
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Understanding (EDITED 6/14)

My eyes blinked open to be met with the desk of my plain bedroom. I fell asleep while I was studying. Yes, this is the daily routine of a child of Hades.. Hey I never promised you anything interesting.

Despite all of my magic and mana capacities, I'm just a normal studious student going to a school. Leaning back in the chair, as I stretched out my body.

Cheers to another day of a nightmare, skipping the part where i get ready for school, it's nothing entertaining.. I checked the time on my Utheria.

"6:30.." At this time I usually see Eric somewhere, and I wasn't wrong.

"Kylar.."Eric said with a softer smile, this was weird, he wasn't being loud but surprising quiet instead, "Yes?.."I replied with clear suspicion in my tone..

"Do you trust me?"Eric for the first time fumbled over his words, do I trust him? With no thought, "No."I responded straight to his question.

"Oh.."The male's voice was clear with disappointment, something like trust is what I lost a long time ago. And to lie it with this demigod of Zeus?.. No way.

"Now, hurry up, I'd rather be early to school than be on time."I exclaimed as I slapped him hard in the back, a yelp in pain lightly came from Eric.. then walking ahead of him.

I may not trust him, but he's not a bad guy.

Walking up to the school gate, I noticed Ace, his blue locks of hair flew back and forth against the wind, his eyes shone a happy expression which I entirely doubted was true, he seemed like he was talking to a group of other demigods.


Say, while on the topic of extroverts, i wonder why Eric isn't interacting with someone else right now, i remembered vividly that he was a social butterfly back in middle school.

Looking over to the blonde male questioning, Eric clearly didn't look like he was in a good mood, he was always clear with his emotions but it was rare to see him in another emotion other than being happy.

Well, whatever. It's not like it's any of my business anyways. I went to walk inside the school but a tight tug pulled my arm, I looked back to find Eric. Of course.

He's being extra clingy today, a part of me didn't mind it despite my initial thoughts.

His blue eyes pierced to show a kind of flawed glance, Eric may seem perfect but he definitely wasn't.

"Can we talk?"The blonde said with an outspoken voice but just enough for only us to hear, I looked at him as if he was crazy.. Eric.. being serious? What?

But obviously Eric didn't care, to him if i thought he was crazy it means i thought of him as somebody, and somebody was better then nobody.. is what Eric would say.

A silence that lasted a few seconds crossed us, "Fine.."I gave in, following Eric to some kind of secluded corner in the back of the school.

His serious expression turned into something more so concerned and feeble, I crossed my arms reluctant to hear whatever he said.

"I'm sorry that I sounded so serious..I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight.."Eric grinned nervously, i shot him a glare, gosh why did i think he was serious or mad about something for once...

"My mom had set up for it for a while, and wanted to meet you for one."Eric continued on about his mother, Mother? Only if I had one right now… Eric liked his family with how much he smiled and rambled about his moms cooking and hobbies.. if only.

"Stop talking.. You're giving me a headache, I'll go, are you happy?"I sighed, I didn't have anything else but studying planned for tonight anyways.

That same and familiar bright smile, it was back on Eric, he is pleased with even the smallest of things.

I don't understand him.

But, I couldn't help it when a small grin grew on my face for some reason.

"Eric.."I spoke out with a soft tone, Eric looked back at me with a bright smile, "What is it Kylar?"He wondered.

"You're getting too close to me.. It's harboring my clean air."I bluntly replied with a emotionless look on Eric's face.

The blonde male backed away, "Just didn't think that you would say yes."Eric said admittingly, geez, i'm not that close minded, i know when to say yes and when to say no.

I think.

"I'm going to my class, you should go to yours too.. What was it.. Your first class is with Ms.Green right?.."I attempted to make a conversation while walking along with him to my classroom. I felt bad.