
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

The Underworld.

My eyes crossed down to the floor, a brittled experience as my feet strutted against it one more, "Yep.. this is the underworld alright.."I said as I looked over to the depraved people, they carried and dragged boulders to a specific area.

A loud and obnoxious woman screamed out pointing at the slaves as he held a whip, "Faster! You guys won't get out of here even if you took your time..!"She yelled out to them, she had brown ringlets as her fringe was pulled back by a hair clip, her brunette hair reached down only to her shoulders, as she wore glasses rimmed with black and gold lining, but what stood out most about her was her heterochromia, an emerald colored eye on her left eye, and a familiar sea-blue kind of color on her other eye.

"You there! What are you doing?! Get up and keep working!"The women yelled out pointing directly at me, as I followed the orders without a care in the world, while the others were struggling with their boulders, I pulled mine in ease.

Unbeknownst to coming here, my attire changed as well, it was more of a greek attire, one rimmed with gold and an awfully bright linen of clothes, that fell off from one of my shoulders, seems like a kind of skirt.

I have a feeling that Persephone had chosen this. I sighed deeply as I watched the other slaves in here wearing the same clothes, until a person walked up to me, with their boulder, pulling their own rope tightly.

"Hey!.. I guess you're a recent one aren't you?.."The male smiled, which was practically off putting, no one smiles in the underworld, and the last person who I'd think would, would be a 17 year oldish looking male.

"Yes.. you?"I asked, he can't be a day over 17 rig-? "Oh! I'm 1,256! Though, I stopped counting after the last 346 years.."The ebony haired-male said dumbfoundedly.

I paused for a moment, "And you're not tired of pulling rocks for a thousand years?..."I questioned holding tightly to my etching rope.

A bright smile plastered on his face,"Why should I be? There's practically nothing here!... no one to bother me, just manual labor, then peace and quiet!"

"And the painstaking sounds of other people getting slaughtered.."I replied bluntly, as a yelp in pain was right there on cue.

"Well, everything good has its downsides right?"

I wasn't so sure about that, but my mission here was to retrieve back a soul, not converse and survey about how it is in the underworld.

Currently, I have to blend in with the 'locals' around here, "Ah!.. you must be a new resident!.."He immediately jumped into a conclusion that I didn't ask for, he started poking around me, "Young features!.. A bit sickly but quite youthful!..Now.. what modern crimes did you commit young boy?.."

Besides providing me discomfort, he failed to do anything else, "What's your name?"I asked, trying to incite the conversation into a different direction, "Ah.. My name? Right! My name's Cydo!.. Even once the son of Ares!.."

His constantly excited voice tended to gross me out but I moved on, "Son of Ares.."I mumbled to myself, Wait.. Son of Ares..? Cydo..?

I looked straight at him, "Cydo.. THE son of Ares?.."I asked to reassure my point, as he just simply nodded. This wasn't good, I shouldn't be interacting with a major figure of the past, especially not when this specific demigod specializes in photographic memory.

My legs shifted as it walked itself back a little, "I need to get go-.."I got cut off as I hit a softer wall, turning around, I noticed the same obnoxious sounding women, "Now, what are you doing out of your work?.."She questioned, a menacing and defiant aura crossed her.

"Hey there Raya!.. Sorry for my friend, they are new here!.. I hope you don't mind them just wandering around a little!.."Cydo said tugging on the hem of my dress, Raya looked at me up and down before a kinder hint of light flicked upon her eye, "Alright.. You're off the hook for now.. Hurry up and get moving.."She insisted as she looked towards the rocks on the ground before turning her back to me, and walking away.

A light sigh was heard from Cydo, "Phew..Raya, isn't the most laid back person.."He said before turning to me, " Kylar right? I can help you!.."He smiled innocently, as if he didn't just say my name, wait..

How does he know my name..?

"I remember you when you were younger silly.."Cydo answered as if he literally read my mind, Cydo?.. There's so many people that I've been forgetting.. Surely i'd remember such a big deal like him right?

"I was always there by Hades' side when he visited you!.. Does that ring up any memories?..."



The pastel haired woman brushed her soft locks of soft pink hairs, making sure each and every little strand was untangled and smooth, before looking over to my direction.

"Oh my goodness.. Kylar.. Are you okay?.."Her soft voice picked me up as I was sobbing, in her arms, with a bruise on my knee, but as the pathetic 7 year old I was.

I continued to cry and not let out a word, she cradled me in her arms, soft and melodic hums escaped her mouth as she did.

I eventually calmed down sniffing a bit, "Now.. Daddy, is going to visit today.."My mother said as she knelt down to put an ointment on my wound.

"So smile for him okay?.."She smiled as she put the lid back onto the small box, "Really?.."I pouted, having no interest in the oh so beloved 'Hades', aka my father.

My mom let out a soft sigh, " I know.. He.. hasn't been for much of your life.."She said as she stroked my cheek, "But.. he is still-'"

"-Your father.."

"-My father.."

"Yes, yes, I know.. You told me a million times.. And your 'fantastic' love story.."I said not relenting to my mom's idea, till she rose from her feet as some circular dark portal appeared out of nowhere.

A foot stepped in, then came the whole body, revealing a tall and broad stature of a man, his black midnight hair was slicked back, his pure black eyes were nothing but hollow, His aura was nothing but menacing and overbearing with power.

But i was able to endure it, not so much my mom, as she broke down to her knees not being able to endure, my body quickly encouraged me to help her, i glared at my so called father who did nothing but glared back.

Then the pressure lifted, "Don't take any burden! It was only a test from Lord Hades!.."An energetic taller seeming male said with some enthusiasm.

He had scrawny looking black hair, his gaze was filled brightly and seemed like the peak of his youth, though his hands were adorned with chains and his clothes were far from presentable.

"This is.. Project 68754.. Or as known as Cydo..A gift for you my dear Kylar.."My father dared to claim as I held my limping mother in my grasp, "I don't want another one of your tortured victims.."

"Is that so.. Then I guess I'll keep this 'tortured' victim.."Hades replied as he snapped his fingers, Cydo's attire changed into being much more formal, a more butler attire?..


"Then.. if you served Hades, why are you here?.."I asked as I looked him straight in the eyes, but his bright smile didn't falter.

"Ah, it's because I attempted to murder him."