
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Her brittled eye bangs sat under her eye, the girl was clearly tired, as she drank a cup of hot coco Eric had brewed for her, and a warm fleece blanket was wrapped over the girl.. Which Eric also did.

"I'm..Summer.."Summer finally spoke, i nodded confirming her name, if it wasn't for her bruises, she really did look like a humanoid version of the season summer.

Her straight platinum blonde hair was tied up in this kind of messy low ponytail, as if it was the sun, and her green eyes were simple like the grass during summer.

"Summer huh?.. We'll get along just fine then!"Eric said confidently with his outgoing nature, well.. He didn't take into consideration whether this 'Summer' girl would be a potential enemy instead of an ally,

A simple nod came from Summer, unaffected from Eric's outgoing aura, I walked towards her sitting on the area of the bed just next to her.

"You're not a normal mortal.. If so, then what are you?"I asked testing Summer, whether or not Summer knows what she really is.

If she does, then good for her, but if she doesn't it's not like I will break the news to her, "I'm a prophet.."She said hesitantly, her hand touching her head awkwardly as if she was confused.

Could Summer had forgotten? There's enough memory forgetters here, thank my luck.

"Okay, im forcing you to stay here."I had kinda demanded from the girl, Summer didn't even respond as if she was zoning out.

I wasn't keeping Summer here just because she was an abnormal species, I was keeping her here since every second I stayed near her. It seems I'm progressively getting better, health-wise at least.

So I still need Eric to replenish my mana all-day. Unfortunately, Summer turned to me, with a different kind of composure, "I-I can't stay here!.."Summer exclaimed with an eager gaze, avoiding eye contact with me. Even if she wasn't looking in my direction.

That golden pupil, I could recognize as the ones before.

She held this different and off-kind feeling, now it was clear that she was something more than a mere-mortal.

Right when i was about to do the same, Eric beat me to it, this time his endearing and bright gaze was soon forgotten, he held a defensive position and a new kind of weapon out.

Something new.. And i've never had seen it before, but i did remember it fondly from my learning of greek history.

The blonde demigod held out a bow, with a fierce composure, the arrow was glowing and overflowing with power, a power of a thunder God.

His injuries and wounds had seemed to make sense now, "If she attacks don't worry."Eric said with a slight smile as to humor our situation.

Summer's complexion had luckily calmed down, her pupils had gone back to the simple forest green, "Sorry.. But I still need to go."Summer had said in contradiction to what I told her to do.

Eric didn't let down his guard and still pointed the arrow to her, as if he was waiting for my signal to stop.

Once I stood up I touched Eric's shoulder, as Eric let down his guard and put down the bow, I looked over to Summer sighing.

"Alright, if you are going to go, take me with you."I spoke with a determined gaze, sure it was surprising that i was going on a journey with a girl i just met.

But i myself wasn't any less suprised of what i just did, "No- Kylar, you didn't fully heal- and the doctors haven't appro-"Eric hurridly jumped in the conversation trying to persuade me from doing something stupid.

I have to admit, I was being reckless, but I was also just that type of person. Once Eric knew that I wasn't giving into any of his persuasion, he changed his tactics.

"What about the academic competition next week?.. It's just a week away now."Eric said with a non-stuttering tone, but unfortunately for Eric it didn't become much of a problem for me.

"We'll just finish the journey before then."I replied back as I looked over to Summer for an answer, before she timidly nodded.

Eric had sighed deeply, waiting a few more minutes so he could relax himself, "Okay fine.. But I'll go with you to make sure your mana is replenished."The blonde demigod had said with a stern voice.

When he meant 'replenish mana' i could tell that he meant to prevent from dying, i just seemed to have notice, his arrows and bows had disappeared.

It meant that he was completely defenseless right now, "Sure if you can catch us."I said with a smirk as I pulled Summer to my arms and teleported fast enough for Eric to not catch me at the last second.


Cars were beeping, crowds were everywhere, so many people that they didn't notice a black haired male with hospital clothes, and a female with injuries.

I teleported to a rather odd location. If I had to say, even I can't figure out the geography of this place, it was unique, cities assorted with loud noises, New York CIty? California? L.A?

"I only got to heal you slightly.."I mumbled to myself as my gaze pierced her bruises, "Thats.. That's not important right now, I need you to at least fit in..''She spoke as she looked at my uncity-like clothes.

It seems like Summer had known this city more than me, she dressed me up with a black turtleneck, trench coat, a pair of gray jeans, and round pink tinted glasses.

It did feel slightly uncomfortable to wear despite the fashion of it, "You should change too."I mumbled sarcastically to her more worn out clothes. She seemed to have heard my words and went back to the store.

Summer came back with.. Well, if Summer was a person, Her hair was tied up in a cleaner and neater ponytail, orange tank top paired with denim shorts, and some combat boots.

It looks like whatever journey she was going it'd be difficult, and that journey just happened to include me.

"Now.. I wasn't planning on carrying another person or living organism which wasn't Chia.. FIrst to the labyrinth!"Summer pointed her index finger towards the sky with an enthusiastic tone of voice.

"Wait.. I need a little more information here. What is the purpose of this 'journey'?"I asked the ditzy girl.

Summer was a bit taken aback, "You mean you followed me.. Not knowing why?.."Summer asked as I simply and bluntly nodded to her reaction.

I did tend to do reckless things, but I could see in Summer's eyes her determination to do it, so why not?

She'd be healing me at the same time anyways, Summer took a deep sigh as she mentally face palmed.

"Alright.. Once we get to the labyrinth, you look for a shiny trophy.. But do NOT touch it unless i'm there."Summer told me empathizing what to not touch.

"It.. it gives a wish to anyone who they define as worthy, and i'm looking for it.. For an important reason."Summer elaborated but stopped at one important detail.

I listened carefully to what she said, but it didn't stop me from wondering, "Then.. if you have such a direct goal, what's stopping you?"I asked as I continued to examine the discreet bruises she had, she covered it up with a bit of powder but I could still see it.

A unsure expression sat on Summer, "Those stupid guards are what stopping me."Summer complained.

Guards? Why should there be guards in the labyrinth..Summer noticed my confused complexion.

"The labyrinth turned into something more modern and controlled after some spoiled rich kid took over it.. They said that the trophy was going to be used for something more 'productive'.."The girl wore a disgusted expression.

Huh, I guess she doesn't like the person so much, but they did seem familiar, "Hold on.. Is the spoiled rich kid.. Blonde and has a pair of green eyes?.."I asked anxiously.

"How-.. yes, yes he did."Summer nodded, an unsure expression appeared on my face, even though I've become much stronger over the years, even hearing a description of him.

It sent shivers down my spine, "Summer.. That blonde spoiled rich kid you're talking about is Aero."I spoke with a hesitant voice.

I knew from her face that she didn't understand why I was so hesitant with the topic, "Aero?.."Summer questioned.

"Aero, the only demigod that can control Gods."I said with a restricted tone of voice, I had my fair share with the blonde demigod, it's not like they were tragic or anything, Aero was a different kind of tragedy.

"Controller of Gods?.."Summer repeated what I said with a more shocked tone, demigods controlling God's were very rare, actually it was impossible.

But Aero had proved Olympus wrong, now I can safely assume that the minor God was also from him.

Nephi and Aero, it was a combination I never heard would happen, just because the father of those two God's didn't quite fancy each other.

But it seemed too normal to me for Aero to force Nephi into a contract with him. He was always that kind of person anyways.

Then I felt it, the tip of my fingers turning into an ice cold. It all felt too familiar.