
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


The wound of its flesh wasn't going to get any better, a hand was put across it, as if they were checking its pulse.

"It's impossible Summer."I replied as my hand only healed a fragment of its much deeper wounds, the expression of Summer darkened but she didn't take her eyes off of its wounded flesh.

It itself had confused me, I should be able to heal about anything, or at least most of anything, if I could heal multiple demigods in one day, then why couldn't I heal a dragon.. I could notice a thin flap of metallic skin, as my whole confusion went away immediately.

"You're guilty aren't you?"I asked as I laid the wet fabric on the cold stone floor, I didn't forget about the time Summer technically sabotaged me. I don't particularly take revenge but I do very well hold grudges.

She averted her gaze refusing to face me, once I was starting to get up she started to speak, "It was like a possession.. I couldn't control my body, I felt entirely numb."

A string of her blonde disheveled hair stringed down as I held a finger over it to keep it in place, "I see, if that's the case.. I can forget it."I responded to her words, sure I can forget once an explanation is laid out, but it doesn't mean I will always forgive.

A soft strawberry like color grazed the cheeks of the girl, her eyes darting to my hand, brushing it off I let my hand go, and then we were back to the start with the quiet atmosphere.

Until I got up from the floor, "While you go do that, I'll get myself out of here."I said, I was confident in my own abilities, well to an extent.

My fingers skimmed the solid stone walls, before I lifted my hand and swayed it towards the metallic like wall.

A s grave amount of smoke filled the room almost instantly as a laboratory was right before my eyes, counters, stacks of research, my feet were lifted to enter.

My eyes searched around not only in curiosity but in increasing suspicion, what were the chances that a laboratory would be underground…. Let me rephrase that, a NORMAL laboratory.

Could it be that the dragon had lied to me?.. scraps of paper were scattered everywhere, ripped, shredded, and splashed with reddish liquid.


The newfound information did take me by surprise, but it also led me to tempt for more information, a suspiciously perfect condition paper was sat right in front of me.

Kneeling down I looked around it, it was the only paper in mint condition, speaking about mint condition.. This laboratory has an increasingly horrid smell, dust was clear to even a normal human.

Directing my attention to the paper, I focused, it read..

"Date - 3/7/15. Experiment 098-Dragon Of Time', a dragon made up of complex but simple materials such as cogwheels, wires, metal, and runs in pure motor oil, known to access in highly dangerous activities. Claims to be a dragon from the clouds, noticing a bit of a narcissistic and prideful manner, completely unaware of its making. Possess the ability of ice, water, and even self destruction once it feels it is threatened, cannot self destruct when resting or forced to go to resting. Despite possessing realistic and exact features of a dragon, it is only blood of motor oil and hologram to trick a fellow co worker."

My eyes skimmed down the letter as I flipped to the back with no other information but one warning.

"Multitudes of cores that are highly dangerous when touched or pressed in a incorrect way || Please proceed in caution."

My fingers immediately gripped the paper, of course. We should've approached everything with caution as soon as we got it here.

I couldn't help but my legs just freezing, at the chance. The chance of losing someone.

Before I faced a sudden realization, my legs just ran towards Summer towards the original area, "Get away from there!…"I exclaimed as the illusion of blood and the hologram of its wound disappeared, it was just a dragon corpse with a metal scraped off.

A big explosion elaborated.