
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


It was raining, rain spewed down from the sky but with a sudden graceful melody that feel so odd to me.

"You have forgotten your promise..Kylar.. For I will serve your punishment.."A hollow voice screamed out, about a promise?

Oh, right.

I pushed Eric onto the ridge of the dragon close enough for Ace to pull him up quickly, "Tell Maria to go as fast as she can, it's an emergency!"I yelled out to Ace who was struggling to keep hold of the squirming Eric.

Soon enough the dragon started to take off as the building behind me started to crumble, bits of bricks fell onto each other, one by one.

And just when I thought I could finally rest, upon my palm there laid a long shadowy black sword, I took an instinctive posture as I looked around weary.

Looking around, I saw nothing but the ruined or even more ruined building, there was something clearly wrong, a 'slithering' sound caught my attention.

I immediately covered my mouth and nose being careful to not inhale anything, right in the corner of my eye, I could sense something, a creature with the tail of a snake.

"Come out~"Her voice sounded so milky and comforting- slapping myself back to reality, oh Gods.. her charm spell is insane. I kept upgrading in power but I didn't have much interest in upgrading my mental barrier lately.

Soon enough the slithering noise of the tail disappeared suddenly, it all felt so odd, I felt a cold object in my pocket as I got ready to throw it to whatever came my way.

Strange creaking was heard behind me, without another thought, "Hi-" I threw the glass bottle of some strange liquid to the feminine figure.

A beautiful young woman stood there as she stared at the green slimy liquid falling onto her face which severely disgusted her, but I could tell that she didn't want to show it.

"Ah.. my bad.. Did I scare you?"She wore an innocent smile not bothering about the messy liquid, too suspicious it seemed like her goal was for me instead.

"Yes you did."

"Is that so?.. You see I'm lost.. Won't you mind helping a pretty lady out for a bit?.."She said with a silky voice, eugh.. Still sickening to get used to.

But I played along, "Oh of course~ who would leave a pretty lady like you alone like that?.."A simple but charming smile smeared my mouth much to my aggravation. I held onto her hand, she wore an unusual and unexpected flustered expression.

Her hand, it was extremely cold, much familiar to the atmosphere right now, "Wow.. you're very cold.. How unusual that is.."I said out loud catching her attention as she quickly reacted.

"There once was a tale between two lovers, one extremely cold and another extremely warm.. Could we be the same?.."She improvised with her words, as I could feel her hand gripping on me instead. What she said could've sweeped anyone off of their feet with that.

If it wasn't for the almost painfully cold temperature of her hand, an immediate change of personality, I slammed away her hand, as I stared blankly into her eyes.

"No thank you."

"Wha- What do you mean-?.. I'm pretty.. I'm young!.."A disgruntled expression grazed the young lady who was so clearly frustrated at my reaction.

My eyes directed to the thing behind her, it was a complete hollow place, it's not because of the lack of light, but she was leading me to the real dead end.

The woman noticed what I was looking at, before she started to hysterically laugh, "You all are the same.. You demigods are no better than Poseidon himself.."A cruel gaze was perceived as the once young and beautiful lady transformed back into the gorgon she was. My body instinctively shifted as I got ready to run.

But her appearance was a bit off of the Greek stories.. Her eyes were pure pitch black, her tongue was split into two both living snakes, blood drizzled down her eyes, the snakes were the replacement for her hair, it held this expertly clear and creepy atmosphere to her character. Her eyes didn't seem to have the stone effect on me.

I'm guessing the previous woman was her before being cursed. I averted my gaze once I heard a sound, it sounded so familiar, and felt like a headache as my body moved on its own.

I pulled onto a string, instantly paralyzing the gorgon, as if the string left a chemical reaction to each point tightening it around the body of the gorgon.

A new presence seemed to have filled my body, "Those eyes.. Aren't they beautiful?.."I had said tauntingly as she struggled against the restraints, I grazed my fingers over her dark eyes and backed away just inches away from her snakes biting me.

"Woo.. come on i don't mean no harm.."I smirked as i put my hands in my pockets, "Lets hold an experiment.."I spoke as my sword disappeared to my newfound gloves wrapping it onto my hand.

"I wonder what would happen if.. The eyes of a gorgon were pulled out.. What do you say miss medusa?.."A devilish smile grazed my lips as I could see the clear slips of sweat piling up of gorgon.

Just as a snake was about to bite me I snapped my fingers as strings pulled it away, the once fierce snake was paralyzed as it struggled against the suffocating string, I pulled the string tight enough for it to slice in half, soft blood of gore spilled out, Medusa witnessing all of it, an angered gaze of the gorgon appeared.

She looked furious, it only hoped to humor me even more.

It blanked.

Now in my hands were the eyes of a gorgon, the red pigmented liquid of blood drenched my hands, as I stared down at the putrid smell of the corpse.

I couldn't control it.

At the moment I felt the urge to kill. The urge to murder anyone.

"What.. what was that..?.."I questioned myself as I started intensely coughing until blood spilt out dripping down my mouth.

I was in a black void now, only a figure familiar to my mother, "It was me sweetie.. For you have failed me this time, and it's only fitting for a mother to punish their kid right?.."She said with a cruel smile that sat too nicely with her dark clothes.

I stared at her blankly, not finding a reason to not agree with her words, "You are right.. mother.."I stared down at the floor not being able to look at her.

Ignoring the pain in my throat.

Ignoring the rumbles of everything going in my mind.

Ignoring my whole possibility or use.

I had failed my mother, and that was simply it, a simple punishment.

But it was all odd. I looked back at the woman who was similar to my mother.

"You're not my mother."

You only looked similar to her, and yet I had once believed your words, I was really foolish until the end.

The women took a step back not responding to my claim as the black void disappeared, I was staring down at the puddle of blood in front of me in distaste and pure bitterness for the imposter.

Would that mean that my own mother never bothered to contact me at all?

The demigod stood still on the bloody puddle.