
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

The Girl.

Waking up, the bright shine of the morning sun had reflected upon the bed, rubbing my eyes and I tried to get my vision back.

Eric was right next to me, his blonde hair laid on the bed carefreely, an unconscious smile had grazed my lips.

But even then, i stayed quiet, my arms felt numb, my legs rested tiredly, i just felt all in all awful, it was clear that i wasn't going to get any better any time soon, but here i was still alive, i at least needed a chance.

I stepped down the bed, my tired legs felt the cold top crease of the floor, the sun just rose and fortunately no nurse had come to check on me yet.

Carefully and lightly, I walked to the door of my hospital room, it was rimmed with finger prints that weren't normally seen in the eyes of normal mortals.

This time, I couldn't help but get the feeling of nausea out with a small walk, it's not like there's going to be some crazy minor God again right? Statistically impossible, or I at least had hoped.

The roads now were still filled with quite a few people, some mortals were hurrying to work, some were opening their shops, and some were just… What do you call it? A little bit mischievous is all I can say.

Reacting with a neutral expression I just moved on with my small walk, unbeknownst to myself my walk had to be cut short, very early on.

"Hurry up and just give it to me.."A noisy mortal-like voice had complained, the source of sound came from the far right of me, it had led to a convenient dead end.

"Make me!"The eager voice exclaimed back, what I assumed was a whimper from the noise I had heard, tiredly but quickly I had made my way to the source of the noise.

The dead end of the corner, looked like it was from a movie, the disgusting smell of the trash can, to the graffiti painted on the wall, and then the girl being ganged up by multiple guys-

Caught me a bit off guard and annoyed, i threw whatever was in my hand, and that just happened to be developed magic i've been saving these past months, unfortunately i had missed the shot and the guys just happened to have noticed.

"What the hel-..''The once angered guy was now shocked and taken back, seeing the hole of the wall in front of him, and just inches from his face.

His little goons reacted just the same. From this point on, I couldn't help but notice the familiarity of the girl, taking it with a grain of salt since I seemed to be familiar with many people nowadays.

Of course it wasn't smart of me to display my powers to mortals, but i'm sure i can get it past the bandit just being mentally ill to the police.

They stared at me just with their mouth agape, and surely enough that one move was enough for them to make a run for it.

Couldn't blame them though, if you saw a pale kid with hospital clothes in the middle of an alleyway, who just threw a fireball at you.

Even i would shudder a little.

A smile had appeared on the girl who just had sat there, bruises were clear on her skin, but one main thing I noticed was something glowing at the center of her body.

"You're glowing."I outed it to the girl, when it came to her attention, she started coughing, and her body suddenly stopped becoming the golden glow.

Out of this weird notice, I also saw a dog who sat on her lap, it also seemed to have bruises, with its leg being poorly bandaged. I had assumed that the bandages were the girl's doing.

Mortals usually had to go through lessons to be able to bandage properly it seems, while demigods were just naturally born or a fast learner with the knowledge of their Godmothers or Fathers gifts.

And there it was, the girl had turned out to have fainted just after coughing, ha.. This is what I get for doing one good deed?

It's not like i can leave her alone here either, i don't know what nonsense she might spout if i do, the angered dog started barking at me in the defense of their owner.

Tiredly, I knelt down picking up the girl by arm. At this point I was glad that it was early in the morning, only a few people glanced at me.

But with a bit of manipulation magic they just turned their head right back, somehow, i felt like my magic was getting stronger since i met the girl.

Although, she is quite heavy, and the dog of hers wouldn't leave me alone with their barking either, so it did become difficult to keep the attention limited from me.

I managed to go through the hospital stairs, and get inside my room, with a dog barking its head off and manipulation magic.

Unfortunately, manipulation magic does not affect Demigod's as well as it does to mortals.."Who's that?.."The awoken Eric asked, dropping the fork in his hand, as he just noticed my presence.

Okay, it might've seemed a bit weird to be holding an unconscious girl, but Eric would understand right?

"It's..erm.. My sister."I had lied, I have to say, it must've been my worst lie in history… and at the worst times as well.

A concerned but also jealous-like glare had come off of the blonde demigod, before a small sigh had come in.

"Alright.."He said simply, but despite what I had said it was clear that he didn't believe me, "Then.. let's get your sister on the bed."Eric took the girl from my hands, which I thanked him for, even before I lost most of my power.

I was a pretty weak person physically, the girl's soft white hair had spread out on the bed, freckles decorated her face, but what was the most off putting, was the bruises.

I didn't notice them as much as before, but now that I looked at them closely, it was a dark purplish blue tint that I was very well a professional to.

"Now.. what do you want me to do about this dog?"Eric questioned, putting me out of my zone, i got back to the noise of the barks annoying barking.

"Nothing but manipulation magic, is what i guess, the dogs only like their-"My words were caught off after the sight of the dog playfully licking Eric's face.

Well, I guess the dog just doesn't like people who kidnap their owners. touche.

"W-where am i?.."The girl sat up, questioning her surroundings, this opened me to another inference, her pupils.

They were a golden yellow color, but the rest of her eyes were a simple green, "I have some questions for you.."I said with a professional but maybe off putting tone to the girl.

"Where's Chia?!"She immediately charged to the question, sighing. I looked back at Eric and Chia, clearly they were having fun.

"Your dog is fine and being taken care of.. Unless you answer my questions, I don't think your dog and you can safely get out of here."I said with an intentional smile, at the same time I also probably looked like a pure villain.

An unsure expression appeared on the girl, but she nodded hesitantly and slowly, "You can't see can you?"I spoke as her face turned pale and even more hesitant.

From now on, the golden pupils became an important factor of her, just from observations and her weird head turnings.

She couldn't see, I thought it had seemed obvious when Eric was taking care of Chia right behind me, but when I explained it, and from the noises in the background.

She must've believed me. "Yes.."Her voice became hoarse just from the one question I had asked her.