
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Dinner. (EDITED 6/14)

The smell of delicious homemade food filled the air, it's been a while since i smelled something similar or like that.

Stepping in the kitchen to only be interrupted by Eric, "Kylar, you can just go sit at the table, Me and Urei will be preheating and serving it!"Eric said with an energetic smile.

It didn't look too trusting.. especially when Eric was manning it.. but I stayed away anyway and went back to the dinner table waiting patiently for the two. 

Eric and Urei brought plates of food on the table, it looked really good, turkey plattered with bits of vegetables, noodles sauced with chicken broth..

Bowls of fried rice, decorated with shrimps, and a chocolate cake??

How do you even preheat that.. I decided not to question it any further.

Guessing Eric's mother was a world class chef of some sort, Zeus has always had an interest for women who make good food. 

I held the spoon in my hand and spooned a small amount of the steaming fried rice. "Are you really that suspicious of Eric's mom's cooking?"Ray teased, noticing my hesitant nature.

"My mom's cooking is amazing, you'll trust your best friend's words right Kylar?"Eric said with a prideful expression. I can't deny that, I was persuaded by his words. But something made me feel that it's only because it was him that i was persuaded.

I Brought a spoon of fried rice near my mouth, and I consumed it.

It tasted nostalgic, really good and warm.

"It's really good.."I mumbled my words as I stuffed my face with more fried rice, Eric showed a happy and the unfamiliar ever so prideful expression.

I could see why Zeus got in a relationship with a mortal woman, Especially when they are this good at cooking.

It also has been a while since i've eaten normal food besides peanut based granola bars, "Can i try some?"Urei asked as she stared at the bowl i was eating from.

Well, i can't be that selfish, i took Ray's untouched spoon and scooped some fried rice, technically spoon feeding it to Urei.

"It's so good.."Urei muttered, still having my spoon in her mouth. Once she realized, a light shade of red appeared on her face.

She took her mouth off of the spoon, "Ahhh! Sorry.. I didn't notice.."The gray haired demigod apologized swiftly..

I stared back at her really not caring and just a shrug of acknowledgement, "Hey did you use my spoon?!"Ray exclaimed just seeing the scene occuring right now and it puzzling..

Eric came in with a save, "I have a clean spoon for you right here!"Eric creepily smiled just right behind Ray.

As Ray about jumps from being frightened by Eric's sudden introduction, Eric did end up handing Ray a clean spoon… and a apology.

Then next, Eric covered Urei with a blanket because she got all too embarrassed when she saw me.. While all of this was happening.

I was just there.


What did just eating a preheated dinner turn to?