
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Annoyance. (EDITED 6/14)

A map was set before me, the orange hue of the sun was rising, it made a reflection against the room.. it seemed like the room wasn't totally hidden. All last night I spent thinking of a plan.

A plan to rack havoc.

Laying back on the chair I sighed, looking into the mirror across from me, the dark circles under my eyes got even darker.

To my annoyance, crumbs of chips were next to me on the table. I quickly got over a pan and brush to clean it up.

My pointer finger traced from Meria high to Olympus, ironically between the two places, it was scattered with monsters, danger and highly possible death.

But I didn't care, it's not like my life mattered anyways. Much less the demigods of a school.

I had to make this plan work, make my presence disappear so slowly that no one would notice, first is to cut off contacts.. easy right?

What essentially can make a person stronger can also be their biggest weakness, it's no one's responsibility to keep others alive.

I looked across my desk, how did it get there? There was a framed picture, of two people, one irritated but still content and the other smiling.

It was a picture frame of Eric and I. Did I ever look that happy when I'm with him?

Of course I didn't place the picture frame myself, remembering that specific day that Eric sneaked it into my room.

Somehow i still haven't gotten rid of it, holding the frame in my hand, i chose against breaking it or throwing it away..

I just placed it back in its place, maybe even dusted it a little.

"On."I spoke as a screen of a hologram appeared in front of me, I held the Utheria tightly in my grip.

It read '7:15 AM'.

I clearly wouldn't be getting enough sleep if i went on at this rate, making plans and progress like this every night.

I'll die physically before I can start anything. Walking up to the bathroom I washed up and got ready for school.

One week is enough.

Right when I entered the school, someone approached me, her blonde hair was styled and her blue eyes glowed superiorly, black mascara neatly laced her eyelashes.

And that same strong perfume smell, it was that girl.

"Daughter of Aphrodite?"I responded to her sudden arrival, right before she was about to speak. Once i acknowledged her existence, I walked past her completely ignoring her existence.

"Hey you come back here!"The girl screamed in a loud voice and stomped right after me. I really didn't have enough time to deal with the daughter of Aphrodite.

At least not today, right then and there, I bumped into someone. Again.

"Kylar~"Eric smiled before it slowly faded once he saw my state, "Are you okay?"He asked just as a particular person just caught up to me.

"Hey I was talking to you!"The girl exclaimed with perseverance, huh, a daughter of Aphrodite is this brave even after being ignored? Surprising really.

I quickly walked pass Eric and in return the girl behind me bumped into Eric. Taking my chances and just as I managed to get to the door of my class.

Another familiar face showed up, it was Ace. Great, just great.

I saw all three of them on the same day, bet my luck couldn't get any better.

"Kylar, i brought you this for lunch.."A girl shyly said as she bowed down reaching out a bento.

Turning around, my eyes would meet to see Urei.

I didn't think it could get any worse but it did.

Ace suddenly stepped in with a smile, "Sorry but Kylar is allergic to cucumbers." With the worlds lamest excuse.. your a savior for sure Ace.

For your information I wasn't, but it doesn't take much to pretend that I was,"Yeah sorry Urei.."I replied playing along.

Urei wasn't disappointed this time, "That's fine~ because I brought you a chocolate bar too!"She persisted on as Ace kept trying to find way more excuses for me to politely reject it.

While the ruckus was going on I slipped past them and went into the classroom, only a couple of students were there.

"Ah, Mr.Celeste, just the person I was looking for!"Mrs.Erina exclaimed with a smile, fortunately not loud enough for the others to hear.

I looked back at her a bit surprised, not everyday that a teacher asks for you, especially the first thing in the morning.

"Yes Mrs.Erina?"I answered, Its as if all of the Gods of Olympus are sabotaging me right now.

She led me to the front of the class, there was another person a little shorter than me, actually he looked a little familiar.

Green hair was disheveled combed down, his yellow eyes asserted dominance, and he showed a fierce but justified expression.

"This is Ray, a son of Hermes, he's a new student that transferred just today, because you are already doing well in this class, i thought you could skip my class for today and show Ray here around the school."Mrs.Erina responded not taking a no for an answer.

Ray was an interesting person, not just in appearance but also the vibe he gave off, his presence felt strong, it didn't look like anyone noticed it either.

He was gravely suspicious, but I wasn't going to turn down the offer just because of that. If I had to say, Ray kind of piqued my interest, and only my interest alone.