
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Weak. (EDITED 6/14)

SItting down at my desk, I noticed someone awfully familiar in front of me, gray soft looking hair and that light green ribbon on her head.. Urei.. her hair slides down to her waist.

If i never mentioned it, Urei was a daughter of Demeter, her skills don't really match those of a wheat Goddess though, talented in the skill of designing, crafting and was quite creative..But her squeamish and weak personality made her an easy target for people to push her around.

Honestly can't understand people like that, where's their pride? Where's their strengths? A backbone and some ego is a required in every demigod.

But then again, I don't understand many things in the overworld, why does mom cherish it so much?

This world is filled with criminals, bad deeds, murderers, psychopaths, political corruption ,just so many trash people-

"Psst.. can you pick up my pencil?.."Urei whispered shyly.. I gazed back at the floor and flung my finger in the air to retrieve the pencil with my mana of course.. like I would actually do it.

A disappointed Urei was revealed, all of these people really are too obvious with their emotions huh?

Fortunately, Urei didn't try to do the same thing and just turned her back to me, that's one eventful thing on an uneventful day.

Class passed like normal, me taking extensive notes and was practically the only person paying attention to the lesson as usual.

As class drifted to being over, I was about to pack up my stuff until I heard someone call for me, "Mr.Celeste, can we have a talk please?"My teacher asked, the few students still left in the class stared at me as if I got in trouble. Some even whistled..

Me getting in trouble with teachers? Pretty much impossible, I would always make sure they weren't around when I did something illegal.. Well! Enough of that topic.

The teacher approached me with a kind smile, you can never trust people with those smiles..

"Your work is exceedingly more advanced than your classmates, I'm surprised you are in the lower class!"The teacher smiled proudly, low class? I did everything perfectly, why was I in the low class in the first class?

"Low class?.."I questionly muttered loud enough for her to hear, "Ah! Yes, the three classes are put into three sections, low class, middle class, and high class, your skills are enough to match high class honestly, if it weren't for that darn council of three."She commented.

Council of three? They do get their word out someway, we don't have that great of a relationship either way, i don't see why they have to interfere with my school life as well.

I responded to my teacher with a sewn in smile, "Thank you for the praise, ma'am.."

"Aw.. no such formality to call me ma'am, just call me Mrs.Erina~"Mrs.Erina spoke with a sweet tone, now that i look at it, Mrs.Erina looked young, fresh out of college young.

Her chocolate brown curls tied up in a youthful bun, she wore casual clothes that didn't look like she was going to any formal event nor was she particularlyunder dressed.

She is a demigod, just from her distinctive smell, the strong scent of flowers, kind of disgusting.

Daughter of Persephone? Or could it be a daughter of Aphrodite?

"Ah, look at the time, you should be heading to your next class, let me give you a post it note for an excuse."Mrs.Erina said with a friendly tone as she started to work on a post it note.

I waited patiently waiting for her to hand me the note, "Done!.. Good luck with your next class."Mrs.Erina said with a smile.

Leaving dismissively without any goodbyes, I began to sigh as I went to the cafeteria. Is she not aware that I don't have any classes after hers??

The cafeteria wasn't packed or crowded, only. 8 students were there eating lunch, some in a group, and there it was, Eric.

His blonde hair shined through the group of people in the table, unlike the others, his features made him stand out.

A true sunshine.

"What's so interesting about him that you're staring?."A voice that sounded cold had asked, I faced the person who said that, it was Ace.

"I wasn't staring."I immediately refuted, there's no reason i would have to stare at him, Ace raised a brow.

"Why were you even here?"I responded by changing the topic, it looked like Ace was processing a little of what I said.

"Oh, I wanted to apologize."Ace easily said with a reassuring expression, it looked so real that it sounded so fake for some reason.

"Ok, cool.."I answered bluntly avoiding eye contact with him, I noticed that Ace stayed quiet after my answer.

I guess I shouldn't be so stiff with someone new, even if that someone is a crazy delusional guy.

"....But I'll give you a second chance. Make it up to me."I expressed with a small smile, geez, Eric has been rubbing off of me.

The blue haired male showed a soft expression of a smile, "Thank you Kylar."

Someone thanking me?.. Maybe it isn't so bad to be nice from time to time.