
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Ray. (EDITED 6/14)

Walking down the hallways, as I was introducing Ray to the other classes, teachers that were available at that time, and just the basics of what to not do and what to do in front of mortals.

"I already know.."Ray responded in annoyance as if he heard it millions of times already, my gaze looked back at him like if he was an idiot.

This Ray guy even has a worse personality than me, doesn't he know it's proper courteous to remind others about mortals in Meria high?..

But I just stood there with a slight frown, "Alright then-"I continued and unfortunately got cut off from who would you expect? Ray.

"Listen.. I know what you want."The green haired demigod claimed, I didn't cut him off interested to see what he would say next.

"You want to destroy Olympus don't you?"The male continued as I listened closely, he showed this kind of perseverance and determination when he talked.

I liked it.

"I'll help you, under one condition, if we manage to destroy Olympus. Promise me that you'll bring back my sister."The demigod said unexpectedly.

I'm no God, but bringing back people from the dead is a lot easier for a Son of Hades.

I nodded, "I, Kylar Celeste, promise you that I'll bring your sister back from the dead, once I destroy Olympus."I made an oath, an oath is something the person who made it can never take back, even in death they don't get their freedom until they fulfill the oath.

I'm the type of person who always keeps their words, and I didn't doubt I could fulfill his wishes.

I saw a satisfied expression on the green haired demigod, interrupted by the bell.

"Well, you know where your next class is, see me after school."I replied.. leaving quickly to my next class.

As I was waiting at the front of the school, several students already left as I just finished (bluntly) apologizing to Eric for not being able to walk with him today.

I waited for thirty minutes more, sighing to myself, did he forget?

Just when I sighed again, my gaze noticed the familiar green haired man, and someone else?

His arm was resting on Ray's shoulders so they must be close, Ray walked in my direction, "Sorry.. This annoying brat here kept me busy for a while."Ray explained. Irritated, but more in a playful manner.

The male next to Ray was smiling teasingly, he had green hair and dark brown eyes, a cute-like but aloof face.

"Hey!.. I told you don't call me that!"The male grumbled, Ray took The demigod's arm off of him.

"Jay, go home now."Ray sighed as if he was a mother scolding a child.

"What!… you want to spend more time with your boyfriend then your own brother!?"Jay whined as Ray quickly reddened turning speechless.

"We are just classmates."I quickly stepped in with a simple expression.. or more of a expressionless expression.

Jay stayed quiet for a second, before whining again, "You have a secret boyfriend and you didn't tell me?!…"

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh in my mind, Ray looked at Jay as if he was going to kill him.

These are twins, Ray and Jay, completely different despite being twins.

"Can you wait for a second. Me and my brother is going to have a talk."Ray smiled with complete murderous intent.

Jay was eventually pulled away by Ray, right when they were out of my sight.

Letting the two go, I just waited, bored out of my mind.. before pulling out my Utheria and scrolling a bit.

Just when I heard Ray coming back, I appeared with an unbothered expression. Jay didn't accompany him this time.

"Now, let's get going shall we?"Responding with a simple smile to the now single green haired demigod.