
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


I stood there a bit taken aback, all Gods and Goddesses are forever immortal, it's common knowledge, but this maniac tried to murder one?..

A small smile creased my face, "Lucky for you, I tend to like psychopaths these days.."I responded as I picked up the rope, and continued to carry it uphill.

The male followed after, before catching up to me, "So naturally, my servitude would go to you!"Cydo said with an unnatural encouragement of enthusiasm.

My face was grazed back with the same neutral frown, I faced his direction, "I already rejected you, now you're just Hades's leftovers.."I said in a detesting tone when mentioning the word 'Hades'.

"Whatttt what if I owe you a favor?.."Cydo smirked, immediately catching my attention, "Do you know the map of Hades well?.."I looked around at my environment and scenery, it had changed majorly from the visits I had back then.

"Though many buildings have changed, I know this underworld like the back of my hand!"His confident expression couldn't help but slightly earn my trust.

"Hades spirit chambers.. Lead me to it.."I ordered the male who did nothing but smile and nod, it was odd to me at first, but now it seems normal.



A large building similar to multiple cities of height, it brought a dark and misty atmosphere, the whole building itself brought cases of mystery and questions that I'd personally like to mention.

"The building of undecided souls!.. how 'd you like it?"Despite what he revealed to me, his bright smile and the dim building did not match.

It takes approximately 10-20 years for one soul to have them decide whether they deserve to be in the world of angels or the world of petrifying labor.

Cydo went forward and put his hand against a certain part of the stone wall, the building seemed to have confirmed it, as i could hear the rumbling and shifting, eventually the building revealed a huge gate.

His foot stepped in first as he turned to me, with a finger over his mouth, "Quickly.. It's not going to stay open for long.."He whispered, for once he didn't exclaim everything.

I nodded before entering the entrance stepping my foot into the dusty interior, once the entrance closed, fluorescent floating balls of souls nearly wrapped around me.

"It makes sense.. You're the king of the undead afterall.."Cydo smirked as he whispered, i looked around for any souls hanging around Cydo, but none were there, in fact, the souls had seemed scared of him.

I had a slightly confused gaze but didn't question the male, as he led me to a more thorough area of the practical building, eventually into a dead end.

"Ah.. now, i have to say my goodbyes master.. Only the bloodlines of Hades can go through the wall.."

Master?.. Oh right, "Wait what do you mea-"

I was so close to the wall that only a nudge was needed to push me. Once I lost touch with the ground, I could still see Cydo wearing his same awfully and oddly energetic smile.

The wind of the impact flew through my hair as I boredly looked around, I was used to being pushed into random holes now.

Before I reached the full impact of the ground, I snapped my fingers creating a kind of comfort pillow beneath me. It held a fluffy pink transparent texture.

I was ready for this outcome after the last few hundred times, the scenery was a fluid feeling of a sickening smell, corpses of past heroes laid around here and there.

It reminded me awfully of blood, as my hand covered my nose, a sound of crunching soon descended in front of me, "You find it sickening too don't you?..."The large broad male sat on the throne with his legs crossed, eating a certain type of ice cream? Wait, are those pure icicles?

"The guard of the soul's gate?..."I questioned his identity, as my eyes gazed towards his features, bristling beard that hung to his chest, and an endearing gaze, was what he held.

He stood from his seat, "Yes.. I see you guys almost everyday.. Or every century if I'm correct?.."The God stretched his body out ready for some kind of warm up, before looking back to me.

"We can do this the easy way.. Or the hard way.. pick."His once endearing gaze turned to one much more sinister and serious.

I stared back for a few seconds, before shaking my head, "I don't want to fi-"

A punch was throttled to my stomach, as golden liquid spilt out of my mouth, my head was smashed against the wall.

The God's back was to me as if he was finished with his job, my leg pulled up as the rest of my body continued after, the pain subsided only after a few seconds.

Normally, I shouldn't be able to feel pain at all, but this was different.

Or in this case, he was different.

I faced him with a fully unaffected and healed body and posture, bursting into laughter as the God appeared with a sneer smirk. "Now this will be entertaining… wouldn't it be.. Son of Hades?"