
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Urei. (Backstory/Canon)

"I'm sorry.."The girl muttered, tears dripped down her eyes, a vase which looked quite expensive was shattered into millions shards..right in front of her.

The woman in front of the little girl did not budge, a particular spark of rage stood in her face, it was clear that the girl wasn't getting away with this situation unscathed.

"Sorry what? You're sorry won't bring back the vase!"The woman looked like she was about to slap the girl, but she stopped suddenly.

It was so sudden that it seemed abnormal, maybe there was some divine being stopping the women to do so.

The woman struggled for a bit, but looked like she was clear what was happening, and couldn't help but leave with a rage filled expression.

The little girl's light gray hair was a mess, it was tied up in a low ponytail with a green tie, but there were many knots in her hair, so it was obvious by now that she wasn't in a great condition.

She wore a pink dress, but it was made in rough fabric that could easily scrape the skin if worned out more.

Her pair of feet was not even given a shoe, instead it was socks, socks that were in terrible condition, it was worned out and looked second handed.

Despite the women leaving, the little girl still cried.

Why did she?

Oh of course. Because she is constantly reminded that she was useless.

A failure.

An idiot.

A Godforsaken child.

Someone who is misfortune to even have, houses after houses, foster homes after foster homes.

No one accepted her, no one loved her.

She was just a girl who wanted love and appreciation, from someone she can call her own parents.

But she just keeps messing up. Every single time.

"Hey. Get. Up."A blonde haired girl said in a stern tone, compared to the other girl, this one was a lot more neat and tidy.

Her blonde hair was tied up in a neat ponytail, her blue dress looked good as new, her feet were adorned with well made mary janes and socks.

The two looked like totally different girls, not one from the same orphanage.

Their manners were very different as well, the blonde girl shows a confident aura with a blunt face expression.

But, the younger girl who was on the floor, had just stopped crying, she felt and looked vulnerable.

"b-but-""The gray haired girl managed to mutter out as her voice was drowned out by her little mutters.

"I don't care what Ms.Yeria says. She can't hurt either of us."The girl who stood up, confidently claimed, held out her hand giving it to the weeping girl.

The younger girl finally took her hand, "o-ok.. My name is Urei.."Urei introduced herself, her eyes dried out quickly, she stopped crying just a few seconds ago.

"Urei right? Well I'm Maria, you need to get that hair and clothes checked out.."Maria pointed out distastefully, noticing the terrible fashion and condition her clothes and hair was in.

Especially the terrible fashion.

Maria led Urei to the bathroom, in another person's view it looked completely off, maybe even kind of weird.

The two enter the bathroom, it was empty and clean, Maria started pulling out a bag, she showcased it to Urei.

It was filled with makeup, extra clothes, and accessories, the timid Urei didn't know how to respond to it, she never saw so much nice clothes and makeup in her life.

The next thing you know, Urei looked absolutely different, her once dimmed yellow eyes.

It was now bright and dollike, her tangled hair now looked soft and was straight, she wore a green dress that more complimented her features.

Maria looked at the girl observing her, "I feel like you're missing a couple things.."Maria muttered to herself, "Oh yeah!"She said as if she got an idea, going to her bag again she pulled out a green bow.

The green bow was glazed with laces, the center of the bow showed a small yellow gem, "This looks perfect on you!"Maria exclaimed as she dressed Urei in her image.

Urei was still a little shy, but she nodded, averting her gaze from the overconfident girl right in front of her.

Maria smiled warmly, she was content that the girl started opening up to her, even after all that happened to Urei.