
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Suddenly the God let go of my collar, causing me to take an impact on the hospital bed below me, gripping the bed sheet. I looked up at the God with a fierce glare

"You're lucky for now."A small frown appeared on the corner of his lips, as he disappeared out of thin air.

Nephi used to be a more relevant God, but as you can see, times changed and his tales were soon forgotten, down to a simple minor God of weaponry.

I let go of my grip on the bed sheets, shaking a bit, facing a God is no simple action, even if it is just a minor God.

I then heard the knocking on the door, "Come in.."I responded quickly fixing my composure and bed sheets.

Much to my relief, a more familiar person came in, it was Urei, her soft gray hair was tied into two simple braids on each side, her green bow wasn't on her hair anymore, instead it was a golden french barrette complimenting the color of her eyes.

She wore a simple and modest white sundress along with slippers, she carried a basket, wearing a more confident smile.

"I made this for you.."Urei said with a soft tone that i was lucky to hear, she showcased the basket right in front of me.

Piquing my curiosity, I opened it, revealing a plate of cookies. It smelled delicious.

The chocolaty smell of coco, taking one i bit it.

The cookie had a chewy but sweet texture,""Itws gwood.."I mumbled as i ate the rest of the cookies,

Much to Urie's surprise, I enjoyed it. These demigods are really gifted in cooking, I thought.

Maybe a small smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, "Anyways, I should get going-.."Urei sped out of the room with a flustered expression that I just couldn't ever understand.

Finishing the cookies I neatly placed them in the sink next to me, and as always just went back to my hospital bed, waiting for Eric to come and clean it for me instead.


I was drafted for a peaceful night of sleep, until a sound of breathing woke me up. I looked at the source of the noise.

Finding Eric, "Ah..I''m a little again ain't i?"That smile of his never had seemed to disappear, I nodded quietly as I sat up on the hospital bed.

Still tired and half asleep, "Sorry for waking you up.."Eric apologized sitting on the bed next to me.

"It's fine.."I mumbled quietly as I rubbed my eye with my hand, blinking a few times before looking at him with clear vision.

The male in front of me had held a glowing object, "What is that?-"I asked swiftly, a bit curious and confused at the same time.

Eric looked over at the object, "Oh this?-"The demigod held a nervous gaze, waiting a few seconds not responding.

"It's fine. You don't have to respond anymore."I said with a soft sigh, I knew Eric wasn't able to answer a question with that…

Rubbing my eyes again, I noticed something else, blood seeped down his nose, small gaps of bruises were on the ripped part of his clothes.

The moon shine especially elaborated the bright red color of the blood and soft purple of his bruises.

My eyes widened a little, as much as i tried to stay calm in every situation, i couldn't help but break a little in this one.

I didn't utter a word, but instead had taken his arm with my hand, hovering my hand over his bruised arm, a light glow was led on it.

Healing the bruise, a great flaw of a child of Zeus.

They could heal others, but cannot heal themselves, truly give everyone but themselves type of situation.

And my healing abilities are not as powerful, but i was able to heal myself and others… well at the cost of something valuable to me.

But what's the ability of the son of death, to not have some high penalty? Or that's at least what the cruel Hades had decided.

Once Eric had realized what I was doing, he had quickly slapped my hand away from him, "Don't worry Kylar, I'm fine!.. Like always."Despite all of those wounds he held this indescribable bright smile.

I couldn't understand him, with those wounds he should be somewhere in the hospital, not here.

But at that moment, I felt even much more pain than usual, it was the penalty of healing.

It wasn't permanent, but it felt like I was dying. I wouldn't doubt that I had experienced that.

The air around me had felt like it got thinner, sweat slowly dripped down my face, despite the wounds of the demigod, he managed to make me feel more vulnerable.

Maybe i was about to explode, before i could, Eric had slowly laid me down on the bed, it seemed as if he had noticed what i was experiencing.

"Good night.."He spoke with a soft tone, i didn't hear a door close nor open, but i couldn't focus on that when I felt like a knife went through my head.

I spent the whole night groaning and moving around in pain, still not even a piece of me had regretted healing Eric.