
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Revenge. (EDITED 6/14)

A beautiful and youthful woman sat across from me. She looked very familiar, but for some reason, I couldn't remember her.

The woman had pink hair that reached down to her shoulders, she wore a soft but also fulfilled smile, it's as if nothing in the world can make her happier than she was right now.

And right in her arms was a newborn, a baby with similar features as me, the baby didn't cry, instead it was sleeping soothingly with the woman's lullaby.

A peaceful afternoon at the hospital was what the setting looked like, but suddenly it got dark and dimmed, the newborn was a toddler now.

The woman was gone.

Instead, there was a tall man with a rugged structure and a stern expression, dark hair that was pulled back and showed dominance.

He was holding the toddler carrying it as he looked at the grave in front of him, not too long after that, the supposed toddler got more secluded.

In the next scene, he was a kid alone.

With no other figures or people, the scenes got more and more gruesome, curses, and having to participate in murder to survive in this horrible world.

Just when a scene with a blue haired male popped up, I immediately woke up with sweat glistening down my neck.

It was a nightmare, my panting quicken, i felt awful, who was that kid?.. No, whose memory was I receiving?

Come to think of it.. I can't remember anything earlier than when I finished elementary school. Could that kid be me?

But, why did I remember this now? Out of all times? And that blue haired kid, maybe Ace wasn't a crazy lunatic, maybe he was a honest crazy lunatic.

My body was shaking. This was the first time in my life that I would question my memories, "My child, this is not for you to be afraid of.."A voice spoke out.

There wasn't anyone there, the voice was feminine and familiar, everything felt familiar ever since I went to Meria High.

Everything felt nostalgic, it's as if I should know who that voice is coming from.

As if the mysterious voice was reading my mind, they answered. "I am nothing else but your mother, my dear."

"Mom?.."I muttered under my breath as I looked straight at where I heard the voice. I have almost no memories of my mom, I usually remembered my memories down till I was 8..

But even then, there was only one memory i had of my mother, my mother was carrying me along a flower garden, the sun was setting down.

She wore a long flower dress, her diamond-like eyes pierced against the reflection of the sun, her soft pink hair flew along with the slow but peaceful wind.

She looked truly happy, it was as if everything was built up to this moment.. it was as if she was accepting reality.

Other than that memory of her, for some reason, I can't remember anything more than that, "My baby boy.. What have they done to you?.."The voice cried.

My reaction was blank, "What did they do to me?.."I responded weakly as if I couldn't believe what was happening.

I felt a cold touch on my face, her palm grazing my cheeks. "They erased your memories.. How could Hades do this.."A clear sense of anger and revenge was what the voice seeked.

Hades? My dad? I never met Hades personally, but I've at least had a dinner or two with Persephone, my step mom.

If erasing my memories were true.. Then what Ace was saying is true?.. "Darling.. You must take revenge for me.."The voice was stricken with sorrow, by now my shoulder felt cold, she was serious.

I was angry, mad that the only mother in my life that even bothered to show up was dead because of a dead-beat father.

My grip on my hand tightened in frustration, "What should i do?..."I asked the voice.

"Right now my dear, stay low.. But when the time comes I'll steer clear of a way and opportunity for you to take revenge..for me. I'll take my leave."The voice faltered and eventually the cold presence disappeared.

I stared down at the blanket of my bed, from what I learned, all I could think about was.

D.E.S.T.R.O.Y. O.L.Y.M.P.U.S

My mind was fixated on that one goal, of course they took it as a grain of salt to erase a demigod's memories.

Horrible Gods, my trust in them was never for good intentions even before today.

I needed to think of a plan, to destroy Olympus, destroy whoever goes against me.. or whatever God did that to my mother.