
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Just a small break.

It was the afternoon, the climate was humid, Kylar was still on my back, "You're still not tired?.."Ray commented as he looked over to the unconscious male.

"I've been through way worse.."I said smiling a little, this was purely nothing compared to what i've actually gone through, my calluses tighten around my hand as i held him closer.

I could already hear the soft sounds of his breathing, it was a specific rhythm- "We've reached our stop!"Ray yelled out as the soaring blue hue of the ocean right in front of us, became clear.

I paused at my steps, gazing at the beautiful and soft aroma of the sea, "Now, if the calculations are right, Maria should be here in a few minutes..''Ace alarmed me as he pulled out his utheria.

"Look! It's a cool colored frog!"Ray yelled out pointing at the neon colored toad that looked too poisonous to not be. Ace followed after just in curiosity, I would too, if it wasn't for a specific voice.

I could hear a yawn from my back, as a senseless Kylar kept a tight wrap around my neck, checking, I looked over to the other two demigods who were stupidly observing a poisonous frog.

Before I spoke, "How.. how did your wound heal by itself?.."I asked, his body may not have any wound openings, or heck even a scar, but the pile of blood didn't just consist of the gorgon's, I could smell the scent of his own blood mixed in there too.

His body froze before he buried his head into my neck, refusing to show me his face, "Eric.. have you ever felt the most horrible of betrayals?.."His voice was wincing, a slight feeling of vulnerability, something I never expected from Kylar, of all people, and most of all, he was avoiding the question, but I didn't push him any further.

"Yes.. yes I have."

The atmosphere between us became silent, "Well! That's another story for another day! Kylar.. Maria's here.."I said with the same distinctive bright smile of mine.

There's a small pixel of reddish from afar, but it slowly grew larger and appeared to be a giant winged dragon, checking the other two demigods, Ace was scolding Ray for touching the so obviously poisonous frog.

"She's here!"I exclaimed out to the other two demigods, catching their attention. There was a fire breathing dragon right in front of us, "Huh.. it looks familiar.."Kylar commented softly nearing my ear.

Her strong and fierce stature sat on the dragon's neck, "Oh! You got Kylar too!.. That's great.. Now hurry up! Cecilia won't be patient for too long!"Maria hurried us, as I carefully laid Kylar onto the dragon, securely fitting him in. "You don't have to baby me you know.."Kylar sighed as he let out a small yawn.

"You are mentally wounded, and I can't help but baby you right now.."I smiled brightly as I comfortably wrapped my arms around the demigod.

A flustered Kylar was in my arms, but before I could even cherish the moment the dragon flew up, an intense wave of air flew through me, a undoubtedly unromantic but free atmosphere.

Checking Kylar, I noticed a string of white hair on his once strawberry colored hair, but it suddenly vanished as it went back to its light pink hue.

It was definitely not normal, even for a demigod, I wrapped my arms tighter to the demigod as I laid my head onto his shoulder, trying to take a peak of his face, soft snorings escaped from him, besides his closed eyes I couldn't see much more of him.

I looked back up to the scenery, clouds over clouds passed at an insane speed, but what further amazed me was Maria's sudden excited personality of freedom.

That, and the fact that we are somehow still on the dragon's back, theoretically we would've flown off right now- but nothing of a demigod's life makes sense huh?


My eyes based upon the huge building, one crowned with beautiful flags, and a soundly hint of music, as the dragon swooned down below right on the target of the board, once we landed.

I noticed the multiple demigods surrounding us, and a particular demigod dashing to Kylar, "Kylar!-" almost hugging him before I pulled him away, causing Kylar to wake up.

The demigod I recognized as Urei pouted, staring at Kylar a bit desperately, Kylar was in my arms, but I got to give her props. It looks like she worked really hard, as beads of sweat were clear on her face.

"Huh-what is it?.."Kylar rubbed his eyes unknowing of where we were, "We're back at Meria.."I smiled softly as I faced him, a tall blue haired demigod walked in front of me, it was Ace, he held out his hand.

I was holding Kylar in my arms, since he was still quite weak in a mental and physical sort of way, despite no wounds.

"Give him to me.."He said in a kind of demanding way, i pulled the male closer into my grip, "No."

Before we could use our powers a sudden abundant release of mana stopped us, "Can you guys.. stop."Kylar said, groaning at our childish behavior.

"Anything for you!"I smiled brightly, obeying the demigod's command almost immediately, as I deactivated my powers with the huge change of mood.

Ace stopped as well, but he seemingly averted his gaze from mine as he walked away, "Kylar are you hurt?.."Urei asked worryingly as she held a box of medical tools.

Urei failed to find any words on the demigod's body, "He's fine.. And if he wasn't.. I could always heal him, after all.. I am his personal healer.. Right Kylar?.."I looked over to Kylar for a sign of reassurance, the male nodded, leaving Urei to have a quite awkward time.

Kylar, despite his obviously mentally weak state, stood up as he showed his arm, "Nevermind.. I think I really do have an injury.."He said pointing at an open wound that I had never seen a moment before.

Much to my annoyance, Urei agreed happily as she carefully wrapped his arm with bandages. I looked down at the calluses on her fingers, I guess she really had practiced.

She was focused, just from her more fierce eyes, she was an expert in these types of hands on medkits, despite not using mana, or magic, she was able to accomplish what most demigods wouldn't want to put the effort in.

"Now done!"Urei exclaimed proudly to herself, which surprised me, she was always a meek and sensitive person, I guess.. What we've gone through, really grew us.

I stood up from my spot, "That's great Urei.."I smiled brightly as if i didn't just tell her off before, a flustered Urei showed, she was slightly overwhelmed from a compliment, but when Kylar nodded in agreement she blushed.

"A-alright! If that's all- I'll get going!"She said as she picked up her medkit running away, kinda ironic to me, but i always found it in Urei to do something like run away, when the tension gets too high.

I looked over to Kylar, as I slowly and carefully peeled off the bandages, for there to not be a bloodied wound, but a clean patch of pale skin, "You can heal yourself can't you?.."

"I'm still a demigod.. am I not?"A blunt response escaped from him, before looking at him with a reassuring smile as I soothingly rubbed his back, "Yes you are.."

Our eyes went into a soft gaze as we just enjoyed the peaceful time we have now.


We needed it after all.