
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Their sword sheathed against mine, as a loud clack could be heard, a terrible but also out of character grin grazed the face of Aero, who would've thought the fancy pants had it in him.

Well i always knew, besides everyone is two faced these days, ashes of little souls sprayed away from my sword as it transferred to Aero's sword, slowly but surely, the sword of Aero's started cracking.

I held the power to a unique sword, one crafted by another God, specially customized and made for me. One that can even destroy a God.

Aero stayed unfazed, maybe it was because of the Gods and demigods backing him up that he wasn't hesitant, another clack as my sword was knocked right out of my hand.

And Aero's sword quickly disintegrated, I looked over to my sword on the floor, the shadow of it faded away, as my hand summoned a new sword, exactly the same. Aero was weaponless, where were his arrows? Bow? His speciality as the son of Apollo?

"Tch.. Nephi, go."Aero said simply as he teleported himself away, then there beheld the minor god, his blue hair and sunglasses stayed the same since the last time i saw him, an off putting sense of feeling didn't leave me.

"Long time no see.. bastard.."Nephi smirked as if he got the upperhand, well it seemed reasonable that he had the upper hand, a tired demigod with ragged clothes and some unknown unique ability that we don't even know when it'll trigger, versus a minor god in good combat condition, well fed, well dressed- well you know what i'm getting at.

The God's finger slither to his glasses as he pulled down the black tinted headwear, the clear color of his yellow eyes were exposed, he pulled up a finger, as multitudes of swords, knives, daggers, spears, arrows, many weapons shifted from nothing in the air.

This will be fun.

My legs dashed into it's direction as I went straight in with a direct hit on Nephi, the penetration against his force field failed immediately, instead it shot my body back. Creaking of rocks and dust fell right beside me.

I had felt the same impact with Ace's pet cyclop, it still was grueling everytime, unbeknownst to me, there was no wound or blood in sight, despite feeling the pressure of what pain actually felt like, I had no wounds to recover.

It was as if I became a zombie, my legs shifted to getting back up, as I held out my hand once again to bring out my sword, the glare of the God's were a little more fearful.

Nephi didn't panic, it was almost like he couldn't in front of his own boss, "What are you doing? Go on."Aero yelled out demanding from the minor God.

Nepi swiftly ran in, making the first move this time, as he stabbed all of the swords he could at me, the wounds were just healing too fast for him to even process.

The pigmentation of blood would quickly disappear, as I would swing my sword into his direction, the force field was still holding up for him, but I knew it wasn't going to hold up from any more rapid or deadly hits.

The sword scraped and swung near the neck of the God as I closely examined its pattern of movements, I eventually got him back to a corner laying back flat on the ground, as my sword almost pierced his neck.

You're probably asking where Summer is right now. I teleported her out once I canceled the magic casted on her by the Goddess. I'm awfully good at distracting enemies nowadays.

Just as I was about to cut through his neck, a loud feminine voice screamed "Stop!"She exclaimed loudly, the voice was familiar but was in no way a priority to remember.


There was no way I was going to stop right now, murder spree or not, I was going to kill the God.

Aero's pupils quickly looked over to the girl with a certain familiarity but also a slightly horrified look that she had to witness this.

A frightened gaze fell on top of the girl as her words failed to persuade me, till the familiar warm feeling of a hand grip.

"Kylar i think that's enough.."A warm smile grazed the lips of a blonde demigod, his blue soft eyes and piercing gaze.

My hand let go of the sword, as i just realized what i was doing, it wasn't a unique power, it was a curse, to let your real self out, the wish was a total mistake, pieces of tears rolled down my eyes.

I tried to look back to Rina and Aero, as well as the rest of the Gods and demigods, but they seemed to have disappeared as well as Nephi.

I smelt a sudden dust of mana, they must've teleported, now it was only me and Eric, i couldn't help it.

For the first time, I cried to him. Out of all people.

Gripping the hem of his shirt I shuffled my face in his neck as I tried my best not to cry, but just to let out my frustrations.

Eric, who was certainly surprised, now soothingly hummed as he softly rubbed the back of my shirt, assuring me that everything will be alright.


Everything will be alright.

An extremely unpleasant feeling overcame me, as I quickly pushed away from Eric, blood spewed down his mouth and head. The red pigmented liquid streamed down to the floor as everything turned black.

The mana dust wasn't because of teleportation magic, but of hallucination magic.

"Ah.. I guess you did have some unique power huh?.."A masculine but mocking voice said, it was the God from before, the one in the tunnel who was attempting to trick Summer.

There in front of me stood a tall male, 6 feet or so, small slithers of scars crossed his neck, arms, and face, despite his intimidating looks, his soft eyes held something else.

"That hallucination magic.. You don't actually know what the person sees, do you?…"I asked straight to the figure who I assumed was the God who was manipulating all of this.

He didn't respond, but instead looked at me, connecting eye contact, until he spoke, "I may not see your hallucinations, but I can promise you, that whatever it is, it's certain to be your biggest fear."The God assured but it didn't make me feel any better.

His eyes were hollow and emotionless, almost as if he didn't want to be here, or even want to be using hallucination magic against me at all.

Opening my mouth, "Who hurt you."I said bluntly as I deeper examined his scars, the scars were deep but to much more a minimum size.

Maybe a sword was used for it? No, it's more likely that it was a dagger..The God stayed once again, but the black background and him disappeared right away, as I transcended back to the real world out of the hallucination.

There I was, both of my hands gripping on my sword swiftly almost piercing but threatening the neck of Nephi, sweat was intensely dripping down my neck, I could just feel the amusement Aero had for the situation.

He was willing to sacrifice his most trusted companion, just for his own amusement.

Weirdly enough.

Nephi was willing to entertain his interest.