
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


An eerie and mysterious sound ranged against the hollow but solid walls of the cave, as the dragon started speaking.

"I longed for an heir, and I find that you're the perfect vessel.."It's cold breath left a soft white cloud, i immediately shook my head in dismay.

"I already have a creature that I wholeheartedly owe a favor similar to, so I'm sorry to say but I cannot and will not accept your offer."

The creature's scale slightly lifted, perhaps a sign of emotion? "I see, then i'll be on my wa-"

I pulled the string tightly closed onto my fingers, as the dragon coughed roughly from my sudden strength, the invisible-like string wrapped strongly around the neck and body of the dragon.

"You'd think I'll let you get away? Sorry to say, but I'm in a time crunch right now."I spoke as I looked at the eyes of the dragon. It was resentful, but I sorely expected this.

The string was made of aluminum, not just any aluminum, but one that I meticulously created, and extended with my magic.

4 days, 4 days left, I was never a person who would just let someone leave without a fight, and if I had to do it by force, so be it.

"This half godling invented web is nothing."Its voice seemed to have gotten rougher, as its wings arched upwards, breaking the strings immediately with pure force.

Before I could even react it had fallen down, the red liquid seeped out of the abodemen of the dragon, I knew it.

For a dragon to be stuck even in here, they must've been in some way injured. It was clear that I alone wouldn't be able to defeat a dragon completely unprepared, but taking down an injured dragon is another question.

No dragon is easily so submissive to someone, especially a half godling that they have years of rejecting, dragons grow so much pride over the years, it was obvious that there was something clearly wrong with it.

During all of it, the dragon must've thought I was just being bold, "Kylar?..."A familiar voice muttered, as a girl walked in, her blonde hair was disheveled, her blue pupils a bit dim, through all of this, I didn't see much change in her besides a light tan.

"Summer, you should go back to sleep.."I smiled softly despite having a literal unconscious and bloodied body of a huge ice dragon.

"What is that!?"Summer obviously and expectantly freaked out, as she held tight on the jacket I handed her, "It's not.. Dead is it?"

A similar reddish orange liquid seeped down from my head, "You're really worrying about a good for nothing dragon during this time?" A dizzy and hazing thought filled me.

Summer catching my eye contact prevented me from recovering any more injuries from the ground, Her arm caressed my waist, as she held tightly. "I'm good, you know what, I think you should take a break.. I'll watch agai-.."My eyes slid closed as my body shifted to unconsciousness.


Once I regained my consciousness, I quickly sat up looking around, but could only be faced with a warm fire. I felt the hard wood against my back, spreading my muscles. I stretched.

Before coming back to my senses, I looked around for Summer, who seems to be washing the dragon's wounds… wait, washing the dragon's wounds?!

I touched my head feeling around, band aids covered a particular wound, I couldn't lie that I did feel partially better.

"You don't have to help the dragon.. You know? Besides.. How long have I been asleep for?"I asked, as I stared down at my hand, it was etched with light cuts and decorated with bandaids, it seemed that even the strings were a bit too much for me to handle.

Summer took a wet fabric and rubbed it around the wounds of the dragon, sweat dripped down from her neck, she didn't stop to face me, it seems like she's been working for it for a while. "I can't leave any being hurt.. It's just wrong above all levels.."Her voice softened.

"Well, you and I have different views on life, at some point, we are all selfish.. And I just happened to be really selfish.."A dim atmosphere fell between us.

Regardless of our view in life, the only thing we could really do was move forward, if I want to force a dragon into submission.. Why can't i? I'm no person with morals or ethics, something like justice has wronged me long ago.

I looked down, the world really was against me that day, the day she went away, I could still remember the soft summer season, and her beautiful smile, she stood above all Goddesses in terms of looks.

A beautiful woman with embracing green jade eyes, long pink hair which stood unique, my gaze checked my own soft pink hair.

It was so similar to of her's, in all of this, my hair must've gotten longer as it now reached my neck, before going back to my narrative a wet ball of fabric was thrown at me.

Eugh.. dragon blood, i looked over to Summer who stood up, i could see the clear tear in her clothes, "Look.. I can try and help people.. If i can.. I would, because.. If I can't, what other use am i?.."Her voice welted up.

Tears spread down her eyes, "Eric and you both have amazing powers.. You both have powers that I could probably never get to dream of..but i'm just a puny little mortal girl who chews off more than she can take.. I don't even know why you came with me.."

It was then that I knew who she was, a person who felt so similar to me, someone who feels so out of place.. Like the world is exactly against her.

Kneeling down I picked up the towel, simply just taking my feet and walked over to Summer as I cleaned the wound of the dragon, continuing where she left off.

Summer stood frozen, but her tears stopped slipping off of her eyes, "I understand.. Now, do you have any more fabric?.."I commented as I rubbed the wet fabric onto the scales of its body, it had seemed rough at first but I could target it's real wound from the change of muscle as I moved deeper. I could see the mistakes Summer had down while cleaning. But I couldn't help acknowledging the fact that.. She at least tried, something which I failed to even think of.

A body slid down close to me as she ripped a chunk of fabric from her pants, opting for shorts instead; she had made the fabric wet by the melted ice the dragon had originally created.

And joined me in cleaning the wound, her hand motion of cleaning seemed to have come close to a replica of my hand movements.

A quiet atmosphere stood between us, not one of us spoke another word while we cleaned the dragon's wounds.

Not a whisper, nor a cough.