
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Portal To The Underworld.

I woke up to the dim night, the moon held a kind of luminous shine to itself, as I just stared off, the snoring of another male became clear to me.

I was in a hospital, ones specifically for demigods like me. I looked around to find the lights closed, the walls clean, and modern.

A familiar blonde demigod was laying his head against the bed of my hospital bed. I sighed softly before slowly getting off the bed, careful to not wake up the demigod.

My dark jacket laid on the table as I grabbed it, covering my body with it, at the same time it covered my scent of mana or any use of magic.

I felt absolutely sick, I needed some fresh air, pulling onto the door knob. I pulled it as it creaked quietly, I left the entrance and was currently out of the halls of the hospitals.

Now in the dreary grass field of the outside world, I had time to think, now.. Who was the imposter? My mind became blank as I stared out at the starry sky.

A soft wind glazed parts of my hair, the cold breeze caught onto my body, I started coughing intensely before putting a hand over my mouth, "It.. just doesn't make sense.. Why am i even coughing..?"I said to myself, I'm often self-healing myself, and have an immune system which defies all of human's, but i.. Often get sicker as each day passes.

Back in the first day of school.. Right, that's where it all started.

"Achoo!"A person sneezed, as my eyes immediately fixed to the direction of the noise, a shorter and feminine figure came my way, before I could recognise her, "Sorry.. I was just having a stroll.."Urei sorely apologized.

Her outfit consists of an over shoulder shirt, a clearly thin material of a skirt, and a green pearl bow, no wonder she sneezed, a freezing girl in the middle of the night.

I sighed softly before I stood up from my position, peeling off my jacket. I placed it over the demigod covering most of her upper and lower body, "For someone who specializes in anti-magic.. You need to cover up your mana scent more, I could sense you from miles away.. That's also a pretty poor choice of clothes.."I scolded her, Urei's gaze averted from mine as a sight of blush was shown.

Tears slipped past her eyes, "Why…"She questioned, her voice throbbing with questions on my actions.. I stood confused.

I opened my mouth, "Because you're my friend?.."I hesitantly answered wondering if that's the right one. I learned the answer from another friend of mine, but she didn't stay too long in my life unfortunately.

I could see her movements, she was about to turn away and run away from me again, with no explanation, i've been used to it, but i wasn't in the mood right now, I gripped on her shoulder, "Don't run.. That..won't last you long, Urei.. mind explaining me.. What did I do wrong?.."

A hesitant gaze crossed ours, she hesitated to speak, she was all in all hesitant to even move or push me away right then and there.

"Why.. do you keep enticing more and more to you… but you clearly don't feel the same..?"She questioned, "I know I stand no chance between you and Eric.. but.. Could you stop giving me false hope?.."Her cries didn't feel like anything but an empty bottle to me.

There was no response from each other, my grip loosened, she took the chance to pick up her legs and run away as fast as she could, and i didn't do anything but just watch.

In the end, I knew I was just using her as a reflection of someone else, I never really saw her as a friend, or someone I hoped to cherish.

That was it.

I never changed, evolved, or grew a single bit.

What's wrong with me?

That was the first question I ever asked to my true self.

My own biological mother left me, didn't bother to contact me a single time, Summer betrayed me.. I killed so many people.

So then, why do I feel no remorse? Was I really born to be a natural psychopath?


The voice called out for my name as I quickly went back into reality, "Why are you crying.."Eric asked as his fingers wiped off my excess set of tears, "You shouldn't even be out here.."He replied, picking up the large jacket on the floor, as he tried his best to pat out the dirt from it.

Laying the jacket over my figure, he didn't wait for a single answer, as if he didn't care about questioning me, he only cared about my safety.

"Let's go.. The sun is almost closed up.."His legs picked up pace dragging me along with the grip of his hand, i paused, as he did the same looking in my direction as if he expected this response.

"Eric.. you trust me right?.. "

My voice could barely speak words right now, it was hoarse but purely healthy, "With my life yes."An absolute sense of loyalty protected his words.

I caressed his face in my hand, as with my other hand, there appears to be a bottle of pills, "Say.. will you eat this for me.."Eric loyalfully took the pills and followed my orders of consuming them.

