
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

God Of Destruction.

A soft smile was grazed upon the demigod's face as he hovered his hand over the son of Hades, healing him and whatever mortal injury he had.

It's been 4 hours, but I waited patiently, careful to not break his focus. Then he hovered his hand away, "Done!.. I'll come back tomorrow if that's alright."Eric's voice seemed a bit more tired.

I guess healing people does deplete energy quickly, every great power must have some kind of flaw, nodding quietly, i handed him a box.

The box was decorated with one dark blue ribbon, and had golden wrappings, "Happy birthday.."I said with a smile, despite the fact that Eric only told me his birthday once.

I remembered the moment he told me perfectly. Once I showed him the present, his tired expression immediately brightened up.

"Hey, don't expect me to give you a present every birthday okay?.."I responded to try and not get his hopes up, it's not like i was going to be here forever.

"You remember my birthday?"Eric smiled, quickly forgetting what I said earlier, but I let him have that dream anyways.

Nodding steadily to his words, he opened the present, revealing some kind of stone, it had this very dark but also bright aroma, it held a dark hue.

Eric looked at it in confusion at first, but smiled anyway since he did get a gift from me, "It's a Ghoul stone, once in every thousand years, it comes around and is developed in the underworld."I elaborated to him.

It could just be me, but again, his smile made my stomach feel like it had butterflies.


"It's already November 10th?!"The green haired demigod exclaimed, making Eric jump a little carefully holding the stone.

"Yep, Kylar gave me this stone.."He held the dark stone cautiously in his hand, he was treating it as if it was a precious diamond,

A small smirk appeared on Ray's face, "What's so good about some dark rock.."Ray teased hoping to get some reaction.

"It's a rock given by Kylar, what's not good about it."Eric had said simply not bothering to put out the facts Kylar had given him.

LIttle to what Ray knew, the dark stone was much more than some rock.

The two peacefully made their way back to their own homes.


A knock was heard on the hospital door, "You can come in."I responded as i put down my book, unexpectedly I saw an unfamiliar person.

He was a tall male, with a dark blue tuxedo, sunglasses were placed on his face, covering his eye color, he had soft-looking light blue hair.

"Nice to meet you Mr.Kylar!''The male smiled mischievously, much to my surprise the male didn't sink out a powerful aura like most people I had met.

Unless he knew how to conceal his own aura from a son of Hades, I doubt that he was a demigod or any other powerful being.

Despite the facts brought in front of me, I couldn't help but hold suspicion for the guy already because he knows my name, "Do i know you?"I asked in a calm manner, I examined his whole actions and expressions.

"Nope, but I know you. And my master is quite pique by your 'actions', in Meria high."The male got closer to me, showcasing a video of where I was fighting the cyclop.

But i kept calm, "Blackmail is your point?"I responded, with more narrowed eyes, i don't know how or why they had the footage.

I had to stay calm, otherwise I'll just give them the reaction they wanted.

The male leaned away a bit, "No. No. No, Mr.Celeste, I just wanted to have a small chat. Afterall, there's a clear difference in our positions for me to do such a thing to you."A smirk had appeared on the male.

Positions? They are human.. Unless.

"You're a minor God aren't you?"I spoke with a stern tone, I wouldn't. No. I couldn't show my vulnerability to God.

Especially to a God who basically feeds off of the emotion, you call 'Fear'.

The God looked a bit taken aback, it wasn't from the fact that i found out so soon, it was that i referred to him as a 'minor' God.

One thing I knew for a fact from each other, was that we both didn't like to be looked down on.

"MInor God?.."A smirk appeared on the male's face, he reached down picking me up by my collar.

"That's a bit funny coming from you half mortal.''The God's tone completely changed, I could see the clear vein on his forehead from how mad he became, now his clear fierce yellow eyes were obvious through his sunglasses

But my calm composure stayed true to itself. "Nephi, minor God of destruction and weaponry."I looked up at him with a cruel smile

despite my position, it was obvious who had the upper hand here.