
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Nothing Interesting. (EDITED 6/14)

Two simple words, to make all of your problems go away.

'Im sorry'

Is that all it takes?

It did work in this situation, Urei's tears stopped running.. she looked at me surprised but didn't look particularly sad anymore.

Before she could utter another word, the blonde hair girl pulled her away from me, "Come on Urei! We'll find a better man for you!.."She exclaimed as she left angrily and insistently.

I sighed, "This is what i get for being nice?.."I muttered to myself, before.. hearing a familiar voice.

"Kylar!.."Eric exclaimed as he waved in the front door of the classroom, that's right. He looked like a dog wagging its tail sighting its owner in public..Now I deal with this.

Thank the Gods that no one was left in the classroom, reluctantly I got up and packed my stuff leaving (kinda forced) with Eric to go to the cafeteria.

The day went on smoothly, no sights of Ace nor Urei…

it was just great, i really jinxed it.

This time being that I just finished my last class of the day.. fully ready to go home as I gazed at the light orange color of the sunset reflected through the windows of the classroom.

While neatly organized all my notes .. surprisingly I was left uninterrupted, I was expecting the same yelling Eric at the doorway of the classroom.. waiting to walk home with me.

But he wasn't there, weird. Well I'll just have to walk home alone.

Is what I thought. Untill a person bumped into me, a green haired male, "Sorry!.."The boy said squeamishly as he ran away from my direction.

Now that was suspicious, the few details I caught of him when he left was his pale green hair, fair skin color, red ruby eyes.. as well as a quite weak reflex.

i followed after him hoping to find something.. Eric rubbed off of me. A dark alley way corner with a dimmed door was what I found. I waited there for a few seconds deciding whether to open it or not, you can guess which side won.

I ended up opening the door, it led to flights of staircases, even with my instincts i couldn't feel anyone's presence, its as if no one was alive.

Giving into my self control and rationality.. I closed back the door, i'm still human after all, that basement was swarming with anti magic equipments.. 

Whatever was in there, it was possible even i couldn't even fight it, jeez today was a tiring day, only if i just kept quiet and not became curious.. I sighed to myself as I walked in front of a door.

It was metal, the door wasn't made of just any metal, it was made of a special iron called 'Iraue' that keeps humans from seeing it or any monsters in fact.

Right next to the door was a small keypad, I moved my fingers putting in the passcode..Now you didn't think i'll tell you my passcode did you?

The door opened, it wasn't the underworld or anything crazy like that, it had a warm and calm atmosphere, even soothing.

Or at least used to be, now its dim and neat, i looked over at the details of the room, it looked..

No different than before, but I still feel like something is missing.. What was it?

Forget it, it's no use trying to remember something i can't remember, my home is like any other home, i have no maids or butlers to do anything for me.

I'm truly free and alone, no Eric and no Ace.. feels amazing.

Too amazing that it feels bad, i sighed as i took out my Utheria, it's a high-tech electronic used for communication and given to every student of Meria High.

It is able to access a universal type of social media, only the best is given to students of Mera High.

The electronic was shaped like a rectangle, it had my name written on it as well as my face printed on, kind of like a student id.

"On.''I said as the Utheria device showed a digital like hologram above the electronic, social media posts from the school accounts started pinging.. nothing about a alleyway basement or of that sort..

I found nothing interesting so I put away my Utheria with a simple 'Off', my body sat up stretching for a few seconds as I got up to my desk ready with all of my notes.

Time to study.