He did not care if it was possibly poisonous or not, his only sense at that point was to serve me and execute each of my orders perfectly.

I watched carefully as each pill entered his mouth, and just like I said, he ate each and every one of them.

"Those.. Are perfectly normal pills.. Thank you for appeasing your loyalty."I smiled softly as our atmosphere instantly changed, Eric wore his same bright smile holding tighter on my wrist, trying to reassure himself instead of me.

I would be lying if i said that i don't enjoy my time with Eric, he's one of the few people i do enjoy being with, though a bit annoying at times.


"Now open your mouth.."The doctor instructed, looking through my tongue and teeth, before pulling away, "i've never seen something like this, fully healed!.. He must be some kind of immortal.."He said enthusiastically, I just blankly stared at him.

"He sure sleeps like one.."Ray snickered to a bit of my annoyance, but I let it slide, only Ray and Eric were here, Maria was busy with directing the care of Cecila, Urei is still probably upset with me, and Ace.. doing Ace stuff?

The doctor laid down small packets of medication-like pills, "Just take these.. And it can help with the fatigue in recovery.. 2 doses a day is the recommended for demigods.."He said as he packed up his supplies ready to leave.

"If you need anything else or something goes wrong-.. Let me know!"The doctor reassured us and left right away, "Why did we waste money on a doctor?..'I complained, feeling violated at how many tests he did on me.

"Oh- Eric insisted on getting a professional medical provider.. Though, don't say I didn't try to stop him.. I wanted to save some money too."Ray shrugged, as the spotlight went onto the blonde male.

"I just wanted to make sure your alright.."Eric wore a bright smile that i really couldn't say no to, a deep sigh left me,"alright alright- Can you guys leave i need some privacy.."I tried my best attempt at a 'nice' smile, once the two left.

I slipped out of the bed, turning around to carefully clean up the bed, my face looking in the opposite direction, feeling a kind of aura.

One with immense mana, or a mana that feels too strong to be mana, the figure of a tall woman with soft and long red hair, her eyes appearing dark black, ones that share mine.

"Kylar! You grew up so much!"The woman chased to hug me tightly, the scent of flowers, plants and trees left her. "Persephone-.. You're being too much.."I sighed softly, the scent of flowers did not please me, it reminded me of the heavy perfume of the high class.

This is Persephone in all technicality, she took up the role of my stepmother, she even adjusted her features like her eyes to depict more of mine.

"Ah- it's been years.. I forgot my scent disgusted you.."Persephone laughed it off as the scent of her didn't appear there anymore, despite just being my stepmother, i did hold respect for her.

After all, I do have memories of her, a truly kind Goddess with abundance of care, way too much.. Sometimes.

"Persephone.. Can you obtain me a portal to the underworld?.."I asked the Goddess, her expressions changed to a more dimmer tone and back to her bright reaction. Sure I could open the door to the underworld, but directly to the underworld..? No. only partially and then that's still quite a risk.

"Sure!.. You'd mind a family dinner perhaps? It's been a while since you came back to visit your dad!.. he 'd be so hap-"

"I'm not visiting to see him. I'm there to save a soul, a soul someone may or may not hold captive of."I glared at the disgust of me actually going to the underworld, to see Hades.

"A soul? Is that so?.. My little Kylar is growing up!"Persephone continued to bury me in compliments and missing me, I waited for her to finish.

But it looks like she wasn't going to stop her anytime soon, "Persephone.. Can I go or not?.."I asked as Persephone stopped at her tracks, "Oh certainly! Just give me a second to open it!.."Her voice slowly came into a hum, you may be thinking that i'm being a bit cold to her, but it's currently the spring where her mood is the most improved.

You wouldn't like to see her outside of 6 specific months.. There appeared a dark portal, as small but hollow sounds of screams came out of the portal, I looked to Persephone's direction to see if it was ready to go through.

A slight nod came from the Goddess, as my foot, whole leg, and whole body entered.

The weird sensational feeling that I will and still forever remember the experience of, as I gazed off at the buildings being built and slaves being constantly overworked, this looks like the underworld alright.