
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

The Obliviously. (EDITED 6/14)

I tossed the granola bar at the male, watching him catch it, "I don't have much food, but it's not all too important."i said with a rested expression.

Waiting for him to eat it but he paused,"I'm allergic to peanuts."Ray admitted putting the granola bar back down on my bed.

Shrugging having nothing but peanut based substance left, "Forget it.. Let's just start with the plan." Ray got up looking at my map of plans.

I walked next to him, "The first thing I thought should happen was making a ruckus inside Olympus..."Responding while my mouth was filled with a peanut filled granola bar.

"Right, a ruckus that can make even the God's hesitate to address it, do you know any Gods that are not having the best relationship right now?"Ray replied as he gave me time to think. He'd seem mature in this moment. Unlike how he acted with his twin brother..

"Ares and Aphrodite."I immediately spoke out, Yeah of course there's thousands of tales of Ares and Aphrodite out there, both having many affairs with and against each other..

But if currently Aphrodite found out about an affair Ares had while they were together, and Aphrodite is not going to let that slide right? Her pride won't allow her to, especially when it got out.

And if the ruckus between Ares and Aphrodite grows bigger into something much more, then the God's won't be allowed to ignore it.

"I don't know what you exactly mean, but since you're the one with all of the inside information here, I'll trust you."Ray continued on talking about the casualties and how to get out of it… trust is a big reliance. This being the second time I've seen him, he gives trust off willy nilly.

Ray really seems like he'd be a good teacher, with the most brainiest and boringest speeches.

Fortunately I was resistant to the most boring speeches and lectures long ago, writing down notes and basically summed up his own lesson and lecture.

"Kylar, do you understand?"Ray asked as I nodded , letting out a yawn..

"Right, I forgot to ask, do you have any abilities?"I questioned laying back on the chair, Ray instead of doing it verbally, showed me his abilities.

He picked up a book and it suddenly disappeared in his grasp with something else, a paper. "I can switch items in a 15 mile radius, but of course they need to be of similar value, not of price, but of power or what it can do."Ray explained.

It really was a rare ability, so rare that ability alone can get you to Meria high.

"Your turn, i need to know who i was working with, son of Hades doesn't give you an exception either."Ray teased.

Nodding, I held out my hand as skeleton minions grew out from the floor, deceased or not, there were many of them.

"This is only a part of my ability."I replied casually.. as if what I did was a simple action equivalent to walking. 

His yellow eyes showed this kind of concerned expression, "Son of Hades i see.. I'll expect more from you then!"At this point Ray looked even a bit scared.. as he was trying to be optimistic.

Scared of what my power could hold if I cultivated it a bit more. I couldn't blame him, I used to be so scared of my abilities that i.. Let's save that for next time..

We spent a few more hours on the plan and was going to wrap it up.."shi-.."Ray groaned as he'd watch the milk spill.. his reflexes too slow before he could catch it..

"I have extra clothes in my closet.. check them out and clean the mess.."I replied before continuing..until my doorbell rang. Technically only a few people knew where my house was, it was so hidden from mortals and other beings.

I sighed as I got up to open the front door revealing a tall blonde haired Demigod, "Kylar! I brought food for you, my mom made it.. Since erm.. You didn't come last night I asked.."Eric smiled with no hint of disappointment. He handed me a bag full of homemade meals.

I remembered when Eric asked me to come over for dinner… but I got a bit distracted and forgot, for once, a soft feeling of guilt filled me, even if it was the fault of my forgetfulness.

"Sorry, Eric, let's reschedule that for next time."I began to show an apologetic smile as Eric's expression softened.

Next to Eric was Urei, "Oh! And Urei asked me if she could come to your house while I was on my way here.. Now, we can eat my mom's homemade mea-"

Eric got cut off to the voice of Ray, "Kylar! Your clothes are too small for me to wear!"Ray exclaimed coming behind me with my clothes on him,"Whos there?"Ray asked, looking straight at Eric and Urei as I deeply sighed… a long silence filled the area.

The blonde and gray haired demigod's show a sign of annoyance or maybe even jealousy."Ray just spilt water on himse-"I tried to quickly chime in.

"It was milk."Ray had claimed correcting me, Oh Gods.. this demigod may be serious with work and planning but he sure is oblivious when it comes to whatever he's saying..

"Milk?.."Eric repeated with annoyance and muttering just loud enough for us to hear, "Yeah milk! It was a bit sticky though.. You might need to check that out Kylar."Ray answered

At that moment, I legitimately facepalmed, a confused demigod, and two wild ravagers.