
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Ace. (Backstory 1/Canon)

I stared down at the puddle before me, rain drops down, small drops of rain pours down from my strands of hair.

I carried my hand to touch it, It was dry, my clothes were neither wet.

A child of Poseidon being left out in the cold, stormy and raining. I didn't bother to avoid the rain as I slid out my cardboard, hiding it under me instead.

Scratches, bruises, I was totally malnourished, an orphan living lonely in the streets, a busy street of people passing by, but not even offering food or money to a little boy.

A particular feature caught my eye, another person around my age just passing by me, he held his mother's hand.

His mother was a beautiful and youthful woman, her soft pink hair slid past her chest, the child next to her was nowhere less.

His angelic and charming features for just a kid was eye catching, his light pink shined through the darker clouds of rain.

He was like the light through a piece of shadow, the two bonded while having a bit of fun in the rain, and were showing no bother to the poor or anyone else.

My eyes glowed in jealousy, in a wish to have parents.

To have someone care for me.

To have decent living conditions.

I bit my lips but didn't do anything, blinking a few times I noticed the pastel haired boy right in front of me.

With a small smile, "Do you need a tissue?"The boy asked kindly, with this innocent look, I couldn't comprehend, nor could I understand why out of all these people, a small body cared for my well-being.

Noticing my confusion, the boy pointed at my lips, now I could feel the red and metallic tasting liquid slipping down my lower lips.

It seemed that I bit it down too hard, the petite boy didn't wait for an answer and handed me his handkerchief instead.

"I'm giving you my mother's handkerchief.. just make sure to give it back to me okay?"The boy said with a kind smile, it made me feel weird inside.

A kind act, it was something I've never experienced before. I nodded while taking the handkerchief, his fair skin was adorned with an awfully cute grin before he left.

I neatly folded the handkerchief and protected it from the pouring rain.

The next day, I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

He didn't show up, until I saw the smallest slither of pink hair, quickly I ran for that presence.

Leaving my small cardboard house behind, I could already see the swarm of people along the streets walking over it, betting all my hopes on this one pastel hair person.

Once I managed to catch up with the person, I was already breathing heavily, this time I could get a closer look at the person.

He turned around facing me, a bit surprised, the same and familiar pink pastel hair, with that same dark but bright eyes, he wore this neatly worn button up shirt and short black pants.

"Sorry, do I know you?.."The boy said, a bit taken aback, I nodded shyly as I handed him the handkerchief.

"Ah.. Mom said that my memories have been getting worse these days.. heck, I might even forget you.."A small teasing grin was placed upon the smaller boy.

A smile appeared on my face, "It's fine.."I almost struggled to say, I could feel the boy's eyes on me, as if he was examining every part of me.

"your not normal are you?"He asks as suspicion raised in his voice, I quickly stepped in, "I-Im Ace!.. son of P-Poesiden!.."Slipping off of some of my words.

I waited for him to look at me as if I was a crazy person, no one would believe me if I told them something like that.

But instead, he showed a reassuring smile, "Alrighty then Ace.. I'm Kylar.. Son of Hades.. nice to meet you."Kylar had introduced himself bowing just slightly.

And there it was, a start of a blooming friendship, Kylar and I would hang out almost everyday.


Until that day.