
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Just as Aero and I were about to release our attacks,"Stop!"A feminine voice screamed, which exceeded the sound of familiarity, but I just couldn't tell who it was, a shorter female with a petite body ran in.

And then, Aero paused, pulling his hand away from the bow, a bit shaken up and shocked, "Rina.. what are you doing here?.."He asks quietly, staring at his teary eyed little sister. He was sure he surrounded her with bodyguards beforehand, how could she know?

Then, a few other familiar figures joined behind her, multitudes of people I recognized showed up, as well as people that I never have seen before.

One taller male caught my attention and he waved at me, Eric. The blonde demigod.

I lowered my hand as the monsters soon faded away, "What took you guys so long?.."I replied a bit arrogantly, the so-called 'unique' power didn't show up.

Though the boost of energy and exceeded healing was still there, "We had some sidetracks.. and, we found this little girl who was willing to help!.."Eric just simply smiled as he made his way to me.

Just as I was about to speak again, he hugged me, very tightly resting his head on my shoulder, my arms went numb.

"Don't.. ever do that please."Unexpectedly his voice came off a bit desperate and lonely, "I wouldn't know what I'd do if you died.."Eric pulled away with his fresh smile.

A soft smile grazed my lips, maybe I was a bit ignorant these few days, "Also.. did that guy do anything to you?.."Eric asked pointing directly to Aero.

Aero just innocently smiled as Rina scolded him, he really did have a weakness for his little sister.

The gods and demigods must've been teleported away by Aero, right when he heard Rina's voice, noticing the much emptier area behind him.

"Uh-.. Nope.."I responded a bit unsure but just wanted to let him off the hook, Eric sighed softly not believing my words but took my answer anyways.

Ray jumped into the conversation dragging Ace along, it looked like they were ready for some type of battle, "Eric was really worried about you! He even made us travel overnight!.."Ray's voice, usually loud, was now sounding tired and a bit hoarse, but the intent of teasing was there.

I turned back to Eric, who's a little flustered, "You made them go days without water and food?..."I questioned a bit confused, but Eric nodded to my words admitting the fact.

That would be considered torture, but I'd give Eric a free pass, "Seriously though..we all came here."Ace replied, his voice didn't sound tired or hoarse it was unaffected from the environment.

Come to think of it, Ray's the only one who came to look like they are near dead. Well, I guess being a child of Hermes doesn't have many perks.

Nonetheless it was impressive for them to find me, another person began to approach me, wow I must be popular today.

It was Urei, her gray hair is a little bit frizzled but other than that she looked neither starving or dehydrated, "Ah!.. are you okay?.."She quickly asked, having a med kit on standby.

"Ah, I am okay.."I answered as I showcased my body to point out the lack of wounds, "Is that so?.. if we have you, then our goal is done.. I'll go tell Maria-"

"Oh, mine's not.. how about we meet later?-"I suggested as I was hit with a mass of "No!"

Okay.. maybe that is enough for now. A frown grazed all of their faces against what I wanted to do.

"Fine fine.."I pouted a bit to find out the smiles of the group, another blonde came into our conversation, her hair was tied up in a familiar ponytail, but it wasn't her. They just looked awfully similar.


"Maria! Are we ready to leave yet.."Urei wore a caring smile as she asked the question to the blonde, Maria nodded and I couldn't help but notice her difference in terms of looks and behavior since the last time I saw her.

I expected a sassy demigod, but now a more blunt and straightforward person, "Summer.."I muttered to myself as I may or may not have taken too long looking at Maria that Eric had pulled my gaze off of her.

At this point, I am used to it, and it can get tiring. The grip from Eric loosened on my wrist as I averted my gaze witfully away from him, it seems like he calmed down.

But, I couldn't help my heart beating just from the thought of him going through all of that, just to save me.

A soft flustered of feelings overcame me, but I simply subsided after a few minutes, while creating a certain distance between Eric and me. Which greatly confused and worried the blonde demigod.

Suddenly a loud rumble began to happen, a huge dragon the size of multiple castles had came, it looks like Maria grew familiar with the dragon of sort, the similarity between her and Summer continued to haunt me as i watched the blonde female jumped on the dragon, along with the other demigods who came.

"If you're ready! Come on!"Maria exclaimed waving at us, first Ray went, as Ace led behind him, and the other demigods who were fortunately mildly injured.

Only now, did Urei and Eric stand by my side, "Ah..Maria's waiting for us, we should probably get going.."Urei said with a soft smile, politely waiting until she grew tired and left anyway.

Eric stood still. "When are you going to tell them?.."His voice croaked uncomfortably, I smiled as I turned my face to the male. "Maybe one day."I replied before noticing the awful expression the demigod held.

"What if.. You're not alive then?..."

The atmosphere became cold, I knew I was going to die from my own habits and adventures some day, and I personally didn't want to lie to him right now.

"We'll just have to see.. Besides, all heroes will eventually fall.. What's wrong with starting now?.."I smiled, as I pulled his wrist into my hand.

Eric was in a bit of a shock, he was only partially satisfied with my answer, but at the end he wore a warm smile and couldn't help agreeing to my needs, while leading the way to the dragon he did.

Finally a warm and peaceful moment after this aggravating journey.

Is what I thought.