
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Son of Apollo.

A soft gaze was staring at the beautiful china vase, it hued with the fluorescent reflection of the sun, there laid a male on the couch, as he stared out of the large windows.

His aura represented the need for entertainment, the need for something interesting.

Unknowingly that need would develop something absolutely sinister, a smirk grazed the face of the male, he wore a luxurious suit, and held a cup of grape juice.

In spite of not being able to handle bitter wine yet, a soft knock was sounded out near the door, "Come in."He spoke, his voice was soft but had a charming tone.

Another male came in gently, opening the door, and cautiously bowing down, "Sir, the academic competition is planned next week Friday, at 8:30 pm sharp.''The butler had said with no hesitation or even a stutter in his voice.

The assumed 'sir' crossed his legs and gently laid down his grape juice on the table in front of him, from this angle, the shine of the sun really embraced his appearance.

He was a handsome young man, who looked at the age of 16-18, the male had a certain dominant presence, a presence much stronger than a human.

A pair of green beautiful eyes gracefully complimented his features, a mole sat under his right eye, he held a fair complexion, a truly beautiful existence.

Pale blonde locks of hair were neatly brushed, as one side of his hair was slicked back to create a professional tone.

He was a demigod, but of what God you may ask?

Apollo, a son of Apollo.

Bows and arrows were carefully placed next to the corner of the already large room, there also was placed a target, not surprisingly, the target was hit with arrows.

All of the arrows pointed exactly to the small red area, an archer prodigy was what could be insinuated from the evidence.

It was not surprising for a son of Apollo, but something was severely wrong for this son of Apollo.

And as you know, a particular person will be meeting him very soon.

"You may leave."The demigod spoke, the butler left quietly cautious to not disturb his impatient master.

In front of the demigod, there lies a large tv, showing a live video of a specific demigod.

Meria high's school rooftop, a demigod with pink hair was fighting a cyclop, whether it was through influence, money, or connections. It was clear today that he wasn't supposed to have that video.

"I'll be meeting you soon, my precious trophy."His voice was no longer soft, but in a very evil-like manner adorned with a suspicious smirk.

Despite that, the day went on smoothly for Kylar, The demigod was mapping out plans he laid on his lap.

Before Eric had come in so suddenly, But Kylar held a calm composure, the blonde haired demigod looked exhausted.

Not even noticing the map on Kylar's lap, "Mrs.Erina was right, the list was long.."Eric chuckled nervously, I could see the events he had experienced.

A small leaf was poking out of his blonde hair, scratches laid on his fair face, bruises grazed his arms and despite all of that, he stood there still looking pretty handsome.

Forget it, Eric got closer to me. He sat on the chair, "So how's your day been?"A soft smile had reached his face.

Oblivious to the maps on my lap, he just kept on smiling, sighing. I leaned into him and picked off the imperfect leaf on his blonde hair.

For a split second, I could've sworn I saw pink blush dusted on Eric's face, but then again I could just be hallucinating.

"Are you going to scold me again?"Eric asked with that unfitting smile, I shook my head, I folded up the maps on my lap quickly, and hid it under the bed.

All while Eric was watching me do so, "What was that?"He asked with a curious expression, "It was nothing important.."I said with a tired tone, looking out the window, it was already night.

And slowly but surely, stars had dusted the dark sky, Eric noticed this, "Ah, sorry, I had a few more errands to run, next time i'll be here in the evenings!"Eric smiled brightly.

Every single time, his smiles caught me off guard. That happy expression I adorned so much, was a weakness of mine.

"It's fine, do you think you can heal me instead of these doctors?"I asked the demigod who was a bit stunned, "Me?"Eric who was unsure asked again.

I nodded, "These doctors are annoying.. They keep telling me what to do, despite the fact that your power is not specifically a medicine element, it is still way stronger than these humans."

"Okay!~"Eric immediately said with a smile, he didn't ask for compensation, nor complain about his schedule.

Perhaps that was what attracted me to him, his confidence but also a helping personality.

I needed to get into the academic competition, but i knew that i wasn't going to be able to go in as a cripple, even Eric's healing ability wouldn't fully recover me before the academic competition.

But, what he could do was heal me halfway, and I would have to use the rest of my powers to get through it. I didn't mind putting it into chances.


Because I have an Eric.