnerable and depressed sounding Summer wasn't there anymore, now I got this.

Well, I'll take what I can get for now. "It's been a good few hours since you woke up..''Summer elaborated to care for the situation at the moment.

A deep sigh left my mouth before I got back to some of my senses, "Wait.. why weren't you hurt?.. Or at least a scratch?.."I asked as I examined her body, almost cleaned of wounds, the exception is the wounds i noticed previously.

"I..don't know either..some red colored force field shielded me.. And that's why i'm okay.. Kylar, do you know anything about the force field?...- oh and what were you saying earlier.. Well before the smoke came out and everything.."

I paused for a second, red shield?- i don't remember placing a shield on her, at least not fast enough to cover her from the fight.

"No, I don't know about the shield, but it turns out the dragon was some metal junk that was well about to self-destruct.."I responded to her questions.

"Metal.. Are you sure the dragon is made of metal?.."She replied a bit shocked at my words, I looked back at her confused, according to the document it was just a robot dragon pretending to be a real one.

And, Summer should've at least seen the dragon explode, my eyes immediately darted to the large figure behind the girl, I didn't particularly notice it before.

"May I be the metal you're talking about?.."The large dragon asked, as its 'wound' which just looks like a hole in its robot body to me, is patched up.

It's an endearing but confusing gaze crossed to mine, how is it possible it's still up and working? Self destruction is supposed to mean absolute destruction of its body.

Its once cold and frosty-like scales stood the same to me, what pointed out odd was that Summer couldn't see the literal wires coming out of the patches of wound she covered, could it be hallucination magic?

Once you realize it, maybe it just fades off. A few hours ago I saw the metal flap, and everything went normal for me. The power of illusion magic can be confusing but once you lose the magic of it, it's all so much simpler.

"Yes."I responded bluntly, no elaboration, no backing up my argument, I just replied with a 'yes' to support my own claim and reasoning.

"I'm afraid to say that I am not such a robot like you said, because im-."The 'dragon' answered almost immediately, it's as if he's used to the same questions being said to him.

"You know it yourself don't you?"I said as bluntly as I was feeling, the so-called dragon is just a piece of metal junk.

Its eyes crossed mine, a tip of agitation grazed its pupils, as mine crossed emotionless to him.