
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


A soft frown appeared on my face, I was either really happy or angry, I guess just hopeful to not be dead.

I sat in a wheelchair in front of the school, older demigods, nymphs, and even centaurs were helping to build the school.

So far, only half of it has been finished building, you don't know how long it takes to develop purely magic materials, especially when they are already in high demand.

Even for a prestigious school like Meria, I unfortunately still wasn't healed. Not only was I hit by a cyclop and my power was depleting, I had overused it when trying to defend Maria a few weeks ago.

Still, I was allowed to go out if I had someone to take care of me.

A soft sigh escaped from me, "Why couldn't she just have run away.."I muttered softly under my breath, I felt a presence on my shoulder.

Looking over I saw the familiar blonde demigod, it was Eric, his blue eyes shined in the bright sun, his golden locks would tangle up a bit and create this slightly fluffy hairstyle.

"School isn't delayed starting tomorrow, but we'd be only using the already built side of the school unfortunately."Eric had informed me with his same bright smile.

Right after I woke up from trying to defend Maria, Eric has been possessive with me for a week, but it seems like he has calmed down and accepted it.

"Don't worry, I'll be visiting regularly even if I have to skip school for it."Somehow Eric's smile could get even bigger.

Eric was like this bright happy ball of sunshine, i could never see him in any other emotion, weirdly enough, it gave me this warm sensation everytime he showed that stupid grin of his.

Nodding quietly I didn't bother to try and take his hands off of me, perhaps this whole situation had changed me, for the better? I don't know about that though.

I could feel the warmth of Eric's hand just barely grazing mine, before being interrupted, "Kylar."A straightforward voice said as I quickly pulled away from Eric's hand, afraid to be caught doing something so intimate in public.

I immediately looked to the source of the voice, it was Maria, the girl I defended and almost put me at the limit of my health.

Her hair wasn't curled at the tip anymore, instead it was straightened, and today only a bit of eyeliner and lip gloss was on her face.

Huh, i guess the situation didn't change just me. "Yes?"I asked, She then pulled out a whip, a whip webbed with spider webs and with a peach colored handle.

"How do you use it?"Maria asked curiously, when I was about to speak I was cut off almost immediately, "Kylar has no reason to talk to you."Eric responded pouting.

It was almost rare to see Eric act childishly, but I had a feeling I would see it more often now, the two by now were shooting daggers just with their eyes.

"Maria, let's talk about it later."I answered, gesturing to Maria to leave, right when the female demigod left reluctantly, Eric smiled as if he had won something.

This was already a hint that i might've spoiled Eric a bit too much, if i had the energy, i would've scolded Eric by now. But then again, I don't.

Looking back at the demigod, it really displayed his softer and handsome features; perhaps he looked more mature just when he's zoning out.

An unconscious but soft smile grazed my face just for a minute. I looked back at the school still being built, "Do you want to go back?"Eric asked, noticing my boredness.

I nodded as Eric rolled my wheelchair to a certain direction, I looked down to my palm, I didn't think my actions would cause me to become crippled for a few months.

I couldn't doubt that my recklessness would get the best of me at my most fatal point, but I could care less about my own being at the same time.

"Kylar, stop being so reckless.."Eric for the first time, turned to scold me, i sat in the moving wheelchair in silence.

Before nodding quietly, I didn't take any of his words into consideration but just wanted to reply as if I was listening.

"Eric. Do you have any fatal flaw?"I responded simply, Eric went to a pause, "Fatal flaw? Why do you ask?"He said with a nervous smile that I didn't trust.

There was a long silence between us, other than the occasional bystanders walking by us, before Eric sighed softly giving in.

"My fatal flaw would be my mother.."Eric said with a kind smile, as he continued to push me in the wheelchair.

It must be nice to have a living mother, Eric continued on to elaborate on why it's his mother, despite the clear words, I couldn't help but get the feeling that he has another fatal flaw.

I continued to nod to whatever he said signaling him that I was listening, well until I saw a certain teacher who was rushing to the store.

Mrs.Erina, her once neat bun was now tangled up, and sweat prittled down her thin and pale neck, an exhausted amber gaze, but she still held that strong flower scent that could void you from even glancing at her messed up composure.

Somehow, and for some reason, she tripped on my wheelchair. I didn't think it was possible for someone to be this clumsy but it was.

I held out my hand offering her to grab it, she grabbed my hand as she stood up, "Ah, sorry, i'm in a little of a rush today..''Mrs.Erina smiled nervously.

"Little of a rush?"I questioned her intentions, the demigod in front of me nodded simply, "Yes!.. It's the spring season already, so i'm holding up an academic event for the whole school, unfortunately that was even pushed earlier because of those darn monsters.."Mrs.Erina grumbled.

She was clearly not enjoying the thought of those mythical monsters who 'mysteriously' got into the school.

"Ah, is that so, then is there any way I can help?"Eric asked with his ever so positive smile, the teacher nodded.

"If you want to help, I have a list of things for you to buy… Kylar are you going to help too? ''Mrs.Erina asked curiously, then looking down at my wheelchair,"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't notice."The demigod flustered in embarrassment.

It's not like I was upset about it or anything, it was just a common mistake, but Eric didn't take it lightly.

Even without looking straight at Eric, I could feel that he wasn't in a pleasant mood, especially just from Mrs.Erina's nervous look.

"Ah!- look at the time! I'll get going!"Mrs.Erina ran past me as she held bags of supplies, I sighed softly before looking back at Eric.

Eric was pushing me on the wheelchair, "You don't have to do that everytime you know?"I responded to his slightly possessive and mood swinging behavior,

Eric didn't answer, it was as if he pretended to ever hear me, but I didn't repeat myself either.